Sunday, December 13, 2009

Jam of the Day

December 13, 2009
9:21 a.m.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Jam of the Day

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Daily Rudd

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Steroids to the eye

Tuesday, September 29. 2009

Is it just me or has it been a really long time since I've blogged? Whoops. My bad.

So, a very strange thing happened to me as I walked out of work yesterday.

Ahhh... quitting time. Time to relax and unwind after a long, hard day at the office. I locked the door and took a deep breath of fresh, mountain air, and as soon as the sunlight hit my delicious chocolate brown orbs, my eyes rolled back into my head and the world went black. For what seemed like hours (actually about 30 seconds) I couldn't see anything. I just stood there in fear.

Finally, I semi regained vision and managed to make it to my car and drive home without incident.

I immediately removed my contacts when I got home and put on my glasses. While I could see at this point, my eyes were becoming very sensitive to the light. From turning off the light at the dinner table, to making everyone who came over for dinner sit in a dark room, the evening finally ended with me sitting outside, wrapped in a blanket, watching my beloved Cowboys play as I looked through the window. Pathetic picture I know. Just proves I'm a fan.

Luckily I was able to get a doctor's appointment this afternoon and quickly found out what was ailing me. Pink eye? No. Ripped contact? No. The delightful condition that I was now afflicted with was... a corneal ulcer on both eyes.

Now, I'm sure you are all puking over reading that I have ulcers in my eyes. Well, you can only imagine how I felt upon hearing the good news. For those of you who are unfamiliar with corneal ulcers, let me fill you in. A corneal ulcer, or ulcerative keratitis, or eyesore is an inflammatory or more seriously, infective condition of the cornea involving disruption of its epithelial layer with involvement of the corneal stroma. It is a common condition in humans particularly in the tropics and the agrarian societies. In developing countries, Children afflicted by Vitamin A deficiency are at high risk for corneal ulcer and may become blind in both eyes, which may persist lifelong.

What causes this, you may ask... well, they are caused by trauma, particularly with vegetable matter, as also chemical injury, contact lenses and infections. As far as I know I haven't tried to take down any beets or carrots...

I don't live on a farm or grow my own food. And I'm pretty certain I am not a child living in a developing country. I'm guessing the wind blew some sort of chemical that got on my needed to be disposed of two months ago contacts and my eyes decided they hated me and everything I stand for and wanted to commit suicide and leave me visually impaired. Okay, maybe that's a little dramatic, but I'm in pain damn it!

Lucky for me I caught this Escherichia coli before it as too late. While my nerves are exposed and I'm forced to sit at work in a dark office with my sunglasses over my eye glasses, I've been prescribed steroids to beat the shit out of those ulcers.

I'll either have strong, healthy eyes, or start growing hair in places that are not supposed to be hairy and lose my girlish, um, charm. Hopefully they don't test for steroids in the world of granola. R.I.P. Lyle Alzado.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Passing Thought

Wednesday 5/20/09

The saying goes, "home is where the heart is." If you have a broken heart, does that mean you have a broken home?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Chalk it up to the game

Tuesday 5/19/09

In honor of the NBA playoffs - the funniest basketball commercial EVER... or at least during this series.

Daily Rudd

Tuesday 5/19/09

Jam of the day

Tuesday 5/19/09

Going Nut(s)

Tuesday 5/19/09

Recently a friend of mine called me back into his office saying that he had something very important to show me. With anticipation I strolled to the back room, shut the door and anxiously awaited what I was about to see. Of all the things it could have been - an engagement ring for his girlfriend, a new app for his iPhone, a bag of fresh greenery... Of all of the thoughts that were floating through my mind, nothing could have prepared my for what I was about to see.

Behold and beware of the footage below...

Some of you (all 3 of you that actually read my musings) are probably confused and wondering who this mad man may be. Some of you may not care. But for those of you who do know this person, this video is SHOCKING.

