Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I have not forsaken you, my children

Wednesday 8/29/2007
8:12 a.m.

It has been nearly a week since my last post. I feel as though I have lost a limb or something. As I previously stated, with my new job, I am not able to post as often as I would like. Since my boss is out of town today, I will try to make up for lost time. To my devoted readers (the two of you know who you are) I offer my apologies and hope that you will stand by me through these dry spells.

So, let's play catch up. Thursday was my last post, so I will begin with Friday.
Friday was a great day. Work was great. The day was great, although a little muggy. I pumped some iron at the gym and increased my weights by 10 lbs. I know, I know. It's okay to be jealous. I'm training to be Britney Spears' new bodyguard. Anyway, afterwards my significant other and I went out to dinner at the Uptown Cafe. This is the restaurant where a few weeks ago I made Laura leave her phone number on the receipt. And who was our waiter? Tim, the bartender. He gets both mine and P's seal of approval. Very personable, attentive, cute guy. I say go for it Laura. So, yadda yadda. Dinner was good. I rate it an A-.

After dinner I had a little party. It started off as a small gathering, but turned into a rather large one, which was fine by me because I quite enjoy entertaining. Our friend Aaron's band just made their first demo, so we rocked that. Then we rocked some Scattegories, which, of course, I won. I don't like to brag or anything, but I am damn near unbeatable at board games. Yes, that is an open challenge to anyone who is intersted.

Skip to Saturday, I awoke feeling bright and chipper like an Easter bunny. P, on the other hand did not. He woke up with a headache (hangover), which caused him to spend the next 5 hours hunched over the toilet (hangover). However, he swears he wasn't hungover (hangover). I tried to nurse the patient back to health, but there wasn't much that I could do. So, I left town and went to Nashville. Now, I know what you're thinking. "Oh my god. How could she leave him there when he was sick?" Well, stop right there. He told me to go. So just shut up about it.

I went to Nashville and met up with my friend Celia. Two more of her friends came over, as well as her "date" for the evening. We went out for Mexican food, which of course made me feel like a fat bovine. Afterwards we went to Exit/In to see a Talking Heads cover band, Same As It Ever Was. Oh yeah, we like totally hung out with some of the band members at dinner. Yeah. We are cool.

Going to Exit/In was sort of like a mini college reunion. There were so many people from Starkville there, I felt like I was in school again, only older, and not as fat, had more money, was of legal drinking age... The band was incredible - so energetic and sounded as much like the Talking Heads as I imagine possible. I talked to their manager and hopefully convinced them to come to Louisville and play. If you hear of them coming to a town near you, definitely check them out.

Highlights of the evening included: Some interesting dance moves by people who will remain nameless, Scotty saying that he's going to so many other shows (Panic, Gov't Mule) that he can't waste his energy dancing to a cover band, two band members wearing Depends diapers for the encore, Celia's "date" and her ex almost getting in a fight, Howie tucking his jeans into his cowboy boots and Paul passing out in a chair with a beer still in his hand. All in all - a good night.

Sunday we went out for brunch at Noshville. Everyone ordered grilled cheese sandwiches and we ended up with a to-go box of about 4 grilled cheese sandwiches.
To work off all that grease and fat, Paul and I went to the park and hiked for an hour or so. To reward our efforts, we treated ourselves with an ice cream sandwich and an ice cream bar from the gas station. Mmmmm good.

I finally ended up leaving around 5:00 and made it home around 8:30. Not so fun. Needless to say, I was a grumpy zombie by that time. I made it home just in time to watch Rock of Love and fall asleep.

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