Friday, August 31, 2007


Friday 8/31/2007
1:17 p.m.

45-0. I don't want to hear it.

Daily Rudd

Friday 8/31/2007
1:16 p.m.

"I wish I liked anything as much as my kids like bubbles."

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Les Miles: Get ready to get Croomed

Thursday 8/30/2007
3:41 p.m.

You know what needs more cowbell? The bulldogs.

On the opening night of college football the team hasn’t won more than three games in a season since 2000, host the No.2 ranked team in the nation, the LSU tigers. Even though the Bulldogs have lost seven straight to LSU by a total of 295-81, including shutouts of 51-0 and 42-0, the team and fans are optimistic.

Anything can happen. The Tigers could mysteriously come down with a severe case of amoebic dissintary (Attention all Abner's or Little Dewey's employees: Make sure you put some of your meat out in the sun. You know, just in case some Tigers get hungry.) And nobody really knows what our team is going to look like. We may be the most unstoppable force to hit something from Louisiana since Hurricane Katrina. Okay, that was a bad reference. Chill out everyone. I'm from MS. I can make jokes about the bitch who destroyed our land. Moving on.

So, put on your maroon and white. Grab your neighbor's cow and rip the bell from his neck. Steal a bulldog from the pet store. Grab the Baja Men's hit single, blast it from your speakers and ask, "Who let tha dawgs out?"

Croom did.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Champaigne wishes and little boy dreams

Wednesday 8/29/2007
3:59 p.m.

I was going to dedicate a post to celebrating the birth of the King of Pop. However, when I discovered that it was also the birthday of the King of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, I immediately forgot about that other girl.

Happy 66th birthday, Robin Douglas Leach (whom I will refer to as Dougy Leach from now on)!

Dougy Leach is a writer who gained fame when he hosted the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. When he was a young chap, Dougy Leach edited a school magazine, The Gayton Times, which was a gay publication (not really). A year later Dougy Leach became a general news reporter for The Harrow Observer and started a monthly glossy town magazine at age 17. Afterwards Dougy Leach then wrote for the prestigious Daily Mail as Britain's youngest page one reporter at age 18. In 1963, Dougy Leach immigrated to America and wrote for publications such as New York Daily News, People, and Ladies Home Journal etc.) before launching GO Magazine - Gay and Open - (kidding, relax) and then was show business editor of The Star.

Dougy Leach has made several television appearances other than hosting LR&F. Dougy Leach reported for CNN and Entertainment Tonight, Good Morning Australia, The Food Network, and Wrestle Mania IV. Yeah brother. Dougy Leach also hosted the intellectual stimulating, spine tingling drama, The Surreal Life: Fame Games.

Dougy Leach is so cool that even rappers spit game about him. Here are some examples:

The Notorious B.I.G. - Juicy
Da Brat featuring Jermaine Dupri & The Notorious B.I.G. - Da B Side
Fergie featuring Ludacris - Glamorous
Warren G - I Want it All
Lil' Wayne - Beat Without Bass

I mean, how many times did Biggy have anything to say about Michelle (yes I know I spelled it wrong) Jackson? That's what I thought.

Oh yeah, and I just found this out: LR&F was never shown on British network television, and as a result, in Britain, few people have ever heard of Dougy Leach. Ain't that a bitch.

Source: Wikipedia

Daily Rudd

Wednesday 8/29/2007
9:43 a.m.

"I think there's something great and generic about goldfish. They're everybody's first pet."

I have not forsaken you, my children

Wednesday 8/29/2007
8:12 a.m.

It has been nearly a week since my last post. I feel as though I have lost a limb or something. As I previously stated, with my new job, I am not able to post as often as I would like. Since my boss is out of town today, I will try to make up for lost time. To my devoted readers (the two of you know who you are) I offer my apologies and hope that you will stand by me through these dry spells.

So, let's play catch up. Thursday was my last post, so I will begin with Friday.
Friday was a great day. Work was great. The day was great, although a little muggy. I pumped some iron at the gym and increased my weights by 10 lbs. I know, I know. It's okay to be jealous. I'm training to be Britney Spears' new bodyguard. Anyway, afterwards my significant other and I went out to dinner at the Uptown Cafe. This is the restaurant where a few weeks ago I made Laura leave her phone number on the receipt. And who was our waiter? Tim, the bartender. He gets both mine and P's seal of approval. Very personable, attentive, cute guy. I say go for it Laura. So, yadda yadda. Dinner was good. I rate it an A-.

After dinner I had a little party. It started off as a small gathering, but turned into a rather large one, which was fine by me because I quite enjoy entertaining. Our friend Aaron's band just made their first demo, so we rocked that. Then we rocked some Scattegories, which, of course, I won. I don't like to brag or anything, but I am damn near unbeatable at board games. Yes, that is an open challenge to anyone who is intersted.

Skip to Saturday, I awoke feeling bright and chipper like an Easter bunny. P, on the other hand did not. He woke up with a headache (hangover), which caused him to spend the next 5 hours hunched over the toilet (hangover). However, he swears he wasn't hungover (hangover). I tried to nurse the patient back to health, but there wasn't much that I could do. So, I left town and went to Nashville. Now, I know what you're thinking. "Oh my god. How could she leave him there when he was sick?" Well, stop right there. He told me to go. So just shut up about it.

I went to Nashville and met up with my friend Celia. Two more of her friends came over, as well as her "date" for the evening. We went out for Mexican food, which of course made me feel like a fat bovine. Afterwards we went to Exit/In to see a Talking Heads cover band, Same As It Ever Was. Oh yeah, we like totally hung out with some of the band members at dinner. Yeah. We are cool.

