Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Weekend update: Sunday

Wednesday 8/1/2007
10:56 a.m.

Nothing too exciting to note. We spent the afternoon at the Bass Pro Shop across the river in Indiana. Let me tell you, that place is a redneck's paradise. We indulged my father for an hour or so and let him drool over the latest Mossy Oak pattern, while we drooled over camping gear and kayaks that we'll never be able to buy. I did get a sweet new fishing pole out of the trip though, so it was well worth it.
When we got back to town we stopped by Cold Stone Creamery so Dad could once again indulge himself, this time on chocolate ice cream with chocolate chips, a chocolate brownie and chocolate fudge. Oh my God.
That evening we had a cookout for the folks - catfish, cous-cous salad, corn and squash. Katie and Laura came over to meet the rents. After dinner we sat around as a family and watched Big Brother and Rock of Love. Quality time.

1 comment:

searchingforsunshine said...

My I say that Jen makes the most fantastic creations with couscous..