Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Deja Vu

Weekend update: Saturday

Tuesday 7/31/2007
12:25 p.m.

I'll spare you the details of the day (only because I can't remember what took place). The one thing I do recall is the beginning of our 3 day Scrabble game. Normally I beat Dad after an hour and a half. However, we were playing Super Scrabble and after 2 1/2 hours of game play, it was time to take a break. Besides, we had to get ready for our 7:30 reservation at the Jazz Factory, my dad's favorite hot spot in Louisville.
The Urban Jazz Coalition played that night. Wow! These guys are great - very energetic and very entertaining. They were running around the club, standing on the booths, completely funking it up. One of the older men told a story about his son, who said they only play "old fogey" music. He then told his son to bring him any cd that he was listening to and they would learn to play something from it. The result? They killed Beyonce's "Deja Vu" (or dah je vu as some people who will remain nameless call it). We all loved them and ended up staying for both sets, as well as buying their cd. Rita thought she was cool because they autographed hers. Well, I guess she is.

Weekend update: Friday

Tuesday 7/31/2007
11:19 a.m.

To all of those (2) people who read my blog, I apologize for not posting anything in the past few days. Here is a recap of my weekend:

After narcotization, I left work around noon and treated my parents to lunch at Bistro 301. After filling our bellies on greenery and goat cheese, it was time to get down to business, a.k.a., shopping. Mother and I spent some quality bonding time at the mall, while father occupied himself at Home Depot looking for parts to repair my toilet that wouldn't flush.

Side story: Carl loves chocolate ice cream. Before heading to Home Depot, he decided to stop by the neighborhood ice cream shop and grab a cone. He got his favorite, 2 scoops of double fudge chocolate in a sugar cone. Mmmm... He then took his frosty treat back to my house to inspect the toilet. Just picture him, gazing into the chocolate wonder, growing more serene with every lick. He lifts the lid of the toilet, still holding his cocoa baby in his hand. Then all of a sudden... Crash! The lid of the toilet sails to the floor, taking his cone of sugar and cream down with it. There he stands in bewilderment. His dessert delight lying in a bleeding puddle of chocolate. One lonely tear streams down his cheek. He picks himself up, pushes aside his anger and heads to the Home Depot. When he gets to the Home Depot, he asks the lady where the restroom is (He obviously couldn't use mine). After relieving himself, he goes to the sink to wash his hands. He looks in the mirror and to his embarrassment (and my enjoyment) he has chocolate on his nose, around his mouth and on his chin. Classic. Just like a 5 year old who drinks Kool-aid. His ice cream cone may have bit the dust, but he will forever carry it with him.

And we're back:
Unfortunately, when we left the mall, the dry sky was now filled with rain. So, needless to say, we would not be doing any gallery hopping that evening. Bummer. Instead of checking out the latest paintings, sculptures and the useless home decor my mother was sure to buy, we opted for dining at Maido (pronounced "my dough"). I recommend this place for their sake, nigiri and ambiance. I do not recommend it for sushi. The tuna didn't taste as fresh as I would have liked and one roll we got looked and tasted like it was made with beef jerky. No fish should taste like beef. Eww... that somehow sounds perverted. Anyway, after dinner we went a few doors down to Sweet Surrender, a dessert cafe. Oh my God. Talk about a fatty's paradise. They had to most decadent and wonderfully delicious cakes and pies. While everyone ordered a slice of cake (which probably weighed about 5 lbs), I was a good girl and only had a sugar cookie. I also had European drinking chocolate, which is just a fancy name for Swiss Miss. Overall, I would rate SS higher than Maido. After gaining 10 lbs, we decided it was time to call it a night.

Note: It is never a good idea to eat cake and drink coffee after 10:00 p.m.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Word of the day

Friday 7/27/2007
11:54 a.m.

Today's word of the day is narcotize.

Narcotize - v 1. To place under the influence of a narcotic.
2. To put to sleep.
3. To dull; deaden.

Having nothing to do at work today has narcotized me.

My two favorite actors

Friday 7/27/2007
11:43 a.m.


I love Fridays

Friday 7/27/2007
11:33 a.m.

What I have done at work today:
1) Checked my email
2) Commented on people's myspace page
3) Read gossip websites
4) Played 3 games of internet Scrabble
5) Talked on the phone
6) Listened to music
7) Played Scrabble again

Thursday, July 26, 2007

More than words

Thursday 7/26/2007

3:26 p.m.

Happy birthday Gary Cherone. There's a hole in my heart that can only be filled by you.

Arrival of the parents

Thursday 7/26/2007
2:39 p.m.

