Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving update: Thanksgiving Day

Tuesday 11/27/20071:45 p.m.

Thankfully (see, I'm giving thanks on Thanksgiving) the storms had passed by the time we awakened. However, as the storm left, the frigid air entered. We hit up the free breakfast bar downstairs, opting for only cereal since we knew we would be feasting in a few hours.

Following a delicious bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and the brushing of my teeth, we were back on the road. Thankfully (there it is again) we only had a couple of hours to drive this time and we made it to the big city of Yazoo around 11:00.

No offense to my parents, but the highlight of my trip home had to be seeing the joy and excitement on my beautiful golden retriever's, Leroy Brown Middleton, face.

Every time I see him my heart breaks a little more knowing that I cannot take him with me. Well, it's not that I can't take him, I just have that other brown blob and I don't think my car or my apartment were made for two 100 lb beasts. Anyway, he was excited. My parents were excited. And I was excited to be home.

We had about 45 minutes of rest and we were back in the car headed to my aunt's house for Thanksgiving dinner. I don't know if you've ever been around a bunch of Southerners during the holidays, but let me tell you, these people can eat. There was so much food on the counter that I felt fat just looking at it: Baked turkey, fried turkey, steamed turkey, ham, pork tenderloin, creamed corn, turnip greens, green beans, onion shortbread caserole, asaparagus caserole, cheesy mashed potatoes, brocoli salad, potato salad, cornbread, rolls, potato pie (not to be confused with sweet potato pie), blackberry wine cake, coconut cake, orange squares.... I'm sure there are a few things that I'm leaving out, but you get the idea. Again, thankfully I don't eat meat. After eating until I had to unbutton my pants, it was time for the next Thanksgiving tradition - nap time.

After fading in and out of slumber, I finally awakened in time for the highlight of my day - Cowboys football. I love me some Tony Romo...

...and my dad loves to go against anything I'm cheering for, unless it's Mississippi State. Anyway, he could give a rat's ass about the Jets, but that didn't stop him from yelling for them the entire game. Well, considering that the Cowboys killed them, he didn't really yell all that much. It was a great game and my team is now 10-1. Yee haw.

We watched football until we couldn't watch football anymore. That could only mean one thing - time to eat again. Well, at least for the chubsters in my family. There was no way on Earth that I was going to be able to sit down and eat again. And if I did, I would have to run about 20 miles to burn it all off. But, never fear. The food would not go to waste. My entire family must have a tapeworm because they all went back for more. Ugh.

Finally I was able to wrangle my parents away from the food and to the car so we could head home. There was only one thing that would make the holiday complete and that's a fierce game of Scrabble.

Now, I'm a competitive person by nature. I don't care what it is - cards, board games, horseshoes, horse races, whatever - I do not like to lose. The boycotter, dad and I sat down to the board. It wasn't looking so good for me at first, as both of them were ahead of me in points. But as everyone should know, that could only last for so long. As far as I can remember, my father hasn't beaten me at Scrabble in the past three years or so. And the boycotter? Never. I am always victorious. For me, losing a game of Scrabble would be like Reggie Miller losing horse to Midget Mack. It ain't happening.

After claiming yet another victory, my eyes began to get heavy. It was very important that I get a good night's sleep, for Friday was a big day. Oh yes, I can hear the cowbells ringing already. That's right folks, it's Egg Bowl time.

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