Daniel Adams was the middle child of Polly and Hugh (a.k.a. Hugh Baby) Adams. For the most part he was always a very quiet young boy. Quiet, that is, until you made him angry. Then it was almost a case of Bruce Banner and The Incredible Hulk.

As soon as he was provoked (and provoke we did) to anger, his ears immediately turned the brightest shade of red, he would grnd his teeth, the vein in his forehead would begin to bulge and I'm pretty sure I saw steam shoot out of those crimson auricles a time or two. I can't even remember the number of times he got in a fight before we even made it to the 6th grade. If you picked him last at kickball or hit him out with the ball, that was it. You were dead. And I'm fairly certain I remember him throwing a shoe in one of our friend's eye during a game. Once during 5th grade English class, while playing paper football, someone hit him in the face with the paper wedge. Engraged, he picked up his desk and threw it at the innocent, yet inaccurate field goal thumper.

Because of his quick-temper and psychotically erratic behavior, Daniel earned the nickname "Nut." While he hated the name and anyone who called him by it in the beginning, it soon stuck and answering to his new nickname soon became second nature.

I lost touch with Nut after we graduated high school, but I did hear a few things about his family. Apparently Hugh Baby wasn't very interested in his wife anymore. Or women in general when you think about it. He started hanging out in the, uh, multi-colored (and I don't mean race but the colors of a Crayola box) part of town, divorced his wife and moved to a bigger and more accepting city.

His older brother was the stud of our high school. He was the star of the baseball, basketball, football, track and golf team. All the girls wanted to lose their virginity to him and he was chosen as a beau every year in our "Beauty Review." Well, he went on to knock up the town gardener (and I don't mean someone who plows the fields and plants bulbs in rows) and is now engaged to an internet porn star. This sounds completely ludicrous and made up, but it is 100% true. Or at least 96% true.

Nut's little sister also brought another illegitimate little, precious blessing from the lord into this world. I think her voiced deepened a bit more and from what I hear, she is still maintaining that baby weight.

Polly's whereabouts are a mystery to me. If anyone has any information regarding this woman, please alert whoever gives a rat's ass (no offense anyone).

And Nut... good old nut. All I have heard about him and his adulthood is that he was a car salesman and the manager at Home Depot.

But now. Ahhh Daniel "Nut" Adams is making up for all of those years of torment and taunting by beating the ever living shit out of weak and unassuming victims in the cages of the MMA. Go bust 'em, Nut.

Passing thought

Tuesday 5/19/09

Would you rather have an incredible, heart pounding, realistically great dream and wake up heartbroken and disappointed that it wasn't real, or not be able to dream at all?

Friday, May 15, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Always go left

Thursday 5/14/09

It is a bluebird afternoon without a cloud in the sky (Ok. There are clouds in the picture below, but imagine they aren't there). The evenings have finally started getting warmer and the sun hangs in the sky just a little longer each day. It's been a minute (or 4 days) since I've had a good workout and become one with my mother, Mrs. Nature, so I decide to go hiking after a long day of slinging granola.

I start heading towards Red Rocks, but when I come to the point where you have to go left or right, I decided to go right. For some reason if I'm ever in a place where I have absolutely no freakin' clue where I am, I always go left. Always. I could be deep in the woods, on top of a mountain, in the grocery store, doing the "boot scoot boogie" or the "tootsie roll", I always go left.

Well, today I'm going right.

I drive toward Golden, home of Coors, and take a left (see) towards Idaho Springs. There are trails on the left and the right side of the road. Since I am already on the right side of the road and the left side is a little more populated, I pull over and park in an "open air" section of the trail. As I start up the trail I have an odd feeling and think to myself, "I really don't think I should be hiking alone today." But of course, I rarely listen to what I say to myself and I kept a hiking.

Strolling along the hillside and looking at the majestic rock formations that stand before me, I am filled with a sense of peace and great reverence. I also keep thinking, "What if a big ass bear came storming down that hill right now?"

