Thursday, December 6, 2007

Weekend update: Saturday

Thursday 12/6/2007
10:38 a.m.

Yes, this is a little late for a weekend update, but I haven't had the time to post lately, so deal with it.

As usual, I awoke way too early for a Saturday morning. I guess I have an internal alarm clock that goes off at 6:30 every morning. And being in a different time zone probably didn't help matters any. So, I rolled out of bed, let the dogs out (Who let the dogs out? I did.) and contemplated the days activities.

First stop, Target, for a little caffeine and cough medicine. Warning: Kids, do not try this at home. C & C can be a lethal combination. Warning #2: Never do certain things (readers, I know you know what I'm talking about) before going to the store. What should have taken 10 minutes took about 5 times as long. We looked at clothes, shoes, dishes, teeth whitening products, dog clothes, etc. And worst/ best of all, I nearly got out of there without my cough medicine. Idiot.

After our shopping excursion we got showered and dressed for the day. Next stop, the Vanderbilt/ Georgia Tech basketball game. We had primo seats, pretty much court side, right behind the goal. In fact, I think the left side of my hair was on TV. I'm totally famous now. Since Vandy was putting a whoopin' on GA Tech, we cut out halfway into the second half.

By now it was time for lunch, so we headed to the corner pub for bloody Mary's and the UK game. It took freakin' forever to get our lunch, and by the time we finally got it, we had just enough time to stuff it down and head to the next bar for the SEC Championship - LSU vs. UT. Luckily Greg, Ginnie's boyfriend, had some friends save us a few seats. We walked in to a sea of orange UT fans. While this is great if you're a Tennessee fan, it wasn't really comfortable for the two MS girls who were cheering on the Tigers. And even though we were getting harassed for cheering for a different team, we didn't care. However, we kept the cheering and high fiving to a minimum. You never know when a drunken fan will try to kill you for cheering for the opposing team. People are crazy these days.

Feeling good about our victory (or at least the team we were cheering for) we headed home to get ready for a night of honky tonking. However, once we got home, we got a little too cozy and decided it would be more fun to lounge around in sweatpants instead. So, we decorated Greg's Christmas tree while he played Christmas songs for us on the piano. We didn't have any eggnog or cider, but we did have red wine, which worked just as well.

Following the decorating of the tree, we cooked a little dinner and then played a few rounds of Balderdash. This is a really fun game, however, with only three people, it's pretty easy to pick the right answer. Ginnie was really funny playing this though. When it came to the word "scrogglins" she could not come up with a definition. Nothing. She was frozen like Ralphie's tongue to the flag pole. I defined the word as the remaining part of a frog after it has been prepared for frying. Pretty good, huh?

We finished up our intellectual stimulation for the night, got cozy on the couch, turned on SNL and... passed out!

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