Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hook me up

Wednesday 10/10/2007
12:47 p.m.

So, check this. Some dude in Australia ingested a bunch of ethylene glycol. Yeah, the same stuff found in antifreeze. It's also used as a preservative for specimens, shoe polish and a rot and fungal treatment for wood. Maybe he woke up with a little morning wood and needed to get rid of it asap. The doctors didn't say why he ingested it, but apparently it has a sweet taste and kids and animals sometimes eat it. Personally, I would rather have a Honey Bun or a Tootsie Roll.

So, to treat someone who ingests this delicious poison, the doctors pump the patient full of pure alcohol. It inhibits the toxic effects and converts the ethylene glycol to its toxic form. Once alcohol is absorbed, the ethylene glycol is pooped or peed out. I don't think it would taste so sweet then.

Well, while the doctors were giving him the alcohol treatment, they ran out of medical alcohol. Since most doctors are drunks and lushes, they apparently had a few extra bottles of Kettle laying around and were able to give him a vodka drip.

"The patient was drip-fed about three standard drinks an hour for three days in the intensive care unit," he said. "The hospital's administrators were also very understanding when we explained our reasons for buying a case of vodka."

I mean, throw in a couple of olives and shake old boy up a bit and you have a human martini. If I ever ingest any eg, I'm totally going to do it in Australia.

Did they patient recover, you may ask? ABSOLUTely.

Sources: MSNBC, Wikipedia

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