I stare up at the top of the hill and almost see the burly bear and hear his heavy footsteps and angry grunts. And right about the time I almost freak myself out, maybe the scariest moment in my life occurred.

Everything happened so fast that it truly is a blur. But as I am looking up the hill anticipating my death by mauling, I take a step and feel something beneath my feet. I hear the spine chilling rattle of the venomous Crotalus Sistrurus. And out of the corner of my eye I see the horrifyingly unnerving coil of a rattlesnake waiting to strike.

At this point I totally black out. I jump, no less than 5 feet high, and screamed as loud as my little voice box could scream. I jumped downhill a foot and then took off running up the trail. I'm not really sure how far I run, but I reach a point where I have no other option than to turn around. I am paralyzed with fear and start hyperventalating. The tears are coming and I am frightened beyond belief. How far back was the snake? Will it still be waiting for me when I come back? What do I do? I literally could not move an inch for 5 minutes. I start to catch my breath and manage to call someone to calm me down, grab a stick in one hand and a big rock in the other and start tip-toeing back to the area where I thought the creature of death may be lurking. Eventually I get to where I thought the demon beast was waiting to end my short life, I see nothing and take off hauling ass back down the trail.

I make it back to the car and think to myself for a minute, "Maybe there is a god." Then I come to my senses and hop in. Now, you may think that I would feel safe getting back in my car out of harm's way, however I had a flashback of when I was 5 years old and watched "Jaws" for the first time. I was out in the country at my aunt's house watching the gigantic great white shark devour the flesh of innocent afternoon swimmers. By the time the film was over it was dark out and I really couldn't see in the car. I was so scared to put my feet down on the floorboard of the car because I thought Jaws was going to come out from under my seat and eat my legs off.

Now, I was only 5 when I had that thought, but when I got back into my car, all I could think of was that this giant murderous rattler was going to slither out and strike me dead.

Obviously this didn't happen and I became more aware of my delusional fear of dying by a creature coming out from under my car seat and biting me. But the true moral of my story is, ALWAYS go left.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Daily Rudd

Tuesday 5/12/09

Jam of the day

Tuesday 5/12/09

In honor of his birthday, Kid Creole is today's "Jam of the Day". Enjoy...

Thomas August Darnell Browder was born in 1950. He began his musical career in a band named The In-Laws with his half-brother, Stony Browder Jr, in 1965, which disbanded so Darnell could pursue a career as an English teacher. Darnell obtained a masters degree in English, but in 1974 again formed a band with Stony Browder Jr under the name Dr. Buzzard's Original Savannah Band. Their self-titled debut release was a Top 40-charting album which was certified gold and was nominated for a Grammy.

Darnell began producing for other artists, such as Don Armando’s Second Avenue Rhumba Band and Gichy Dan’s Beachwood No.9, before adopting the name Kid Creole (adapted from the Elvis Presley film King Creole) in 1980. The persona of Kid Creole is described as:

"Inspired by Cab Calloway and the Hollywood films of the 30s and 40s, the Kid fills out his colorful zoot suits with style and grace, dancing onstage with his inimitable, relentless and self-proclaimed cool."

Kid Creole and The Coconuts have appeared in a number of films, including Against All Odds and The Forbidden Dance.

Darnell now lives in London (and occasionally Sweden and Denmark), and still tours with the Coconuts occasionally. He is currently collaborating with writer/producer Peter Schott on a Contemporary Opera, to be produced by Son Of Kong Productions.The project features vocals/guitar by former Creole band member and rising star Mark Anthony Jones.

In 2008 Kid Creole toured the UK whilst starring in the stage show Oh! What a Night, a disco musical produced by Random Concerts.

Darnell is currently back in the studio, totally re-mixing and re-mastering his favourite Kid Creole songs spanning his whole back catalogue with Master ToKo and Lord highOwl from audio-visual electronica band Picture Book.

He is also writing a new Kid Creole album with Master ToKo and Lord highOwl, due late 2009.


