Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Weekend update: Friday

Tuesday 12/4/2007
9:50 a.m.

I finally got out of work, although it wasn't any earlier than usual. Luckily I am a very neurotic and organized traveler and I had already packed my bags the night before, so I was able to get on the road by 5:30. I arrived in Nashville a little after 7:00 p.m., and even though I was given slightly inaccurate directions, I was able to find my way to Ginnie's boyfriend's house by 7:30.

I haven't seen Ginnie since March, which is far too long, so I was super excited to see her smiling face. I truly believe that Ginnie and I are soul mates, in a strictly heterosexual way. It doesn't matter where we go in our lives, we somehow always end up back together.

I met Ginnie for the first time when we were in high school - on the beach one night in Destin, FL. It just so happens she is cousins with my first serious boyfriend (Who was also my first kiss. We were on a church cotton ride and the kids made a bet that whoever kissed the most would get $10. Now, I don't want to brag or anything, but let's just say, me and my man walked away $5 richer. Boo yah.). And occasionally she would come visit him in Yazoo City. I remember how jealous all the girls were of Ginnie. They were all scared that she was going to take their man, which she could have easily done had she wanted. But Ginnie isn't that kind of person.

After high school I moved to Starkville, MS, where I attended Mississippi State University. And who lived in the same dorm? The boycotter's girlfriend. Oh yeah, and Ginnie. Boy did we act like idiots our freshman year. I'm actually kind of surprised that both of us made it out of that year alive. We were partying like it was 1999*, and were definitely pushing the limits. But we had some great times and made some great memories. It's just too bad I can't remember any of them. Good times, good times.

Unfortunately for me, Ginnie moved to Oxford, MS following our freshman year. She began dating some guy and we really didn't see each other that often. But as fate would have it, I met this really cute guy that went to Ole Miss and we started dating. And the guy's brother - Ginnie's boyfriend. How crazy is that? So, now I was going to Oxford a lot more and Ginnie and I were reunited once again.

Well, we both eventually ended our relationships with the brothers. After that year, Ginnie moved to London to attend school. Boo (for me, yay for her). How would we ever be reunited when she lives all the way across the ocean?

After I graduated college, I immediately moved to Telluride, CO. Ginnie and I would speak every once in awhile, but not nearly enough. I still felt a void in my life. Well, I guess fate stepped in again, because before I knew it, Ginnie was moving to Vail, which was only 4 1/2 hours away from me. (When you live in the mountains, 4 hours is nothing. Everything is so hard to get to, so 4 hours to mountain people is 20 minutes to all of those other losers.) Hooray! Together again!

After two years and a few unexpected events, I moved from CO, leaving my dear friend behind. I moved down to FL for a few months and she moved back to London. Again, there was an ocean between us.

After getting my fill of life in South Beach – wife beaters, gold chains, white leather sneakers, fake tans, fake boobs, fake lips, fake people and P. Diddy – I moved northward to the great bluegrass state of Kentucky.

I finally get settled into my new home in my fifth state to inhabit in five years, when I hear the good news – Ginnie is moving back to the states. And even better, she’s moving to Nashville, TN. Only a 2 ½ hour drive from Louisville!!! So, once again fate brought us back together.

I could not imagine my life without such an amazing person as Ginnie in it. Her spirit shines through her smile and just being in her presence can change a bad day to good.

Okay, so back to Friday. We got ready and headed out for some sushi. I don’t remember the name of the place, but it was located in a little shopping center. Normally when we go out for sushi in Nashville, we go to this very trendy place called Verago. Well, I haven’t been back there since Harris got kicked out for starting a verbal fight with the dj. If you know Harris, I don’t even have to go into detail about this event. If you don’t know Harris, you are really missing out on something special.

So, we go in and our host is the cutest little grandpa. He highly resembles the bitter beer face guy, only without the bitter. He led us to the back dining area, which pretty much resembled a living room. It was like we were at our own house (only with Japanese décor) getting waited on. It was great. And the rolls were soooo cheap. I was amazed. What would have cost $10 in Louisville, only cost about $4.50 here. I will definitely go back there the next time I’m in Nashville and get a craving for raw fish.

So we eat and drink until we are comfortably full and all warm and fuzzy inside. Because we are such old losers, instead of hitting the town on a Friday night and living it up, we go home and take our herbs and watch Reno 911 instead. Then, drum roll please.... I passed out.

*It was 1999

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