Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Weekend update: Saturday

Tuesday 10/23/2007
3:23 p.m.

So after not-sleeping on the hardwood floor, I awoke at 8:00 to find a new place to rest. Hmmm... I could get in bed with Justin and Erin, but they may be having morning loving time and I don't want to intrude. I could go outside and lay on the grass, but it's too bright and I'm not really into that idea anyway. Wait, look at Budd sleeping there on the sectional couch. And look at that long chair that would fit perfectly next to the couch. Finally I could get some rest. And I must say, this was quite a comfortable make-shift bed I created. Maybe I should become a furniture designer.

I reawaken around 11:00 and decide it's time to get the day started. After a quick shower and 10 glasses of water, we head to the car and begin our journey into the city. The day is near perfection as there is not a cloud in the sky and the temperature is in the lower 70s. We go to the Congress Plaza Hotel to meet up with some friends. While we wait for them in the lobby, my brain slowly begins to pulsate... harder and harder. By the time they show up, I check my shoulders just to make sure there is no brain residue that may have oozed out. Fortunately, I was clean.

At this point my hangover is screaming at me to ingest something greasy immediately. So, what better place to go than to the ESPN Zone?

Wouldn't you think in a large city at a very popular restaurant where tourists obviously go the menu would have at least one vegetarian option on it? Wouldn't you? No. Nothing. Unless I was going to order a house salad, I had no options. Finally I convinced Frank, our waiter (I think he is the kid from Jerry Maguire - all grown up), to make me a portabella burger with no burger.

He did and it was good. And the hangover - gone with the Chicago wind.

So, ESPN Zone has no veggie options on the menu. You know what else they didn't have? A single tv showing the Mississippi State v. West VA game. The game that was being shown on ESPN. Okay, let's do a little deductive reasoning here. We're at an establishment run by ESPN. The football game is on an ESPN channel. Shouldn't the ESPN establishment air the game being shown on ESPN? It's just like when the stupid ESPN ticker will never show the score to MSU games. It doesn't matter who they play - LSU, South Carolina, the Colts, the Celtic... they won't show the score. I'm fed up with it really. After I finish this post, I think I will write a letter to ESPN voicing my dismay and anger. Then maybe I will write letters to other people that piss me off. I have a few things I need to get off my chest. Oh, and the second letter I'm going to write is to the maker of fortune cookies. I had a sushi party one night and to be cute and festive, I bought fortune cookies.

Out of an entire box of cookies, there were only two different fortunes. Hello? I seriously doubt if everyone is supposed to follow down the same path of life. Oh yes, I have my pen and pad ready. The letters are going out tomorrow.

Anyway, since we couldn't watch our team lose, we decided to play games instead. Talk about Chucky Cheese for adults. I don't remember the last time I played so many games - bowling, driving games, horse riding games, water ski riding games, bike riding games, dancing games, football games, and my favorite - the game I kicked the most ass on - basketball. Oh yeah. I may not have picked up a ball since 9th grade, but the Reggie in me came out and I was schooling anyone who stepped up to the challenge. Sure that was only one person. But I totally kicked his ass, so it's all good.

After an hour of gaming, it was time to move on. Our friends decided to go back to the Congress, however, we were on a mission. Target - Rotofugi.
Why Rotofugi? Well, they sell Kid Robots and I just so happen to be a collector. Yeah, laugh all you want. "Oh, she collects toys... what a loser." Well, smart asses, they aren't just toys, they are pieces of art. Toys are to be played with. Kid Robots are to be admired. Plus, they're collector's items. People are already selling them on ebay for hundreds of dollars. Really. If I ever fall on tough times, Dr. Ledoux is totally getting auctioned.

Rotofugi was a dork's wonderland and I could have easily dropped some big bucks in there. But I'm broke, so I didn't. I bought a couple of new editions for my collection and decided to head back to the Congress so we would have time to rest before the night's festivities.

I could have slept for at least 10 more hours, but seeing that the show started at 8:00, I decided to get up. A quick cab ride and we were at the Aragon Ballroom. On the playbill for the evening - Ween.

Budd and boycotter are huge Ween fans, yet neither of them had ever seen them. Since I am the only cool one in the bunch, I, of course had seen them before. Only once. But one is more than none, so I'm still cooler than them.

The Aragon Ballroom was a perfect venue, if you could take away some of the annoying dreadies that were running around and kick down the ac to about 20. The show was great though. They played some of their hits as well as songs off their album that comes out today. It got so hot we had to leave before the show was over. And of course they played one of my favorite songs for the encore. They did it on purpose. They saw me leave and were like, "Screw Jennifer. She couldn't even stay the whole show. We'll show her. Hey guys, let's play Freedom of '76. That'll really get her."
Here's the setlist:

Take me away
Transdermal Celebration
Waving my dick in the wind
Mr. Richard smoker
Learnin' to Live
Voodoo Lady
The Party
Spinal Meningitis
Buckingham Green
Happy Colored Marbles
Spirit Walker
With My Own Bare Hands
Touch my Tooter
Johnny on the Spot
Bananas and Blow
Piss up a Rope
Booze me up
Ocean man
Stroker Ace
Help my Pony
Woman and Man
What Deaner was Talkin' About
Stay Forever
Fat Lenny

Freedom of 76
Exactly Where I'm At

We caught a cab back to the Congress and do what we normally do after a night of debauchery - ordered pizza with pineapple.

Mmmm... then I got cozy and, well, passed out. What a great night.

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