Going to Exit/In was sort of like a mini college reunion. There were so many people from Starkville there, I felt like I was in school again, only older, and not as fat, had more money, was of legal drinking age... The band was incredible - so energetic and sounded as much like the Talking Heads as I imagine possible. I talked to their manager and hopefully convinced them to come to Louisville and play. If you hear of them coming to a town near you, definitely check them out.

Highlights of the evening included: Some interesting dance moves by people who will remain nameless, Scotty saying that he's going to so many other shows (Panic, Gov't Mule) that he can't waste his energy dancing to a cover band, two band members wearing Depends diapers for the encore, Celia's "date" and her ex almost getting in a fight, Howie tucking his jeans into his cowboy boots and Paul passing out in a chair with a beer still in his hand. All in all - a good night.

Sunday we went out for brunch at Noshville. Everyone ordered grilled cheese sandwiches and we ended up with a to-go box of about 4 grilled cheese sandwiches.
To work off all that grease and fat, Paul and I went to the park and hiked for an hour or so. To reward our efforts, we treated ourselves with an ice cream sandwich and an ice cream bar from the gas station. Mmmmm good.

I finally ended up leaving around 5:00 and made it home around 8:30. Not so fun. Needless to say, I was a grumpy zombie by that time. I made it home just in time to watch Rock of Love and fall asleep.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Maybe he was just looking for Lucy

Thursday 8/23/2007
2:23 p.m.

For all of you Spreadheads out there, C. Brown just called my office. Yeah. He did. It was on caller i.d.

You're about to get busted.

Thursday 8/23/2007
2:06 p.m.

The alarm goes off. You roll out of bed and stumble to the bathroom. You relieve yourself of any excess liquid you may have held during the night. Guess what? You just submitted to a drug test. Ha ha.

According to a study conducted by Oregon State University, researchers have figured out how to give an entire community a drug test using just a teaspoon of wastewater from a city’s sewer plant.

While the test isn't designed to single out any one person as a drug user, it will help federal law enforcement and other agencies track the spread of dangerous drugs, like meth, crack, speed, and any other nighttime snack across the country.

Scientists tested 10 unnamed American cities for remnants of drugs, both legal and illegal, from wastewater streams. They were able to show that they could get a good snapshot of what people are taking.

They are calling it a “community urinalysis.” To me, that just sounds really disgusting. Community and urine should never be phrased together.

Test results
One of the early results of the new study showed big differences in methamphetamine use city to city. One urban area with a gambling industry had meth levels more than five times higher than other cities. Yet methamphetamine levels were virtually nonexistent in some smaller Midwestern locales.

The "drug" that American consume most is caffeine. This is off the subject, but I stopped drinking lattes a week or so ago. Do you know how hard that is? I mean, there is nothing better than a Grande Iced Sugar Free Non-Fat Caramel Latte. It's been really hard. Why did I quit? They make you fat. It's a fact. Non-Fat is not Non-Calorie. So, now I just drink a Grande Iced Americano. Three shots of espresso and a little hot water. No cow juice to get in the way of all of the lovely drug I crave. Oh caffiene, I love you so much. I can't imagine my life without you. Let's get married and stay caffeinated together for the rest of eternity.

Oh yeah, the study...

So, it's pretty simple. Everybody has to go to the bathroom. Nearly every drug — legal and illicit — that people take leaves the body. That waste goes into toilets and then into wastewater treatment plants.

“Wastewater facilities are wonderful places to understand what humans consume and excrete,” Field said.

In the study presented Tuesday, one teaspoon of untreated sewage water from each of the cities was tested for 15 different drugs. Field said researchers can’t calculate how many people in a town are using drugs.

So, when your taking that toke, snortin' that rail or shooting whatever you freaks shoot, remember... you may be taking part in a community urinalysist. (That's so gross.)

Source:© 2007 The Associated Press

Daily Rudd

Thursday 8/23/2007
1:38 p.m.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Bill Murray makes me laugh

Wednesday 8/22/2007
4:38 p.m.

It's always fun to hear about someone you admire and respect doing something funny. Brilliant comedian and actor, Bill Murray could face a drunken driving charge after cruising through downtown Stockholm in a golf cart and refusing to take a breath test, citing U.S. law.

Police officers spotted the star early Monday in the slow-moving vehicle and noticed he smelled of alcohol when they pulled him over, said Detective-Inspector Christer Holmlund of the Stockholm police.

“He refused to blow in the (breath test) instrument, citing American legislation,” Holmlund told The Associated Press on Wednesday. “So we applied the old method — a blood test. It will take 14 days before the results are in.”

Seriously, how much harm would he have caused anyone driving a golf cart? I mean, who hasn't been run over by a golf cart? No pedestrians were in danger. And he was in a "slow-moving vehicle." He's not speeding through the streets endangering anyone. Go out to a golf course and you'll find about 70% of the people there smellng of alcohol. I thought Swedes were supposed to be all chill and whatnot. It's Bill Murray. He was in "Caddyshack" for Christ's sake. Let the brother knock back a few.

Source: © 2007 The Associated Press.

Happy Birthday, Hooker

Wednesday 8/22/2007
3:43 p.m.

Today we celebrate what would have been the 90th birthday of American blues legend, John Lee Hooker.

