Friday, November 2, 2007

When I wish upon a star...

Friday 11/2/2007
9:06 a.m.

It may be bright and sunny outside, but to me, the world is dark and cloudy.

Yesterday I found out that one of my really good friends is moving this weekend. He's an insurance adjuster and gets to travel from city to city. Every 28 days he gets one free plane ticket. He can either fly somewhere to visit friends or family, or he can use it to fly someone to visit him. Well, as soon as I found out where he was being stationed, I got so excited. Just where is this traveling adjuster moving next? The great state of Texas. And in what city will he be living? Dallas, home of..... THE COWBOYS!!!!

Well, of course this information gets the little wheel inside my brain turning. Hmmm... one of my best friends will be living in Dallas. He has the option of flying someone out to visit him. The Cowboys play in Dallas. I just so happen to love the Cowboys. Tony Romo. Romo. Romo...

Oh sorry. I got lost in my mind for a minute. Anyway, wouldn't it be great if he could fly me out to visit and we could go to a Cowboys' game? Wouldn't it? Answer: yes.

So, all night long I'm thinking about the game. Preferably I would like to see them play the Eagles. I love me some T.O. and that would be a great game to catch.

Then I start thinking about what I'm going to wear to the game. I'll probably need to get a new Romo Jersey. I saw some cool vintage Dallas gear on E-bay, but, I'm thinking some fresh duds will be perfect. Ahhh... It's going to be great.

Fast forward. I get to work this morning and go to the Cowboys' website. Click on "Tickets". Heart = broken. Of course, I should have known. I'm an idiot. All tickets for this season and next year's season are sold out. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. And I checked other ticket sites and the cheapest tickets I could find are $250. Why God? Why?

So, my hopes at seeing my beloved Cowboys in person have been dashed. I am destined to only watch them from my tiny ass TV while I sit on the couch, listening to my stupid dog's toenails clickety clack across the hardwood floors and smelling the noxious fumes that seep out of her nether region.

Today I am starting a make-a-wish fund for myself. My wish is to go to the Cowboys/Eagles game. All donations are welcomed. Just drop me a line if you want to give me some money. Or, if you really want to make my wish come true, you will just buy me a ticket. Whatever you feel is best. I know my devoted readers wouldn't want me to be sad. Come on guys, let's make a little girl's only wish come true. You can do it.

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