Friday, November 30, 2007

Long story short

Friday 11/30/2007
8:21 a.m.

I have totally been slacking on posting this week. I offer my most sincere apologies and hope that you can find it in your hearts to forgive me.

As opposed to giving you the detailed play-by-play of the rest of my weekend, I will give you a brief rundown instead.

Friday: Awoke at 6:15. Boycotter and I went jogging. Really. We did. Showered. Ate breakfast. Got back in the car to drive another 2 hours to Starkville. Stop for bourbon on the way. Begin tailgating at 11:00. Game begins at 11:30. Game sucked and we were scoreless until final 7:00 minutes. Bulldogs score 2 touch downs and a field goal to beat the Rebels 17-14. Go Dawgs. Crowd goes wild. Tailgate more. Go to friend's parent's cabin to watch more football and drink more bourbon. Drunk. Go out for sushi. Drink 3 bottles of sake. Go to Dave's Darkhorse Tavern, our favorite bar in college. See lots of people I haven't seen in years. Have a blast. Boycotter doesn't have a blast. Threatens to leave me at the bar. Has no where to go and no car. Doesn't leave me. We stay with an old friend and his girlfriend in the boonies. Pass out.

Saturday: Wake up with a stiff back and a hangover. Drink water. Take a shower. Get dressed. Get coffee and banana. Tour campus. Buy new MSU gear at bookstore. Marvel at the newly remodeled English building (It's about freaking time. When I was a senior, I wrote a letter to the president of the university, informing him that there were holes in the ceiling of the girls bathroom and we felt uncomfortable using it. He actually wrote me back saying that he was going to take the necessary steps to improve the restrooms. See, you can make a difference.) Got lunch. Drove another hour and a half to Jackson to meet my parents. Shop. Shop. Shop. Drink coffee. Go see one of the twin's new house. Go out for sushi, again. Drive another hour home. Lay down on the couch. Pass out.

Sunday: Wake up early. Take a shower. Pack the car. Eat breakfast. Say goodbye. Cry because Leroy can't come with us. Get in the car. Drive for almost 10 hours. Rained the whole drive. Traffic sucks. People are stupid. Tired and annoyed. Sidney farts a lot. Finally get home. Eat dinner. Stay up watching the Eagles/ Patriots game until midnight. Go to bed mad because the Eagles lost. Can't fall asleep. Don't fall asleep until almost 2:00 a.m. Wake up every hour. Finally get up at 6:00. Tired and grumpy.

There you have it.

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