Monday, July 23, 2007

My first blog

Monday 7/23/2007
1:51 p.m.

Since I spend a good portion of my workday reading other people's blogs (,, etc.), I decided to start my own. I don't really expect anyone else to read it. I seriously doubt if anyone would be interested in or entertained by what I have to say. It's more or less for me to let off a little steam and release those lovely little brain farts I have throughout the day.

The day started off fairly well. I was awakened, as usual, at 6:00 by the sound of my 100 lb chocolate lab, Sidney, tap dancing across my bedroom floor. Since I never feed her, she's always starving to death by the morning and demands that I wake up and feed her. I kicked her in the head and slept about 15 more minutes. Well, even the hardest of sleepers couldn't stay snoozing with Shirley Temple bopping around, so against my will, I got out of bed. Typical morning routine: feed Fabby (fat + lab), take a shower, prepare breakfast - oatmeal with a scoop of peanut butter and a banana, sit outside and eat breakfast while Fabby does her morning duties, pick up her daily duty/ doody, make my lunch for the day, make my bed, get dressed, leave 10 minutes too late.

I totally got Roxanned (catching every red light) on the way to work. However, this did not deter me. When I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed my boss's truck was not here. Cue "Halelujah" He's leaving on Wednesday to go on vacation, but maybe he left early. Well, just as everyone was getting comfortable and actually enjoying being at work, he showed up. Before I continue, I must describe my boss a bit:
By boss, we'll call him Jack(ass), is around 50 years old, 5'10", 200 lbs. He is a balding, lying, alcoholic, philandering, crude, thoughtless, cheating, inconsiderate, narrow-minded gem of a guy to work for. He constantly complains about not making enough money, yet he has a yacht, drives a Lotus, one of many cars, lives in a luxury home and just recently brought in his coin collection, one of which he spent a measly $22,000 on. However, when I asked him a few months ago for a raise, which I highly deserve, he said, "I just can't afford it." (Cough, bullshit, cough cough.)
Anyway, he showed up at work, thus putting a cloud on my otherwise sunny morning. Thankfully he has only been in the office a couple of times and has remained relatively quiet.
I have countless duties at work, all of which I can finish within an hour. But mainly I spend most of my time playing internet Scrabble, reading gossip websites, checking out new bands, and uploading pictures and music. But technically, I'm the Office Manager.

I will be leaving work in approximately 1 1/2 hours to pick up my wonderful, loving, handsome, smart, funny, sexy, creative, adventurous, thoughtful boyfriend up from the airport. Following his return, I will take him back to my house. Now, I know what you're thinking. Bow chicka wow wow. Well, I hate to disappoint, but it ain't happening today. Not for a few more days. Use your heads. Anyway, hopefully we will go on a bike ride around town. Then I will cook dinner for him and we are going to watch Candy:
"In the title role, Abbie Cornish delivers a fearless portrayal of a young artist whose lust for life takes her to the edge of sanity. Heath Ledger breathes a sweet and tender optimism into Dan, a sometime-poet lost in love with Candy. In heroin they find a path to limitless pleasure. But as addiction takes hold they lose the very thing they sought. Candy opens the door on a dream vision that will have meaning for all who have been dazzled by the beauty of the world."
Then I will take him home and go to bed, like a grandma, by 11:00.

So, that's my first blog. Such fun, such fun.

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