Hooker was born in the town where I spent many a highschool day, Clarksdale, Mississippi. He learned from the folk-blues players of the Mississippi Delta before moving north and taking up a more urban, electric style; however, he never entirely abandoned the acoustic guitar. Hooker’s first recording was “Boogie Chillen” in 1948, which was a hit, and his percussive guitar style made him popular with rock audiences starting in the 1950s (FYI - Widepsread Panic covered this hit back in the day). Other hits included “Crawlin’ King Snake” (1949), “I’m in the Mood” (1951), and “Boom Boom” (1962).

In the 1960s Hooker was credited with bringing a wider audience to the blues with projects such as the album "Hooker ’n’ Heat" (my boyfriend has actually called me that before) a collaboration with the rock group Canned Heat. After years of semi-obscurity, he returned to popularity with the 1989 album "The Healer", which featured guest appearances by rock stars such as Carlos Santana and Bonnie Raitt and earned Hooker his first Grammy Award. A series of similar albums followed in the 1990s. Hooker was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1991, a decade before his passing.

So, cheers to you Hooker. And cheers to hookers.

Info taken from MSN Encarta

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Daily Rudd

Tuesday 8/21/2007
8:10 p.m.

New Job, no blog

Tuesday 8/21/2007
7:58 p.m.

I would like to apologize to all of my loyal and devoted readers. I started my new job at Noveen Consulting yesterday. I can't even begin to tell you how much better it is than my previous job. Oh wait, yes I can:
1) My boss is nice
2) I don't get sawdust all over my clothes when I sit down.
3) I don't have to walk through a hot steamy warehouse to use a bathroom that doesn't have a clean sink, paper towels or soap.
4) I make more money
5) I don't fear for my life while driving to work
6) It takes me 5 minutes to get to work.
7) I can go home at lunch and play with my dog.
8) I get a credit card and a cell phone.
9) Should I continue?

Anyway, I'm not really sure what I'm allowed to look at on the internet. And I don't want to risk getting in trouble for posting on my blog. So, for now, there probably won't be posts everyday. I know, I know. How will you ever survive? I guess I will just have to bite the bullet and join the rest of society by buying a computer. Until then my friends...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Idol thoughts

Sunday 8/19/2007
5:10 p.m.

As the bass starts to shake the walls, and the sounds of thousands of little girls screaming in starstruck awe pierce my ears, I know it can only mean one thing. It's Idol time.

Friday night the top 10 contestants from American Idol performed at the KY State Fair. This was my second year attending and the kids did not disappoint. Surrounded by 11 and 12 year olds, and 50+ year-olds, Patrick's mom, her friend, Sherry and I clapped and swayed to the musical styling of Idol winner Jordan Sparks and runner-up Blake Lewis, as well as the rest of the gang, which included the musical phenomenon, Sanjaya.

They got it started as they danced and rapped their interpretation of the Black Eyed Peas. The energy was high and the crowd was going wild. Everyone (for the most part) sounded great. The highlights of the evening were Blake's beatboxing, Chis Richardson's Justin Timberlake impression, anything that came out of Lakeshia Jones or Melinda Doolittle's mouth, and when Haley Scarnato wasn't on the stage.

Jordan Sparks, the brilliant singer of only 17 years old, put chills on my arms. And Phil Stacy, dressed in his Navy uniform, brought a tear to the eyes of the sentimental with his patriotic "America, the Beautiful". But, in my opinion, it was Blake attmepting his best Keller Williams while singing Maroon Five's "She Will Be Loved" that impressed me the most. American Idol did not show what a talent this young man truly is. Out of all of the contestants, his would be the only concert I would actually pay to see.

While the show was very entertaining and moving at times, it couldn't quite live up to the previous year's show. Missing was the infectious energy of Taylor Hicks, the sweet underrated talent of Elliot Yamin, and the hard rockin' guitar lickin' of Chris Daughtry. But even though this year's lineup couldn't quite compare to last year's, it was still a show worth seeing.

As auditions are currently underway, I can't wait to see what kind of talent will undoubtedly take to the fair next year.

Rock on.

Daily Rudd

Sunday 8/19/2007
5:06 p.m.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Jam of the day

Friday 8/17/2007
2:54 p.m.

Parting is such sweet sorrow

Friday 8/17/2007
2:24 p.m.

Unless it's your last day at a job you really dislike. Then parting is like a party.

Technically I have 2 hours and 35 minutes left as an employee of Quality Hardwoods, Inc. Every day this week has been extremely slow. No one has given me anything to do. All I have done is listen to music, play internet scrabble, post on my blog and file my fingernails (uha uha uha).
Well, today is my last day and what do they do? Give me task after task after task. It's ridiculous.

And generally, when a valuable employee, who has been with the company for a while leaves, their departure is recognized with some sort of parting gift - card, flowers, party, lunch, something. What did I get? Accused of drinking on the job when my boss walked into my office after I ate an orange. Thanks. I really feel appreciated.

The day isn't over though. Perhaps there will be a monetary parting gift included in my paycheck. Yeah right. My boss gave me a ham for my Christmas present. FYI - I don't eat meat. Very thoughtful indeed.

So, will I miss my life at QHI? Yes, as much as I missed out on eating some delicious ham.

Cuttle bunnies

Friday 8/17/2007
12:24 p.m.

Last night we were watching the Discovery Channel. It's kind of our break from watching CNBC and Fox News. Anyway, the show we were watching was discussing the Cuttlefish. These jokers are crazy. They are called the "chameleon of the sea." They start doing this thing (I'm very scientific) with their skin that causes it to change color. Their skin flashes a fast-changing pattern as communication to other cuttlefish and to camouflage them from predators. They also do this to hypnotize unsuspecting little fishies. The tiny little fish see the changing of the color and start having flashbacks. They think they are in the disco and the other fish wants to boogie down. So, while they're in a trance, the Cuttlefish grabs their little ass and has a snack. Sad, but entertaining.

