Monday, August 13, 2007

Weekend update

Monday 8/13/2007
12:01 p.m.

Got off work around 2:30. Spent an hour and 1/2 in therapy, a.k.a getting a haircut. Really love my hairdresser. She is totally cute and totally funny. If I was a lesbian, I don't think she would be my type, but still cute. Killed myself at the gym. Sweat about 3 gallons of perspiration. It was awesome. Went home and waited for my honey to come over. Watched tv and finished a scrabble game, which I won, of course (wicked laughter ensues). Fell asleep before 11:00. Good times.

Got up early. Went to Target. Tried on cute clothes. Clothes only looked cute on the rack. Got in fight with boyfriend. Made up in the bathroom later (bow chica wow wow). Walked Sidney. Cleaned house. Went shopping with Laura. Took a nap in the sun. Got ready for girls night out. Went to Uptown Cafe for martinis and appetizers. Ate portobello mushroom egg roll with green chilis, smoked gouda and tomato salsa and Quesadilla with vegetables, black beans and cream cheese with tomato salsa. Split both with Laura. Had coffee and amaretto cheesecake for dessert. Made Laura leave her phone number on the receit of bartender to call her. Left around 11:30 and went to Flannigan's. Sucked. Sat in gum. Left after one drink. O'shea's next. Much more fun. Good crowd. Good dj. Hung out with visiting baseball players. Laura hit it off with one. Stayed until 3:15 or so. Went home. Went to bed too late.

Can't sleep. Up at 9:00. Not happy about this. Try to go back to sleep. Not happening. Take Sidney to the park. Sweat out all booze from night before. Go to Panera for lunch with Laura. Order pb&j with blueberry yogurt stick. Drink lots of water. Feel like crap. Go home. Take a nap. Get up at 4:30. Take a shower. Get ready for baseball game. Name on the list. Free tickets. Good seats. Good beer. Feel better. Move club seats behind home plate. Blow kisses at the mascot. Good game. Bats win in last inning. 8-5 victory. Go to Sapporo for sushi after game. Sushi is the bomb. I want to eat it now. Not really a good idea to eat at 10:00 though.

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