Thursday, November 1, 2007

The polls are closed

Thursday 11/1/2007
3:26 p.m.

Well, the votes for this week's poll are in. It seems as though three out of the five people that voted (really guys, I feel so special to know that so many people actually read my words. It warms my heart and touches my soul. Um, no. This is a pathetic number of votes. And you know what? I'm one of those votes, so that means that really only 4 people read this. Thanks "friends". Way to show your support. You suck.) would rather lose all of their hair except for a rat-tail that continuously grows no matter what. So essentially, you would look like this guy, only with less fuzz on top.

No one wanted to lose all of their teeth except the two top front ones and one on the bottom. I don't know why. I find there is nothing sexier than a man with three teeth. Just imagine what it would be like to have him...
God you people are sick. I was totally going to say whistle. It probably sounds pretty funny when a toothless fellow tries to whistles. You really need to get help for this perversion.

One reader voted that they would rather lose their ears, even though they would still have the ability to hear. I think this is a good choice. You could always do like that little kid did on Grey's Anatomy last week. He went through the hospital trick-or-treating for ears. And you know what he got? Ears.

(no ears)

And finally, one of you voted that you would want to be Uber-Powder.

What do you think would happen if Powder went to the tanning bed, got colored contacts and wore a weave?

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