Here's a video of the precious cuttlefish:

Will you stay here and...

11:54 a.m.

Rock my dream???

Last night I had another odd dream involving a musician. My mother and I were dining at the Monkey Wrench, a local restaurant in Louisville. As we were finishing our meal, I happened to look over at another table. Who, you may ask, is sitting at the table?

Yeah, this guy.
Bret Michaels is having lunch with his mom and his two kids. They were getting up to leave and he looks over at our table. I didn't want to be weird or anything, so I just waved. Well, he looks at me kind of funny and then walks over to my table. "Hello," he said.
"Hi. I watch your show every week (which, I do by the way). It's great."
"Oh, Thanks. Hey, did you happen to go to high school with Larry Scott?"
Uh, what? Yes, I did go to school with Larry Scott. I probably haven't thought about that guy since we graduated. Why on earth would Bret Michaels know Larry Scott.
"Yeah, I did. How do you know Larry?"
"Oh, I just know him from back in the day. He's a really great guy."
"Yeah, he was always really nice. How did you know that I went to school with Larry?"
"I just got a feeling. Funny, huh?"
"Yeah. Funny."
"Well, it was nice talking to you. Enjoy your lunch."
"Thanks. Bye."

I would try to interpret this, but I wouldn't know where to begin. It was really weird. Bret was also wearing a purple shirt. Does that signify anything?

Daily Rudd

Friday 8/17/2007
9:51 a.m.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Cabin Fever

Thursday 8/16/2007
4:17 p.m.

Isn't he precious?

Thursday 8/16/2007
3:01 p.m.

I swear I'm not obsessed with cats. It just seems they are popping up everywhere lately. I dream about them, I smell them in the garbage can... Here is a picture of the world's most beautiful cat.

I've always been a dog person, but after seeing this precious baby, I am having a change of heart.

Thanks Faith

Walk it out

Thursday 8/16/2007
2:26 p.m.

While I'm at it

Thursday 8/16/2007
11:07 a.m.

Since I am interpreting my dreams, I figured I may as well check out the meaning behind the kitty dream, other than it is the precious angels calling out to me.

CAT - Because a cat is often an easy source of physical contact and affection it can depict the need to be cared for and warm affection, even sexual love accompanied with intense warm feelings.

For some women cats are a substitute baby, it is therefore used in many dreams to represent a woman's urge or need to care for someone, or directly her need to reproduce, therefore desire for sex; refined female sexuality or ruttiness unless the cat is markedly a tom.

Group of cats: Group of women; relating to the different moods or feelings.
(There were 3 kittens in my dream)

Kitten: Feelings about vulnerability or babyhood; feelings about caring for someone or something vulnerable; parental urges, perhaps protectiveness.

Speaking cat: Ability to express feminine feelings, intuition or sexuality; a realization of feelings of physical hunger or emotional or sexual attraction.
(The kittens in my dream were saying "no")

Do not lose your purse

Thursday 8/16/2007
10:04 a.m.

I used to have Panic dreams about once a week. These are not dreams where I would wake up in a panic. These are dreams about Widespread Panic. Ahhh... J.B. Anyway, I haven't had one in months. Last night changed all of that.

Panic was playing in a very small venue - a college or high school gym. There weren't that many people there and for the most part, everyone was sitting down during the show. A few familiar people were with me - my boyfriend, my neighbor (and friend), and other random people from high school. The band was playing, bringing the gas as usual, and this annoying girl sitting next to me kept saying, "They're going to play Godzilla. I just know they are. I can hear it." "Yeah right," I thought to myself. How many times has a drunken idiot yelled that they were going to play Godzilla? 387,662 times. And how many times have they played it? Once. I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore her. But BAM! Out of nowhere, they start doing the intro to Godzilla. Are you kidding me? What are the odds? Of course the annoying girl is freaking out and causing me to go deaf in my left ear. But I let it slide. For once, someone actually called it. Well, just as everyone is beginning to go nuts, they stopped playing and out comes about 5 members of a marching band. WTF??? A few of them are wearing twirler's outfits and they are playing some crazy percussion instruments. While they are playing, the band starts singing a cappella. Weird.

Well, while all of this is happening, Laura (my neighbor and friend) somehow loses her purse. Now, this isn't your typical show where everyone is dancing around like wild banchees. People are actually sitting down, and Laura, frantically searching for her purse, is quite noticeable. Apparently so, because J.B. stops all the music and comes into the crowd. Everyone is so confused. He walks over to where we are sitting and says, "Can somebody please help this girl find her purse." Laura is so embarrassed and the entire crowd starts booing.

End Dream

Normally there is some sort of symbolism in what I dream. What is the meaning behind all of this?


To dream that you are at a concert, represents harmony and cooperation in a situation or relationship of your waking life. You are experiencing an uplift in your spirits.


If you have a dream involving a loss of any kind, this is an ill omen and it is telling you to guard your possessions and finances as well as there is a distinct chance of loss to you. If you find a lost article you will have some good fortune come your way. It is also a common metaphor for feelings of doubt about one’s direction in waking life. It is a common theme in the wake of separations, divorces, and death of a spouse.


Because they hold our identification papers, money, and beauty accessories, purses in dreams are associated with feelings of identity, empowerment, and beauty. Dreams of losing one’s purse, accordingly, reflect feelings that one’s identity, power or beauty may be in peril. These dreams are common following a separation or divorce, or after losing a job or enduring a forced transition in one’s career. Purses also may symbolize a woman’s vagina—a location that “opens and closes” and which possesses special value.


