Thursday, August 16, 2007

Do not lose your purse

Thursday 8/16/2007
10:04 a.m.

I used to have Panic dreams about once a week. These are not dreams where I would wake up in a panic. These are dreams about Widespread Panic. Ahhh... J.B. Anyway, I haven't had one in months. Last night changed all of that.

Panic was playing in a very small venue - a college or high school gym. There weren't that many people there and for the most part, everyone was sitting down during the show. A few familiar people were with me - my boyfriend, my neighbor (and friend), and other random people from high school. The band was playing, bringing the gas as usual, and this annoying girl sitting next to me kept saying, "They're going to play Godzilla. I just know they are. I can hear it." "Yeah right," I thought to myself. How many times has a drunken idiot yelled that they were going to play Godzilla? 387,662 times. And how many times have they played it? Once. I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore her. But BAM! Out of nowhere, they start doing the intro to Godzilla. Are you kidding me? What are the odds? Of course the annoying girl is freaking out and causing me to go deaf in my left ear. But I let it slide. For once, someone actually called it. Well, just as everyone is beginning to go nuts, they stopped playing and out comes about 5 members of a marching band. WTF??? A few of them are wearing twirler's outfits and they are playing some crazy percussion instruments. While they are playing, the band starts singing a cappella. Weird.

Well, while all of this is happening, Laura (my neighbor and friend) somehow loses her purse. Now, this isn't your typical show where everyone is dancing around like wild banchees. People are actually sitting down, and Laura, frantically searching for her purse, is quite noticeable. Apparently so, because J.B. stops all the music and comes into the crowd. Everyone is so confused. He walks over to where we are sitting and says, "Can somebody please help this girl find her purse." Laura is so embarrassed and the entire crowd starts booing.

End Dream

Normally there is some sort of symbolism in what I dream. What is the meaning behind all of this?


To dream that you are at a concert, represents harmony and cooperation in a situation or relationship of your waking life. You are experiencing an uplift in your spirits.


If you have a dream involving a loss of any kind, this is an ill omen and it is telling you to guard your possessions and finances as well as there is a distinct chance of loss to you. If you find a lost article you will have some good fortune come your way. It is also a common metaphor for feelings of doubt about one’s direction in waking life. It is a common theme in the wake of separations, divorces, and death of a spouse.


Because they hold our identification papers, money, and beauty accessories, purses in dreams are associated with feelings of identity, empowerment, and beauty. Dreams of losing one’s purse, accordingly, reflect feelings that one’s identity, power or beauty may be in peril. These dreams are common following a separation or divorce, or after losing a job or enduring a forced transition in one’s career. Purses also may symbolize a woman’s vagina—a location that “opens and closes” and which possesses special value.


If it is a particular band or group, it may link with how you see the group, and what you feel about them. Otherwise it could depict feelings you have at the moment about working in harmony with others, expressing your won creativity. Sometimes this refers to teenage feelings and emerging sexuality.

Musical Instrument

This shows how well you can express your flowing feelings and spontaneous creativity. In some dreams it is link with what your feel about sex or your genitals, and how well you express pleasure and feelings sexually. If it is a large and complex instrument it might be depicting the mind.

Musical instruments, or music in your dream, are a way you begin to become aware of subtle or creative impulses that are emerging. Just as a plant takes shape and color from a tiny seed, so also your personal growth emerges from obscure and formless possibilities within you. Music is the expression of that flow to life.

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