Thursday, May 15, 2008

Have you missed me?

Thursday 5/15/07
2:50 p.m.

Hello my dear readers. It's been about a month since I've last posted and oh what a month it has been. The rains of April have fallen and washed away the past. Emerging from the showers are the beautiful May flowers as well as a new outlook on life. It's funny how much things can change in the course of a few weeks. I will spare you from all of the minute details and give you a brief synopsis of what's been happening in my world.

- I got to see my boys in Cincinnati a few weeks ago. The show was OK, nothing to write home about though. I did run into the boycotter there, which turned out to be quite a lovely experience. Rock Steady and I took a wrong turn leaving the city and got a little lost. We decided we hate Cincinnati and will probably not return for a while. Or at least we won't drive around at night without a map.

- Waterfront Wednesday - Free show at Waterfront Park that the town puts on the last Wednesday every month of the summer. This week - Griffin House, Wild Sweet Orange and the Whigs. I missed the first two acts, but the Whigs were pretty rocking. Also in attendence - the boycotter. He was slightly displeased that I came with a male friend and proceded to reprimand me for doing so. I received an apology the next day.

- Cherokee Art Fair - I went with the boycotter. It was a nice day. The sun shone brightly overhead in the clear, blue sky. Vendors pedaled their goods, children screamed in delight while having their faces painted and drunken middle-agers shook their hips to and fro to the washboard grooves of the zydeco band. I bought nothing other than some extremely dry and overcooked cous-cous. I did, however, get a nice tan and some quality time with the B. It was a good day.

- Oaks/Derby - Oaks day was a grrrrrrreat day. I went over to El Nino's house around 10:30 and started the day with a bloody Mary. After our nutritious breakfast we cruised down to Churchill Downs and got ready for a day at the track. Since El Nino is friends with the owner of a couple of horses that were racing that day, we got the fatty boom batty hookup on our tickets. While the little people were stuck in the downpour in the muddy infield, we were high in dry in the jockey suites. Free food, free drinks, big screen tv, hanging with the big wigs - no complaints. We made some great bets and for the first time in my life I walked away from the track a winner.

We got home around 7:00 to find Sidey soaked and crying. We left her outside when we left because she got in a fight with El Nino's dog and made here bleed. It was a beautiful day when we left the house, but it had probably been raining for a good 5 hours. Poor Sid. She shouldn't be such a bitch. Lesson learned. Anyway, I dried her off and was standing on the deck. She was walking towards me and I started stepping backwards so she wouldn't get her wet stinky hair all over my really cute black and white strapless dress that accentuated my shoulders and made me look a little thinner and made my butt look great and, oh wait, where was I...So, not looking where I was going, I stepped backwards...right off the deck. It was only about a 4 foot drop, but it definitely hurt like it was at least a 5 foot fall. I still have a cut on my foot and my ankle hurts a little when it rains.

After a quick recovery and a shower, we headed to Uptown Cafe for dinner. This is my favorite restaurant in town and I was not disappointed. We finished dinner and are sitting at the bar when this Aussie starts talking to me. We're chatting and he sees El Nino and realizes that he recognizes him. Turns out they met 2 years ago when the Aussies were in town for the Derby. What a small world! We hung out with theses guys until around midnight. Oh my gosh. I don't know if I've ever laughed as much with a group of people as I did this night. These guys were hilarious! I got offered a job to be one of their personal assistants. The more I think about it, the more I think I need to update my passport.

We left the guys shortly after midnight and headed over to the classiest bar in town, Air Devil's Inn, to see my friend HGG's band, Dallas Alice, play. Air Devil's isn't the first bar on your list of "Places Where I Should Spend my Night", but it's a pretty fun place to go to get away from the typical douchebag haven known as Baxter Ave. We stayed there until the band finished around 3:30 (the bars stay open until 6 on Derby weekend)and until El Nino was ready to go home. As I wasn't quite ready to leave, I stuck around with HGG for awhile. Finally got a ride home around 4:00 and then went home to watch the Jay-Z/ Linkin Park dvd and pass out. I love Oaks Day,

I left my house once the entire day of Derby. I slept the rest of the time. I never even made it to Derby. Oh well.

- Hung out with the Boycotter's sister. We had a great time catching up - lunch, beer with the Aussie's, shopping, sushi, sleepover, picnic at the park, drive in a convertible.

- Cinco de Mayo. Woo hoo. Meet HGG for drinks at Shenanigan's to celebrate. Ole!

- Went hiking with Gudio Puberty at Clifty Falls in IN. Sidney smelled like fish the entire ride home. Saw an awesome femullet walking the streets of Madison. Can't get beer until after six as it is election day. Vote Obama!

- A good friend knew I was stressed out and gave me a gift certificate for an hour long massage at the spa. Ahhhhh... Relaxed and refreshed I headed home to meet Benny and the Jets, who was passing through town for the night. We get a quick bite to eat and headed down to the Palace to see Elvis Costello. We had pretty good seats, but we decided to head down to the front. The first two rows were reserved for family, but since no one showed we asked the usher if we could sit there. So, front row at Elvis Costello at the Palace isn't a bad thing. The show was INCREDIBLE and he came out for 4 or 5 encores. Towards the end of the show I went to the loo and ran into HGG. What a coincidence! After the show was over we met up with him and his friends and headed down the street to the BBC.

While siting at the bar, I look across from me and see a guy who looked just like the actor, Jason Patrick. Well, he looks like Jason Patrick if Jason Patrick hadn't had work in the past 15 years and put on a few lbs. Anyway, I was trying to explain to my friends who he looked like and I said, "Lost Boys." Apparently JP's friend heard me and busted out laughing, "LOST BOYS. Ahahahah..." I must talk to loud after a few drinks.

We left BBC and headed closer to home to the Back Door to shoot a little pool. After an hour long game we decided it was time to head home. Benny and the Jets broke out his banjo and HGG grabbed my guitar and had a little Jam Session. By 2:30 I decided I couldn't take any more music and went to bed. I love Elvis Costello night!

- Next up: Mom and Aunt E. come to town...

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