If it is a particular band or group, it may link with how you see the group, and what you feel about them. Otherwise it could depict feelings you have at the moment about working in harmony with others, expressing your won creativity. Sometimes this refers to teenage feelings and emerging sexuality.

Musical Instrument

This shows how well you can express your flowing feelings and spontaneous creativity. In some dreams it is link with what your feel about sex or your genitals, and how well you express pleasure and feelings sexually. If it is a large and complex instrument it might be depicting the mind.

Musical instruments, or music in your dream, are a way you begin to become aware of subtle or creative impulses that are emerging. Just as a plant takes shape and color from a tiny seed, so also your personal growth emerges from obscure and formless possibilities within you. Music is the expression of that flow to life.

Daily Rudd

Thursday 8/16/2007
10:02 a.m.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

And I'm proud to be a Kentuckian

Wednesday 8/15/2007
12:30 p.m.

If you ever plan on robbing a bank, home, liquor store, wherever, it's always a good idea to have a disguise.

When a man who had his head wrapped in duct tape entered the Shamrock Liquor store in Ashland, KY, all the employees could do was laugh.

"Kazee allegedly indicated to a female clerk that he had a knife and threatened to harm her if she didn’t give him the money out the cash register. The clerk complied and the robber turned and left," The Daily Independent reports. "Before he could make his getaway, though, a Shamrock Liquors employee, Craig Miller, tackled him in the store’s parking lot. Miller and several other men who came running over from the Foodland store next door detained Kazee until the police arrived."

Kasey G. Kazee, 24, of Ashland, was charged with first-degree robbery, according to Ashland Police Sgt. Mark McDowell.

Kazee, in an interview with the TV station, denied he was bandit who robbed two rolls of change from the store."Look at me. Do I look like a duct-tape bandit baby? I'm not no duct-tape bandit. You hear me? Live one-on-one Ashland, Kentucky, you know this is not me. Do the math, do the homework, man."

Kazee pleaded not guilty Monday in Boyd County District Court and was ordered held under a $250,000 cash bond.

Who let the dogs out?

Wednesday 8/15/2007
12:11 p.m.

Fox News is reporting that a South Carolina inmate has filed a $63 Billion lawsuit against Michael Vick. The man claims that Vick stole his pitbulls and sold them on eBay to buy missiles from Iran.

The inmate filed a handwritten complaint last month.
Click here to read the filing against Vick.

The complaint also alleges that Vick needed the missiles because he pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda in February of this year.

Riches wants $63 billion dollars “backed by gold and silver “ delivered to the front gates to the Williamsburg Federal Correctional facility in South Carolina. Riches is an inmate at the facility serving out a wire fraud conviction.

Uh, yeah.

Daily Rudd

Wednesday 8/15/2007
9:05 a.m.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The ghosts of kitties past

Tuesday 8/14/2007
1:56 p.m.

Yesterday I wrote about the disturbing odor in the trashcan, stating that I thought it could be decomposing kitty flesh. Well, last night I had a dream. I will spare you all of the details, but the kitties were there. Someone locked them in the basement and left them. I returned to the house and heard a banging noise coming from downstairs. Then I heard the sound of meowing. Only, it wasn't "meow" it was "no", but it sounded like "meow". I opened the door and three crying kittens came running out. At the bottom of the stairs was about 20 piles of poop.

Well, a week ago I had to take Rocky, the puppy who they just let wander where he pleases, upstairs. Do you know what it smelled like up there? 20 piles of poop.

The kittens are calling out to me. I am the only one that can help avenge their death. The next time I see the owner of these innocent angels, I am going to say, "Hey, whatever happened to those kittens? Do you still have them." The truth will be known.

Daily Rudd

Tuesday 8/14/2007
8:46 a.m.

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The power of photoshop

Tuesday 8/14/2007
8:40 a.m.

Thanks Laura

Monday, August 13, 2007

The day that ruins the rest of the week

Monday 8/13/2007
3:37 p.m.

I knew this was going to be a great day when I awoke at 5:30 and couldn't go back to sleep. No matter what I did, I couldn't go back to sleep. Finally I got out of bed around 6:20, tired and pissed off. What a great way to start the day. I did my usual routine - feed Sidney, shower, pour a bowl of cereal and sit outside on the bench. Monday is trash day, and since the maintenance man didn't take the trash out last Monday, like he was supposed, I assumed he wasn't going to take it out today either. So, being the good tenant that I am, I decided to take it out. Big mistake. I now know why no one has taken out the trash. I'm not really sure what was in one of the cans, but it was very heavy and wreaked of rotten flesh. Seriously. There something dead in it. I know this sounds morbid, but I think it may have been a cat. The awesome maintenance man has been trying to give away some kittens for a while now. Well, I haven't seen or heard anything about any cats in the past couple of weeks. I think he killed them and threw them in the trash. CAT KILLER!!! Anyway, I took the 4 trash cans to the street, smelly one first. I was gagging the entire time and every time I would walk back up the driveway, I would walk face first into a line of stench. About 10 minutes after I did this, I started feeling nauseous. After about 5 more minutes, it was toilet time. Round one - oj. Round 2 - oj and seaweed.
Who ever is to blame for this is going down. So, as a result, I have felt like shit all day. I ate a salad for lunch and felt worse. I hope the ghost of the kitties come back to haunt whoever did that to him. Just don't make any noise that will wake me up.