My parents are coming to visit today. They will be staying at La'Jennifer Inn while they are in town. And while it makes me a little uneasy to have mom and dad in my house for 5 nights, I am extremely excited that they are coming to visit. And not just because my pantry and fridge will be fully stocked, I will get to enjoy dining out and my closet will be somewhat refreshed. I am looking forward to just spending time with them and catching up.

I spent a few hours cleaning my house last night. Not that they would really care if the house wasn't spotless. I just have a fear, and always have, that my mother is inspecting things. I also spent a good portion of the evening concealing any incriminating evidence that was lying around. Remember those days when she used to look under my bed, go through my bags and car, read my journals... I guess I gave her reasonable cause, but that was when I was young and stupid. I'm an adult now and I can do what I want damn it. Wow, that sure sounded childish.

They won't arrive until 7:00 or 8:00, so I really don't have to worry about entertaining them tonight. Besides, my dad probably just wants to sit around and watch Big Brother anyway. He's somewhat addicted to reality television. But the rest of the weekend is all planned.

Tomorrow night is the Fat Friday Gallery Hop. This occurs on the last Friday of every month. You hop on the trolley, which takes you to various art galleries and restaurants. Most stops include free wine and snacks, so by the end of the evening everyone is quite jolly.

I'm not really sure what we have planned for Saturday afternoon. I was going to volunteer at the climbing wall at the Forecastle Festival, but I don't know if they will be into "music, art, activism." De La Soul is headlining and I was really looking forward to being able to scream when they busted into "Jenifa Taught Me." " Breakfast - broke it fast, she was in my English class... Asked for notes, rocked my boat, Jenifa...oh!" Ahh... what a great song. Anyway, instead of rocking out to Prince Paul we will be rocking out to the Urban Jazz Coalition at the Jazz Factory. We took my dad there last year for his birthday, and that was the first time I've ever seen him drink a martini. He had 2, one of which he knocked over. It was quite entertaining to watch. I can only hope for a repeat performance.

As for the rest of their visit, I will leave it open. Who knows? Maybe they have become wild, crazy and spontaneous. Anything can happen.

Boring isn't so bad

Thursday 7/26/2007
10:15 a.m.

I've always thought I had kind of a boring name. I mean, how many Jennifer's have you met in your lifetime? I probably have had at least 15 friends with the same name. And while people may alter the name somewhat and call me Jen or Jenny (I only allow my African friend, Dennis, to call me Jenny. It sounds different spoken with a Nigerian accent), it's still pretty boring. Well, The British Times Online has come up with a list of the 50 craziest baby names. Here are a few of the best:

Audio Science - Shannyn Sossamon (A Knight's Tale, 40Days and 40 Nights)
Bluebell Madonna - Gerri Halliwell (Spice Girls)
Jazz Domino - Joe Strummer (The Clash)
Memphis Eve - Bono
Rocket - Robert Rodriguez (Sin City)
Sage Moonblood - Slyvester Stallone
Sever Sirius - Andre 3000 & Erykah Badu

Come to think of it, Jennifer isn't so bad after all.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Inspirational Video of the Day

Wednesday 7/25/2007

1:02 p.m.

Thanks Faith!


Wednesday 7/25/2007
9:21 a.m.

Wednesday. The peak of the week. The day* when the Sun and Moon were created. The day** that is associated with the color green. The day that those extremely faithful Orthodox Christians observe a vegetarian/ fish-only fast.

Me. Aries. The first sign in the zodiac. Led by the Sun. Drawn to the Moon. Favorite color is green. Always observes a vegetarian/ fish-only fast.

From now on, I will only answer to the name Wednesday. Jennifer no longer exists. I am Wednesday.

*according to the Hebrew Bible
**according to the Thai solar calendar

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Running on empty.

Tuesday 7/24/2007
4:30 p.m.

I left work earlier to go to the post office, bank, etc. As usual, the little glowing reminder that I need to stop for a petrol injection was on. And as usual, I thought surely I could make it a few more miles. Gas in the Highlands is around $2.92. Gas in the ghetto is at least a dime more. So, being the ever cost conscious consumer, I thought I could make it back to the Highlands and save a few cents. So, I pass by the Chevron on 15th St. with the cold steel bars over the windows and the dark panhandler sitting on the newspaper dispenser, whom I kindly gave $1.25 to last week. I cruise past 14th St. And just as I cross 13th St., she starts to putter. Oh goodness. I kick her in neutral, praying that I can make it a few more blocks to the next gas station. Nope. I make it one more street over and ----------. She flatlined. Great.

Thankfully I wasn't far from work and my lovely co-worker was able to swing by the ever so safe Chevron and obtain a red-can's worth of gas to get me going again. I only had to wait 15 minutes or so. The air was nice and breezy and I got to finish reading a chapter of Tom Robbins' Skinny Legs and All.

