Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mother nature, how I love thee...

Tuesday 4/15/08

It's funny how some days you wake up feeling like the world hates you and anything and everything that can step in to throw you off track will and does. And then the next day you wake up and the sun is shining, birds are singing, people are out walking their dogs...

...and you are blinded by the sun because you can't find your sunglasses...

...the stupid birds have built a nest right outside of your window, so you are awakened to the annoying sounds of "chirp, chirp, chirp" and you want to rip apart their little bird nest...

...and the dogs are pooping on the sidewalk and the irresponsible dog owners forgot to bring their poop bags so they just leave it on the sidewalk for you to step in.

How's your day going? Do you have a case of the Tuesdays? I had really crazy/ scary dreams all night and didn't get much sleep, so needless to say I am a bit groggy. I fully intended on going to Starbucks for a venti Americano with an extra shot of espresso (I think that would be like 4), but as I was running late as usual I decided I better just go to work. When I got here I remembered I still had half of one I brought to Kristen on Friday. Sure it's a few days old, but it may still be good, right? Oh, I was very wrong. It tasted what I would imagine foot sweat mixed with coffee would taste like. So now I'm debating if I can make it another hour and a half without coffee or will I just suck it up and drink the god-awful packaged crap they have in the snack room and risk the chance of having severe stomach issues (and by issues I mean having to poop).

I apologize for all of my bitching. I should really think about everything I have and be grateful that I can even get out of bed to experience all the world had to offer. I have nothing to complain about. I should be looking at the glass as half full instead of half empty.

So, back to the coffee talk. I went home for lunch and on my way back to work, I swung through the Heine Bros. drive-thru and got iced coffees for Kristen and myself. Talk about a life changing event. Really, I think espresso is a miracle drug. I feel maybe a million times better than I did earlier. I'm still in pain, but I'm alert, able to have more than one thought at a time, and I will go out on a limb here and go as far as to say that I am jovial. I gave up coffee for my New Year's resolution. By January 2 I was dying. I really don't drink that much. I have maybe a half a cup while I'm getting ready in the morning, my iced coffee on the way to work and then an afternoon cup, which I never finish. Starbucks and Heine Bros can get somewhat expensive. I spend $2.40 a day on my iced coffee. However, I drive around on empty for weeks at a time, so I think it evens it out.

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