Weekend update

Monday 8/13/2007
12:01 p.m.

Got off work around 2:30. Spent an hour and 1/2 in therapy, a.k.a getting a haircut. Really love my hairdresser. She is totally cute and totally funny. If I was a lesbian, I don't think she would be my type, but still cute. Killed myself at the gym. Sweat about 3 gallons of perspiration. It was awesome. Went home and waited for my honey to come over. Watched tv and finished a scrabble game, which I won, of course (wicked laughter ensues). Fell asleep before 11:00. Good times.

Got up early. Went to Target. Tried on cute clothes. Clothes only looked cute on the rack. Got in fight with boyfriend. Made up in the bathroom later (bow chica wow wow). Walked Sidney. Cleaned house. Went shopping with Laura. Took a nap in the sun. Got ready for girls night out. Went to Uptown Cafe for martinis and appetizers. Ate portobello mushroom egg roll with green chilis, smoked gouda and tomato salsa and Quesadilla with vegetables, black beans and cream cheese with tomato salsa. Split both with Laura. Had coffee and amaretto cheesecake for dessert. Made Laura leave her phone number on the receit of bartender to call her. Left around 11:30 and went to Flannigan's. Sucked. Sat in gum. Left after one drink. O'shea's next. Much more fun. Good crowd. Good dj. Hung out with visiting baseball players. Laura hit it off with one. Stayed until 3:15 or so. Went home. Went to bed too late.

Can't sleep. Up at 9:00. Not happy about this. Try to go back to sleep. Not happening. Take Sidney to the park. Sweat out all booze from night before. Go to Panera for lunch with Laura. Order pb&j with blueberry yogurt stick. Drink lots of water. Feel like crap. Go home. Take a nap. Get up at 4:30. Take a shower. Get ready for baseball game. Name on the list. Free tickets. Good seats. Good beer. Feel better. Move club seats behind home plate. Blow kisses at the mascot. Good game. Bats win in last inning. 8-5 victory. Go to Sapporo for sushi after game. Sushi is the bomb. I want to eat it now. Not really a good idea to eat at 10:00 though.

Daily Rudd

Monday 8/13/2007
11:56 a.m.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Daily Rudd

Friday 8/10/2007
10:13 a.m.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Let's hope he flosses

Thursday 8/9/2007
3:22 p.m.

Greatest song in history

Thursday 8/9/2007
12:35 p.m.

Feliz cumpleaƱos

Thursday 8/9/2007

Today we celebrate the birth of the brotha that brought us rap.

Clap your hands everybody
If you got what it takes
'Cause I'm Kurtis Blow and I want you to know
That these are the breaks

Brakes on a bus brakes on a car
Breaks to make you a superstar
Breaks to win and breaks to lose
But these here breaks will rock your shoes
And these are the breaks
Break it up break it up break it up!

If your woman steps out with another man
(That's the breaks that's the breaks)
And she runs off with him to Japan
And the IRS says they want to chat
And you can't explain why you claimed your cat
And Ma Bell sends you a whopping bill
With eighteen phone calls to Brazil
And you borrowed money from the mob
And yesterday you lost your job
Well, these are the breaks
Break it up, break it up, break it up

Throw your hands up in the sky
And wave 'em 'round from side to side
And if you deserve a break tonight
Somebody say alright!
(All right) Say ho-oo!
(Ho-oo!) And you don't stop
Keep on, somebody scream!
(Owwwww!) Break down!

Breaks on a stage, breaks on a screen
Breaks to make your wallet lean
Breaks run cold and breaks run hot
Some folks got 'em and some have not
But these are the breaks
Break it up, break it up, break it up!
Break down!

To the girl in brown, stop messing around
(Break it up, break it up)
To the guy in blue, whatcha gonna do?
To the girl in green, don't be so mean
And the guy in red, say what I said
Break down!

Brakes on a plane, brakes on a train
Breaks to make you go insane
Breaks in love, breaks in war
But we got the breaks to get you on the floor
And these are the breaks
Break it up, break it up, break it up!
Break down! Yo!

Just do it, just do it, just do it, do it, do it!
Just do it, just do it, just do it, do it, do it!
Just do it, just do it, just do it, do it, do it!
Just do it, just do it, just do it, do it, do it!

You say last week you met the perfect guy
(That's the breaks, that's the breaks)
And he promised you the stars in the sky
He said his Cadillac was gold
But he didn't say it was ten years old
He took you out to the Red Coach grill
But he forgot the cash and you paid the bill
And he told you the story of his life
But he forgot the part about...his wife! Huh! Huh!
Well, these are the breaks!
Break it up, break it up, break it up!
Break down!

Daily Rudd

Thursday 8/9/2007
9:49 a.m.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

An apple a day

Wednesday 8/8/2007
12:48 p.m.

The old saying goes, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." Since I just finished eating an apple for lunch, this got me wondering if that was really true. Although I don't eat an apple a day, I do eat them quite often, as well as drinking apple juice. And I probably haven't been to a doctor for an illness in years. What is it about an apple that keeps you well?

Research suggests that apples may reduce the risk of colon cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer. Apples contain Vitamin C and antioxidant compounds, which may reduce the risk of cancer by preventing DNA damage. The fiber content helps keep you regular thus reducing the risk of colon cancer. They may also help with heart disease, weight loss and controlling cholesterol, as they do not have any cholesterol, have fiber, and are bulky for their caloric content like most fruits and vegetables.

