Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Weekend update: Friday

Tuesday 7/31/2007
11:19 a.m.

To all of those (2) people who read my blog, I apologize for not posting anything in the past few days. Here is a recap of my weekend:

After narcotization, I left work around noon and treated my parents to lunch at Bistro 301. After filling our bellies on greenery and goat cheese, it was time to get down to business, a.k.a., shopping. Mother and I spent some quality bonding time at the mall, while father occupied himself at Home Depot looking for parts to repair my toilet that wouldn't flush.

Side story: Carl loves chocolate ice cream. Before heading to Home Depot, he decided to stop by the neighborhood ice cream shop and grab a cone. He got his favorite, 2 scoops of double fudge chocolate in a sugar cone. Mmmm... He then took his frosty treat back to my house to inspect the toilet. Just picture him, gazing into the chocolate wonder, growing more serene with every lick. He lifts the lid of the toilet, still holding his cocoa baby in his hand. Then all of a sudden... Crash! The lid of the toilet sails to the floor, taking his cone of sugar and cream down with it. There he stands in bewilderment. His dessert delight lying in a bleeding puddle of chocolate. One lonely tear streams down his cheek. He picks himself up, pushes aside his anger and heads to the Home Depot. When he gets to the Home Depot, he asks the lady where the restroom is (He obviously couldn't use mine). After relieving himself, he goes to the sink to wash his hands. He looks in the mirror and to his embarrassment (and my enjoyment) he has chocolate on his nose, around his mouth and on his chin. Classic. Just like a 5 year old who drinks Kool-aid. His ice cream cone may have bit the dust, but he will forever carry it with him.

And we're back:
Unfortunately, when we left the mall, the dry sky was now filled with rain. So, needless to say, we would not be doing any gallery hopping that evening. Bummer. Instead of checking out the latest paintings, sculptures and the useless home decor my mother was sure to buy, we opted for dining at Maido (pronounced "my dough"). I recommend this place for their sake, nigiri and ambiance. I do not recommend it for sushi. The tuna didn't taste as fresh as I would have liked and one roll we got looked and tasted like it was made with beef jerky. No fish should taste like beef. Eww... that somehow sounds perverted. Anyway, after dinner we went a few doors down to Sweet Surrender, a dessert cafe. Oh my God. Talk about a fatty's paradise. They had to most decadent and wonderfully delicious cakes and pies. While everyone ordered a slice of cake (which probably weighed about 5 lbs), I was a good girl and only had a sugar cookie. I also had European drinking chocolate, which is just a fancy name for Swiss Miss. Overall, I would rate SS higher than Maido. After gaining 10 lbs, we decided it was time to call it a night.

Note: It is never a good idea to eat cake and drink coffee after 10:00 p.m.

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