Passing thought

Tuesday 5/12/09

If someone tells you to "have a seat" or "take a seat" and you walk out with one of their chairs, can they get mad? Is it considered stealing since they told you to take it? Just a thought.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Monday 5/11/09

Tuesday started out as a typical day. I awoke, drank my usual gallon of coffee, went to work, etc. And at the end of my day, I planned on relaxing, maybe hitting up a yoga class, and having my pjs on by 9:00. Well, my evening didn't exactly go as planned. This Tuesday was a little different.

The American rock band from Bakersfield, California, which formed in 1993; the band whose catalogue consists of nine consecutive debuts in the top ten of the Billboard 200;the rockers who, to date, have sold over 16.5 million albums in the U.S., while earning six Grammy nominations—two of which they have won was playing at the Fillmore.

It just so happens that my boss grew up with Korn's road manager. And every time the band comes to town, my boss takesthem granola. Well, this time they specifically asked for our granola. My boss was going to deliver the goods, but had tickets to the Nuggets Playoff game and couldn't make it. So, he asked if I and my coworker wanted the task. I definitely wouldn't consider myself to be Korn fan and honestly, I haven't heard that much of their music. That being said, it was a chance to meet famous people and get to see a free show.

My first thought: What the hell do you wear to a Korn concert? My collection of black shirts is limited and I really don't have that many visible tattoos. So there we were, wearing jeans and our cute color of the season shirts, walking up to their tour busses carrying 6 cases of granola. I mean, could we fit in any less? I sat there thinking to myself that this looked like the most pathetic attempt to meet rock stars ever tried. But right about that time their tour manager walked up and said we were the girls he wanted to see. Bow chica wow wow.

We walked back behind the busses to the backstage area. I wasn't really sure what kind of a scene to expect backstage at a Korn show, but this was far from anything I imagined. There were no bottles of booze, cold beer, plates of illegal white substances or clouds of smoke. No half naked women strolled around with drool on their chins and lust in their eyes. Oh no. What we saw was unthinkable. There was a line of fans, seemingly radio contest winners, a few road crew, a couple band members and us. Instead of bourbon and beer, there were Monster Coffee flavored energy drinks. And instead of stinky green nuggets, there were bags and bags of granola nuggets. And while some like to get down with huffing nitrous, these guys were pulling in a much stronger gas, oxygen.

Fieldy and Jonathan were outside signing autographs. I think I detected a glimmer of excitement in their eyes when they saw the delicious treats we brought them. Fieldy didn't say much, but Johnathan was super nice and even let us get a little advertising shot with him holding a bag of the granola. And Kit-Kat's night was made when Munky touched her.

Right before show time, their road manger came and grabbed us and took us to the side of the stage... where we got to watch the entire show!

The place was packed and the crowd was going wild. The show was great and not only did we have an onstage seat, we got to hang out with Kid Rock's drummer all night.

And in case you want to know what rockin' shiz we heard, here's the setlist:


After the show we hung around backstage for a few minutes. Everyone else was deciding what bar to go to or where to party. As I stretched my arms and forgot to cover my mouth while yawning, I did what anyone in my position would do. I went home and went to bed. I didn't get my yoga in, but I have to say all it wasn't a bad night.

Daily Rudd

Monday 5/11/09

Jam of the day

Monday 5/11

Here we go...

Monday 5/11/09

Yowza, yowza, yowza. It has been beyond a long time since I have taken time out of my less than hectic schedule to devote to my musings. While I may have a handful of readers, it is doubtful that anyone has truly missed my ramblings and rantings. In fact, you probably haven't even noticed that I've been m.i.a for the past few months. Well I'm back bitches (ladies and gentleman) and I will (try) not (to) allow such lengthy periods of time pass without visiting you again (my fingers were crossed behind my back just in case).

If, by chance, you are wondering what's been happening since we last met, I will give you a brief synopsis.