Did you know that there are over 7,500 types of apples?
Here are a few that you may not have heard of:

Arkansas Black
Beverly Hills
Cripps Pink
George Cave
Howgate Wonder
Irish Peach
Kidd's Orange Red
Northern Spy
Ozark's Gold
Rev. W. Wilks
Sweet Sixteen
Tydeman's Late Orange

15 minutes

Wednesday 8/8/2007
11:55 p.m.

Today we celebrate the birth of one of the most central figures of the pop-art movement. He was an illustrator, painter, filmmaker, record producer, public figure. He was Andy Warhol.

Born in Pittsburgh in 1928, Andy was raised was raised in a modest working-class home. When he reached the third grade he contracted St. Vitus' disease, which caused the discoloration of his skin, as well as involuntary movements. Because little kids can be such assholes, Andy was constantly tormented and ridiculed by his classmates. He became and outcast and spent his time alone, with his dolls and imaginary friends. Just kidding. He spent this time drawing, listening to music collecting pictures of movie stars. Warhol described this time as a very important period in his life. This was when he learned he was gay. No, this is when he developed his personality and style.

He studied commercial art at the School of Fine Arts at Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh, and later moved to New York City and began a successful career in magazine illustration and advertising.

In the 60s he ate a lot of acid (probably) and started painting crap like soup cans and coke cans, and whores like Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor. He founded "The Factory", his art studio. Decades later some brilliant people decided to make a crappy movie about it and his muse, Edie Sedgwick.

In the mid 1960s, Warhol adopted the band The Velvet Underground. Warhol, with Paul Morrissey, acted as the band's manager, introducing them to Nico (who would perform with the band at Warhol's request). In 1966 he "produced" their first album The Velvet Underground and Nico as well as providing its album art. His actual participation in the album's production amounted to simply paying for the studio time. After the band's first album, Warhol and band leader Lou Reed started to disagree more about the direction the band should take, and over who would be on top.

Anyway, yadda, yadda, yadda. He painted more junk that people went gah-gah over. He made some weird movies with a bunch of freaks.

In 1968 some crazy feminist broad shot his ass because Andy wouldn't return a movie script she had written (This was also made into a terrible movie called "I Shot Andy Warhol"). He survived, she was put in jail and the Factory era came to an end.

In the 70s he painted more crap and hung out at Studio 54. In the 80s he painted more crap and hung out with younger artists, trying to teach them how to paint crap.

Warhol was one of the first major American artists to admit that he was a big homo. Many of his films draw from gay underground culture and premiered in gay porn theaters.

He was a Catholic and often volunteered at homeless shelters. He regularly attended Mass, where he was regularly molested by the Catholic priests.

Warhol died in 1987 from a heart attack. He was buried in a a solid bronze casket with gold plated rails and white upholstery. He wore a black cashmere suit, a paisley tie, a platinum wig, and sunglasses. He was holding a small prayer book and a red rose. Sexy.

(I got the basic facts from wikipedia.)

Daily Rudd

Wednesday 8/8/2007
11:31 a.m.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Bourne Again

Tuesday 8/7/2007
2:54 p.m.

Unlike the rest of Americans, we waited to see the conclusion of the Bourne trilogy, Bourne Ultimatum, last night. (Spoiler alert)

Having settled certain scores in the past, Bourne is determined to retrieve his memory and to learn the who he really was before joining the agency. Helping him along the way are articles by a London journalist, which reveal details of Bourne's career. These were obviously provided by a highly knowledgeable source and Bourne must know who the source is.

The Agency realizes that Bourne has returned and taken up with the journalist, and after a wild pursuit at London's Waterloo Station, the journalist is killed. Bourne then tracks the source to Spain, where he once again meets CIA op Nicky Parsons, and then to Tangier, where a CIA hit man, is waiting for them both. A world-wind chase takes them through the port city's streets, over rooftops and through windows, and finally to a face-to-face combat scene in tiny bathroom.

Along the way, it becomes clear the CIA has replaced Treadstone, with a new program called Blackbriar. The program is headed by Noah Vosen , who shows an aptness for crooked action and killing as a quick solution to all problems. As they listen in on phone calls and observe Bourne's movements from their secret headquarters, Vosen and colleague Pamela Landy argue over what to do with Bourne. Landy, who has an affection for Bourne, wants to keep him alive, while Vosen insists upon killing him.

In the end, Bourne steals important Blackbrier documents, which he turns over to Landy. While trying to hide from Vosen, Landy is able to fax the documents to proper authorities and tells him to "get a good lawyer".

Bourne retrieves his memory and saves the day. Justice prevails.

You definitely should see the first two films before watching this one. The ending leaves an open possibility of another film. Robert Ludlum just has to write the book first.

Ode to Rudd by Petey

Tuesday 8/7/2007
2:44 p.m.

Apparently I am not the only one with time on my hands at work. Here is a piece by the soon to be famous artist, Patrick Odom.

Daily Rudd

Tuesday 8/6/2007
11:34 a.m.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Music only knows what the people feel

Monday 8/6/2007
2:36 p.m.

Weekend music review:

Saturday night we caught the late show at the Jazz Factory feating Louisville's own, Cabin. What a great band these guys are. For the guys, there's Sarah Welder on violin and keys. And for all the ladies, there's Noah Hewitt-Ball. Mmmmmm, mmmmm. What a yummy little treat he is. Not only does he write the lyrics and music for the band, he also sings lead, plays the piano and guitar. Quite the package. This was the first time I have see them play and I was pleasantly surprised. They are definitely on the rise, so keep an eye out for them.

