Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Go Shorty, it's your birthday

Tuesday 10/2/2007
11:07 a.m.

We're running, just as fast as we can. I'm not sure where we are, possibly in a dark alley running from a burglar. Or maybe we're running through the woods from a psychopathic killer. Or perhaps a vicious dog is chasing us through the park. We're holding on to one another's hand. While this is sweet and all, it's kind of slowing me down. I run just a little bit faster than you and you're having trouble keeping up. Plus, your hand is kind of sweaty. It's kind of grossing me out. We're trying to get away into the night. Like the night is going to help us out any when we're running. Especially if we're in the woods. I'll probably trip on a root and then go flying head first into a big tree. Or there'll be a big hole in the ground that's covered in leaves and I'll fall into it and you'll just keep running. Then you'll stop to see where I went and the killer will get you. And I'll just be thinking "Booty traps. That's what I said. Booby traps." But I guess I don't fall, because you put you arms around me, and we stumble to the ground. Oh great, here we go again with the falling. I knew this running in the night was going to get me hurt. I'm anemic and I bruise easily. If all of this stumbling leaves me black and blue, I'm really going to be pissed. So, after you make me fall down to the ground then you say, "I think we're alone now. There doesn't seem to be anyone one around." Well thank God. I guess that means we lost that psycho or the burglar. But that damn dog could still be around. "Anyone" implies a person. And while dogs have human characteristics, they are definitely not people. So, at least I won't get robbed or chopped up into pieces. I'll just get mauled by a vicious rabid mutt. Thanks. "I think we're alone now." No. Really? Didn't you just say that? Do you think I'm deaf? I heard you the first time. I looked around the first time you said it and I didn't see anyone. I know. We're alone. "The beating of our hearts is the only sound." Uh, no it's not. You keep repeating yourself in this annoying whisper. I wish the beating of my heart was the only sound. And yeah, I can hear it. You just made me run like 2 miles through the night. I'm in shape and all, but 2 miles? In the dark? Please. The only sound you're about to hear is silence. This is the worst date I've ever been on. You suck. Don't call me, I'll call you.

Oh yea, today is Tiffany's birthday. She's like 36 or something. Remember when she was totally rocking out in the mall? I used to always go to the mall, thinking I was going to see Tiffany or at least Deborah (not Debbie anymore, she's grown up now) Gibson, but no. I even had that little hand by the face dance move down pat.
I'm not going to bore you with the details of her life. Or, to those fans, I'm sorry that I'm not going to fill you in on all of the exciting and mind blowing events that have happened in her life. However, I will tell you what old girl's doing now.

After dropping 28 lbs on Celebrity Fit Club, she signed a record deal with 10 Spot Records. She made a few tv appearances last year as well: Ugly Betty, One Tree Hill, and Pepper Dennis. And if you really want to know what she's up to, check out her website.

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