Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Bill Murray makes me laugh

Wednesday 8/22/2007
4:38 p.m.

It's always fun to hear about someone you admire and respect doing something funny. Brilliant comedian and actor, Bill Murray could face a drunken driving charge after cruising through downtown Stockholm in a golf cart and refusing to take a breath test, citing U.S. law.

Police officers spotted the star early Monday in the slow-moving vehicle and noticed he smelled of alcohol when they pulled him over, said Detective-Inspector Christer Holmlund of the Stockholm police.

“He refused to blow in the (breath test) instrument, citing American legislation,” Holmlund told The Associated Press on Wednesday. “So we applied the old method — a blood test. It will take 14 days before the results are in.”

Seriously, how much harm would he have caused anyone driving a golf cart? I mean, who hasn't been run over by a golf cart? No pedestrians were in danger. And he was in a "slow-moving vehicle." He's not speeding through the streets endangering anyone. Go out to a golf course and you'll find about 70% of the people there smellng of alcohol. I thought Swedes were supposed to be all chill and whatnot. It's Bill Murray. He was in "Caddyshack" for Christ's sake. Let the brother knock back a few.

Source: © 2007 The Associated Press.

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