Sunday afternoon brought a little more ear candy as well. Queens of the Stoneage were in town for the weekend and treated a small group of 300 or so to a free afternoon show at the local record store, ear X-tacy. After standing in line in the 100 degree heat (this is fact, not exageration) they finally let us in, 25 people at a time. And after about 20 more minutes of standing inside, the guys finally came out. Now, normally I don't like or listen to hard rock. But after hearing these guys play, I may have a change of heart. They played an acoustic set of about 6 songs and they killed it. If I wasn't a fan before, I am now. And to top it all off, the lead singer looks just like Jeremy Rizer.

Plop. Plop. Fizz. Fizz.

Monday 8/6/2007
11:55 a.m.

Oh what a relief it is. My boss finally came in and I broke the news to him. He took it much better than I expected, even congratulating me. I guess I'm one step closer to becoming successful. Thanks Cubby.

Daily Rudd

Monday 8/6/2007
10:03 a.m.


Monday 8/6/2007
9:52 a.m.

I just found out that today is my boss's birthday. Isn't it ironic? Don't you think?

Monday - What a great day to start the week.

Monday 8/6/2007
9:20 a.m.

So, as I stated on Friday, I was offered a new job. I've been nervous all weekend, wondering how I was going to break the news to my current boss. When I got to work this morning, I asked a co-worker when would be the best time to tell him. He said, taken from one of Steven Cubby's "7 Steps of Highly Effective People", "Do the thing you least want to do first." Okay. That makes sense. I don't want to sit thinking about this all day. I'll just tell him. But wait. It's after 8:00 and he isn't here yet. 8:30 - nothing. 9:00 - nothing. 9:15 - phone call. Great. He hurt his back this weekend and he'll try to make it in later today. Just when I got the courage to tell him, I find out that he may not even be here. I guess he sensed the impending doom that awaits him at the office and decided to have a stress free day.

Friday, August 3, 2007

You can uncross them now

Friday 8/3/2007
1:24 p.m.

Thanks to all of you who crossed your fingers for me this morning. My interview went great. About 5 minutes after leaving my interview, I received a phone call saying they would love to have me on board. I have to call the owner tomorrow to discuss financial matters. He threw out a preliminary number, which was a substantial increase from what I am making now. It's funny how things work out. Now I just have to tell my current boss that I'm out of here.

Daily Rudd

Friday 8/3/2007
11:00 a.m.

Keep 'em crossed

Friday 8/3/2007
10:56 a.m.

I have a job interview today at 12:30 with Noveen Consulting. I'm not really sure what the job entails. This kind of just fell in my lap (thanks P and God). Keep your fingers crossed that all goes well.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

You know what time it is

Thursday 8/2/2007
4:12 p.m.

He's back...

"Flavor Flaaavvvv!!!!!! That’s right, your favorite hype man is back in action and he is looking for love…again. He’s been burned twice, but this romantical man with a big heart is not throwing in the towel yet, he’s gonna give it one more shot. Can Flav find true love? Can you help him..."

No on can help him.
Except maybe for these classy ladies:

What I want to tell my boss

Thursday 8/2/2007
2:08 p.m.

Daily Rudd

Thursday 8/2/2007
9:22 a.m.

Sidney's sister

Thursday 8/2/2007
9:11 a.m.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Tune In

Wednesday 8/1/2007
3:51 p.m.

Earlier I posted that today was Tempest Bledsoe's birthday. Well, I got to thinking about my favorite episode of the Cosby Show - the one where Vanessa goes out with Denise and gets drunk. Every time I see someone take a shot, all I can hear is Heathcliff's voice saying, "Drink 'er down." Ahhh, good times. Anyway, as fate would have it, that episode will air tomorrow (8/2/2007) at 12:30 p.m. on TBS. Get your sweet tea shots ready 'cause this is gonna be a good one.

Mmmm... Chocolate

Wednesday 8/1/2007
3:48 p.m.

Daily Rudd

Wednesday 8/1/2007
2:23 p.m.

Starting today I am going to post a delicious morsel of my favorite actor, the wonderfully fabulous Paul Rudd.

Here is a commercial for Super Nintendo:

Happy Birthday

Wednesday 8/1/2007
2:03 p.m.

Dom DeLuise - 74

Jerry Garcia - would have been 65

Coolio - 43

Tempest Bledsoe - 34

Longest day ever

Wednesday 8/1/2007
11:48 a.m.

Oh my God. Is this the longest day of the year or what? It isn't even noon yet, but I feel like I've been at work for 19.35 hours.
I haven't been able to breath since Monday and I'm about ready to rip my nose off. That being said, I have always had issues with my large snout, especially when you look at it from the left (beak-like appearance). So, maybe if I rip it off, I could get a new one. Ashlee Simpson is awesome.

Weekend update: Sunday

Wednesday 8/1/2007
10:56 a.m.

Nothing too exciting to note. We spent the afternoon at the Bass Pro Shop across the river in Indiana. Let me tell you, that place is a redneck's paradise. We indulged my father for an hour or so and let him drool over the latest Mossy Oak pattern, while we drooled over camping gear and kayaks that we'll never be able to buy. I did get a sweet new fishing pole out of the trip though, so it was well worth it.
When we got back to town we stopped by Cold Stone Creamery so Dad could once again indulge himself, this time on chocolate ice cream with chocolate chips, a chocolate brownie and chocolate fudge. Oh my God.
That evening we had a cookout for the folks - catfish, cous-cous salad, corn and squash. Katie and Laura came over to meet the rents. After dinner we sat around as a family and watched Big Brother and Rock of Love. Quality time.