Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Weekend update: Friday

Tuesday 10/24/2007
10:07 a.m.

Thanks to a toothache, I was able to leave work early on Friday. It just so happens that my toothache occurred on the day when boycotter and I were to leave for Chicago. So, what does that mean? We hit the road early.

Our trip began around 3:00. While I wanted to get on the road earlier, this was a good driving time because we avoided most of the weekend traffic. The ride went by pretty quickly and before we knew it, we were approaching Chicago. What we didn't know, however, was that dumb ass Mapquest gave us a route going through toll booths.

Of course, we hardly had any change. First toll booth, no problem - $.15. Wow. We were amazed at the low charge and were all high-fiving and whatnot. What? Another toll booth. Fine. $.50. It's okay. We got it. Drive a few more miles. WTF? Another toll booth. This time - $2.50. $2.50? Seriously? We scraped together some dimes and pennies and luckily had just enough to make it through. By this time, what should have taken us about 10 minutes to get into town, took us more like 35. So, now it's dark, it's about 7:30, we still have about half an hour to drive and we have dinner reservations at 9:00.

So, we finally get to within 6 miles of our destination. Time: 7:55. Great. We will have time to park, hit the loo, freshen up and leave for dinner. We get to my friend's house and J. Budd, my roommate from Telluride, meets us at the street. While this is a pretty cool neighborhood to live in, there is NO parking.

Anywhere. We drive for blocks and blocks, circling the hood. Nothing. Finally we drive a mile or so away and find a spot. By this time, I'm starting to worry that we aren't going to make our reservation in time. "We have plenty of time," Budd said. "We're in Central Time." Oh yeah. I totally forgot we were in a different time zone. Talk about changing my outlook on life. So, instead of freaking out, I breathed a sigh of relief and we headed to the house.

Waiting inside were three of my friends from CO that I haven't seen in a couple of years. It always makes me sad seeing friends from that time in my life. It makes me miss the mountains and want to cry. In fact, tears are falling onto the keyboard as I type.

NOT! Ha, you people are so gullible. Like I cry. You know my tear ducts don't work. Wah, wah. I'm so sad. Please. Anyway, we chill out for a while, drink a couple of beers, smoke a little...nicotine, then head for the el.

Luckily, my friends live right by the el, and it stops within a block of the restaurant we're going to. While this seemed like a quick means of transportation, it took freaking forever to get there. Apparently they are doing construction on some of the tracks, so we were traveling at the same speed at which Sidney will chase food. Well, maybe not that fast.

I love riding public transportation for there is always some interesting character on board. This ride was no exception. For awhile, I thought it would be a quiet ride. But by stop number 5, these two sistas hop on and are just talking their heads off. "Aw, he full of it. He don't have to go no more than 3 stops. He just talking so we be feeling sorry for his ass... Well, that's when I be calling up my baby daddy and see what he has to say about it... Girrrl, you know I ain't havin' nothing to do with none of all that..." And so on and so forth. They were also combing each other's hair. You know, Chicago's windy and they probably just got it did.

We get off at our stop and head towards the Blue Water Grill . Oh my gosh. If you are ever in Chicago, please, go eat at this restaurant. From the homemade crackers on the table to the espresso martini, everything that touched my palate was amazing. For an appetizer, we had their special sushi roll. I don't know what was in it, and I don't really care. It was delicious. And for my entree, I had sauteed Alaskan halibut on top of a corn risotto cake with lump crab meat, watercress, and shaved asparagus. Each bite was more orgasmic than the next. Unfortunately, my belly was at max capacity and I couldn't finish it, nor could I order dessert. However, I did find room enough to fit a bite of Budd's dessert in there - a warm chocolate center bittersweet chocolate tart, dark chocolate sorbet and shaved white chocolate. Oh, and three very strong Absolut Mandarin and tonic cocktails. Mmmm...mmm.

After dinner we decided to go out for another drink. Some guys we were with, who I thought were a couple, but learned they were not after my friend told them I thought they were, decided we were going to this bar above this really trendy sushi joint. I don't remember what the name of the bar was, but if I had to guess, I would say it was Club Le' Douche. Talk about a sausage party at the bar.

Maybe it was a gay club, maybe not. But these guys were looking for some action. Unfortunately for them, I don't think they found any. We stayed for one drink before we felt the doucheyness rubbing off on us and decided to leave.

Oh, I must back track. The whole night Budd is macking on this girl. She met us at dinner, which he paid for, and then he rode with her to her brother's house before meeting us at Le' Douche. He is wining and dining this girl and she is all about him. Well, as we are leaving Le' Douche, they come in and he decides that we need to have one more drink down in the sushi place. Fine. The boys took tequila shots while I puked in my mouth. Then I had another VT. This place was much better than the last place, however, I question the credibility of the DJ. I'm not sure what his name was, but I have dubbed him DJ Right Click.

I thought DJ's were supposed to use records. What did he use? An ipod. However, he had all of the equipment set up to look like he was spinning records. The only thing he was spinning was his finger around his pod. Ew, that kind of sounds perverted. Anyway, we finish up our drinks and head out to catch a cab. Did Budd seal the deal? Hell no. That ho went back to her car and left my boy high and dry. What a tease. I love when girls use guys to pay for their food and drinks and then won't even give a little sugar at the end of the night. I have never done that in my life, ever. Stupid hos.

So, we hop in the cab and head home. This takes about half the time that the el took and we were able to all get really close to one another. After we get home we drink some really good beer - PBR and listen to some tunes. I got comfy on the couch and do what I always do in that position - fell asleep. I woke up long enough to throw on my pjs and go to my bed - on the hardwood floor - with no sleeping mat - just a sheet and a blanket. Warning: Do not try this at home.

(This is not a photo of me.)

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