Afterwards, I decided to go make the deposit in the Highlands. I took the package to my house, in order to leave it for the postman in the morning. And I had time to make a piece of toast with peanut butter and nutella. Mmmmmm...

Lesson of the day: Just because you once made it 40 miles after the yellow gas light came on, doesn't mean you can do it again. Fill her up.

What's for dinner? Toilet Paper!

Tuesday 7/24/2007
2:11 p.m.

So, today I did not get arrested for driving under the influence while having a suspended license and possession of cocaine. Hooray for me!

Is there something that tastes good in a roll of toilet paper? Last night when I got home, I noticed shredded toilet paper all over the floor. Apparently my dog, who as I stated yesterday, never gets fed, was starving so much that she resorted to eating a roll of toilet paper. Odd.
Well, she must have really loved it. This morning when I got out of bed, I once again noticed that there was toilet paper shredded all over the floor. Of course, this was my last remaining roll of toilet paper. And of course, like most people, I really had to go to the bathroom when I awoke. Is there any nutritional value in toilet paper? Will this hurt her? Considering she has eaten cigarette butts, egg shells, banana peels, and even cow shit, I'm going to assume she will be fine. Even better, when she poops, she'll automatically be wiping her ass.

(The picture above is not of Sidney. Apparently Labs love toilet paper.)

Monday, July 23, 2007

My first blog

Monday 7/23/2007
1:51 p.m.

Since I spend a good portion of my workday reading other people's blogs (Perezhilton.com, dlisted.com, etc.), I decided to start my own. I don't really expect anyone else to read it. I seriously doubt if anyone would be interested in or entertained by what I have to say. It's more or less for me to let off a little steam and release those lovely little brain farts I have throughout the day.

The day started off fairly well. I was awakened, as usual, at 6:00 by the sound of my 100 lb chocolate lab, Sidney, tap dancing across my bedroom floor. Since I never feed her, she's always starving to death by the morning and demands that I wake up and feed her. I kicked her in the head and slept about 15 more minutes. Well, even the hardest of sleepers couldn't stay snoozing with Shirley Temple bopping around, so against my will, I got out of bed. Typical morning routine: feed Fabby (fat + lab), take a shower, prepare breakfast - oatmeal with a scoop of peanut butter and a banana, sit outside and eat breakfast while Fabby does her morning duties, pick up her daily duty/ doody, make my lunch for the day, make my bed, get dressed, leave 10 minutes too late.

I totally got Roxanned (catching every red light) on the way to work. However, this did not deter me. When I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed my boss's truck was not here. Cue "Halelujah" He's leaving on Wednesday to go on vacation, but maybe he left early. Well, just as everyone was getting comfortable and actually enjoying being at work, he showed up. Before I continue, I must describe my boss a bit:
By boss, we'll call him Jack(ass), is around 50 years old, 5'10", 200 lbs. He is a balding, lying, alcoholic, philandering, crude, thoughtless, cheating, inconsiderate, narrow-minded gem of a guy to work for. He constantly complains about not making enough money, yet he has a yacht, drives a Lotus, one of many cars, lives in a luxury home and just recently brought in his coin collection, one of which he spent a measly $22,000 on. However, when I asked him a few months ago for a raise, which I highly deserve, he said, "I just can't afford it." (Cough, bullshit, cough cough.)
Anyway, he showed up at work, thus putting a cloud on my otherwise sunny morning. Thankfully he has only been in the office a couple of times and has remained relatively quiet.
I have countless duties at work, all of which I can finish within an hour. But mainly I spend most of my time playing internet Scrabble, reading gossip websites, checking out new bands, and uploading pictures and music. But technically, I'm the Office Manager.

I will be leaving work in approximately 1 1/2 hours to pick up my wonderful, loving, handsome, smart, funny, sexy, creative, adventurous, thoughtful boyfriend up from the airport. Following his return, I will take him back to my house. Now, I know what you're thinking. Bow chicka wow wow. Well, I hate to disappoint, but it ain't happening today. Not for a few more days. Use your heads. Anyway, hopefully we will go on a bike ride around town. Then I will cook dinner for him and we are going to watch Candy:
"In the title role, Abbie Cornish delivers a fearless portrayal of a young artist whose lust for life takes her to the edge of sanity. Heath Ledger breathes a sweet and tender optimism into Dan, a sometime-poet lost in love with Candy. In heroin they find a path to limitless pleasure. But as addiction takes hold they lose the very thing they sought. Candy opens the door on a dream vision that will have meaning for all who have been dazzled by the beauty of the world."
Then I will take him home and go to bed, like a grandma, by 11:00.

So, that's my first blog. Such fun, such fun.