Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Grin and bear it?

Wednesday 11/14/2007
11:13 a.m.

I had the most horrific dream last night. Two of my friends had come to visit me in Louisville. Since the weather was nice and the leaves were changing, I decided that we should take a little road trip to the wilderness. I'm not exactly sure where we were, but I'll just say we were driving through the Red River Gorge.

Now, are you picturing this? The sky is a cloudless blue with the sun shining brightly. We are cruising down the dirt road, radio blasting, windows rolled down. The day couldn't be more perfect. We pass by a trickling stream, some happy campers, some nice rock formations, huge bears. Wait. What? Bears?

As we drive along more bears start coming out of the woods. And these bears are not happy. They're extremely pissed off and very aggressive. Each one tries to jump out at us as we pass them by. At this point we start hauling ass, trying not to hit them. But the faster we go and the farther we get down the road, the bears become larger and more aggressive. Finally, as we near the end of the road this one mammoth-sized bear - I mean, this thing had to be about 7 or 8 feet tall and weigh about 900 lbs. HUGE - jumps on top of our car, which is a Land Rover by the way.

Well, we're freaking out, screaming and crying. Somehow we manage to throw the bear off of our car. Unfortunately it landed on the car behind us. This is when the dream gets really horrific. The bear completely destroyed the car. It ripped of the car roof like it was peeling the lid from a can of soup. And the passengers, well, may god rest their souls.

This was probably one of the most disturbing dreams I have ever had. I woke up in a panic, thinking there was a bear in my room. Sidney, who somewhat resembles a bear, must have gotten in my bed at some point during the night and caused me to dream of that big brown beast. Now, obviously I'm not going to get attacked by a mad pack of bears anytime soon (knock on wood). So what does this all mean?

One interpretation says that a bear in a dream is a very rich and complicated dream symbol. In order to understand it, objective association need to be made. Bears are solitary animals and the females are solitary mothers. They hibernate in a cave and they are generally not predatory animals. A bear is only aggressive when provoked, and as such times he is dangerous and deadly. Bears in dreams may represent a period of introspection and depression. However, this may be a part of a healing cycle, where the dreamer has retreated into himself in order to regenerate and in order to create something new and valuable in his life. Bears are highly regarded symbols in a variety of cultures and traditions, including the Native American tradition. Carl Jung said that all wild animal represent latent affects (feelings and emotions). The interpretation of the bear in a dream may be influenced by your perception of it and by the events in the dream. The bear may represent qualities in your character or specific aspects of your personality. Bears are usually associated with danger and aggression, but this is a very narrow view of this powerful dream symbol.

From now on the only bears I want to dream about better have a belly badge or a rubbery textured confectionery.

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