Started the new year in CO. I live a couple of blocks from Invesco Field, where the Broncos play, which, if you know me, pleases me to no end. Started skiing. I'm not as bad as I thought I was. Not as good as I'd like to be. Got the best job in the history of jobs working at a granola company (I am not going to list the name of the company as they are on Google Alert and are notified every time someone blogs about them. I am very proud of my company, however, occasionally I write about the wild and crazy times I have on the weekends (occasionally = rarely) and I don't necessarily want to cross those two worlds. Know what I'm sayin'?). The name of the company rhymes with Rudy's or tooties or booties. I got a man. "What yo man got to do with me?" Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Hands off ladies. He's mine. Have seen some great shows - Widespread Panic, Sparrow Quartet, Paper Bird, Medeski and some other peeps, North MS Allstars, Greyboy Allstars, Galactic, Blue Note Jazz, Soulive, Kings of Leon, Black Keys, Korn*, the Dead... Have even more good shows coming up... Wilco, Phish, The Mile High Music Fest, Dallas Alice, Flight of the Conchords, A.B.B., Bluegrass Fest, and so on and so forth. I've been on some cool hikes, ridden an old bike, played with my bosses tike and even made friends with a few dikes. So, all and all my year has been great so far. And it can only get better now that you, my dear readers, are once again part of it.

Until next time (like, later today, not 4 months from now)...

*work task

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Daily Rudd

Sunday 1/11/09
10:43 a.m.

Jam of the day

Sunday 1/11/09
10:37 a.m.

Lies - The Black Keys

Jam of the day

Saturday 1/10/09
10:33 p.m.

Daily Rudd

Saturday 1/10/09
10:30 p.m.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Year, New Computer

Saturday 1/10/09
9:19 p.m.

In case you didn't know, it is now the year 2009. It's time for you to pause and reflect on the events of the past year...

Was it everything you hoped it would be? Did you get that promotion and raise at work that you so deserved or did you get laid off?

Or maybe you got promoted with no raise and still got laid off.

Did you get engaged to the man or woman of your dreams and begin planning the wedding to top all weddings, or did you have a long, drawn-out breakup that ripped you to shreds and totally altered your life?

Or maybe you ended one relationship and began a beautiful and flourishing new one.

Did you buy your dream home with the white picket fence and park a new hybrid in the driveway, or did the lease on your one bedroom apartment end and your car need a new timing belt, tires, heater and radio?

Or maybe you moved into your dream condo and just had a few repairs made to your reliable Honda.

The events of 2008 are different for all of us. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... But what will 2009 hold for us?

I, for one, am very hopeful and excited about this year. I returned to the land I love so much, CO, and am now living in Denver.

While I have yet to find employment, I remain hopeful. Not only is Saturdays hiring new dancers, a new periodical for medicinal marijuana is in need of a copy editor. Dare I say both of these jobs were made for someone like men (dancer and writer, not stripper and medicinal person)? I have reunited with old friends and roommates, as well as have met many new and interesting people, many of which will be given code names and written about in the future. I attended my first NBA game - Nuggets vs. Pacers. Yes, that's right, the Pacers. My (once)favorite NBA team ever, which was formerly led by the greatest 3 point shooter in the history of points being shot that are more than one or two points, Reginald Wayne Miller.

He was no where in sight, the Pacers lost and Carmello Anthony broke his hand. Good game.

Oh, and, drum roll please... I finally have a computer! I can no longer feed you lame excuses for why I haven't posted anything lately. I'm connected and computing, so watch out.

Yep, 2009 has been pretty good so far. I awake each day, step outside, take a deep breath of the fresh mountain air, and thank God (Yes, God, not Jain. Jain did not create mountains. And maybe God didn't either, but I'm thanking him/her anyway) for making all of this possible.

Now, if Paul Rudd moves in next door life will be as it should be.

Happy 2009 readers.

Oh, and yes, I am staying home on a Saturday night to blog. Eat me.