Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Who you gonna call?

Tuesday 11/6/2007
11:57 a.m.

Do you believe in ghosts? Is there a chance that the spirit of the dead sticks around long after they're gone? Do you ever hear strange noises in the night or feel a chill surround you?

Well, I definitely believe in the spiritual afterlife. When I was younger and living with my parents, I would sit in the dining room and play piano for hours. Most of the time I was the only one in the house. However, I was never alone. One day as I was sitting down to tickle the ivories, I had a feeling someone was watching me play. Then out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a gray figure swaying to and fro from the doorway to the hall. While this was a little eerie, I was not frightened and continued to play. The more I played, the more the figure would sway.

I decided that maybe I was just imagining this and should probably not mention it to my parents. But when I sat back down to play the next time, I once again had an audience. This continued throughout highschool and the summer before college. When I returned afterwards, I never again saw my soul supporter. Perhaps he/she couldn't bear to be in a house without music and decided to leave. Or perhaps he/she is waiting for my return and the chance to dance again.

Another incident happened at my childhood home that made me think it was haunted. One day I went shopping and bought some new candles. When I got home I placed one by my bed on the nightstand. I never lit it, nor did I have matches or a lighter nearby to light it. I went to bed, never thinking about the candle. When I awoke the next morning, I rolled over to look at the clock, only to see that the candle was lit and had burned nearly all the way down. Again, no matches. No lighter. Explain that.

Following the years of living in that house, I always felt I had a special connection with the spiritual world. However, I think staying up late nights watching Most Haunted Places on the Discovery Channel probably heightened my senses. Anyway, it wasn't until recently that I again got the feeling that I was not alone.

I live in an older home that was converted into apartments. I know nothing of the history of the home, nor how old it is. But I am convinced there is a ghost in my apartment. Why? Well, I didn't think much about it the first time it happened. But after it began happening on a more frequent basis, I started to pay more attention. Sometimes when I take a shower, the water goes from warm to boiling hot. Now, I know what you're thinking. Someone else is running water. Someone probably flushed the toilet or is doing laundry. Wrong. I awake around 6:15 every day. No one else in the building is awake at that time. And even if they were, they are not the cause of my increase in water heat. How do I know this? Well, when I get in the shower I turn my faucet handle to a certain point - never farther than this point, as I know I will burn myself. When the water all of a sudden changes from comfortable to bearable, the handle moves from the point I placed it to the maximum heat. I hear a click, feel the burn, turn to look. This has happened probably 7 or 8 times. The last time this happened, I was listening to James Bickers on 91.9, as I religiously do. Well, the song that was playing when I got out of the shower - Band of Horses' "Is There a Ghost." Coincidence? I think not.

Now, I've been calling this spirit the shower ghost for a while, as he was only appearing in the shower. However, he has now been dubbed "Water Ghost." Why? Beside my bed I have a noise maker. One of the settings is for a Rain storm. For the past two mornings the rain has started pouring out of nowhere. I'll be getting ready and the rain just starts. Shower ghost has escaped the bathroom and is now haunting my bedroom. Boycotter says that it is also the ghost who leaves the toilet seat up, but somehow I'm not buying that.

Here's what I think happened: Back during the summer, the ceiling above my shower began to peel and crumble. The landlord came over recently to repair it (after 6 months and it still hasn't been repaired) and said that the bathtub in the apartment above me had overflowed and leaked water into the floor/ my ceiling. So, I'm thinking that someone was taking a bath. They somehow passed out in the bathtub and drowned. As the water was seeping into the floor, the spirit of that person washed into the floor as well. When my ceiling started to crumble, the spirit entered my home. He/she is now stuck there and is trying to burn me and make me go crazy. I'm not really sure if I need to have my house exercised or what. But I'm pretty sure I'm going to go buy a Ouija Board.

Either that or stop taking showers. But no one wants that.

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