Friday, September 28, 2007

Go shorty, it's your birthday

Friday 9/28/2007
4:09 p.m.

Comedian, author, religious influence, college football star (for the Bulldogs, no less) - all of this describes the beloved fellow from Mississippi named Jerry Clower.

While attending the best college in the world (Maroon... White...), Jerry not only played football, he also majored in agriculture as well as was a member of Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity. After graduating, Jerry received a job with Mississippi Chemical Company. Now, I don't know if any of you have any experience growing up near a Chemical Plant, but I do - the very one where Jerry Clower worked. Just imagine all of the pollution generated by a chemical plant. Brown and yellow smoke shoots out of pipes.
Chemical residue seeps into the ground, which in turn seeps into our water system.
Obviously it is not good for the environment, but just imagine what that can do to humans...

If you have ever met anyone, or happen to be someone from Yazoo City, then you will know that there are a lot of loony-toons that reside there. I've always heard the saying, "There must be something in the water." Well, in this case, it's true.

Here are a couple examples: *the names have been changed to protect the crazy

Buddy Boulder* - Bud was the grandfather of one of our friends. He was a total schizo and we loved him for it. Word on the street was he used to bury money in coffee cans in the backyard because he thought aliens were going to come down and steal his cash. The only person who knew where the money was, other than himself, was his dog. I guess he showed the dog in case he needed help digging it up again. He drove a light teal Honda accord and would drive around the neighborhood every afternoon at the same time, round and round.
Well, we were kind of punks and when we would see him circling the hood, we would follow him, round and round. In retrospect, it was kind of cruel, considering his mental state. But at the time it was hilarious. I can't say for sure, but I believe he probably thought he was being chased by the mob or something. He also used to hang out at K-mart talking to the black lady that worked at the photo counter. I'm sure she really enjoyed that.

Sam Adams* - Sam is the father of a kid who was in my class. Sam lived in the same neighborhood as Buddy. While I wouldn't call him a schizophrenic, I would say that he was a little odd. Sam was married and had three kids. One son was a big stud - star of the football team, baseball team, basketball team, track team, voted as a beau in the beauty review... His middle child was in my class. Boy did this kid have a temper. I can't even remember how many times he got in a fight in elementary school. First his ears would turn red, then his face, then his eyes. And he was sort of dorky, but not to the point where we made fun of him for it. He just wore really bad glasses and had sort of funky hair. But he was good at sports, so it was always an advantage to have him on your kickball team. And finally he had a daughter. Hmmm. Let's just say if you called Sam at home and his daughter answered the phone, you would probably assume he had 3 boys. I'll just leave it there. Anyway, what made Sam extra special was that he was kind of a fruit/ fruitcake.

First of all, he had this very odd, kind of sweet voice. I could totally do an impression now, but you wouldn't be able to hear it, so there isn't much point. However, I am going to do it so I can entertain myself. Secondly, he always wanted to hang out with his older son and his friends. It's possible he was having a mid-life crisis, but I think he just liked hanging out with young boys. And thirdly, when we got older, we found out he was hanging out in the gay bars in Jackson, MS. So, let's look at the fact: His daughter was basically a son, he talked very femininely, he hung out with his teenage sons friends, and he frequented the gay clubs. If it walks like a duck, and it talks like a duck, it's probably into dudes.

I'm not sure what he's doing now. Last time I heard, he had been hitting the bottle a lot and divorced his wife. His daughter got knocked up, the oldest son had an illegitimate child and the middle son is managing a Home Depot.

Anyway, there are many more examples of how chemical plants effect the citizens who live nearby, but I will get back to the focus of my post.

While working, Jerry gained popularity when his coworkers heard his Coon Hunt Story and other comedy routines. Someone suggested that he record some of his routines, so Jerry taped his next few speaking engagements. Eventually, Clower's tapes wound up in the hands of "Big Ed" Wilkes in Lubbock, Texas, who had Clower make a better quality recording and began promoting it. He liked the idea and recorded an album under the Lemon label.

His first album was named Jerry Clower from Yazoo City Talkin', and it sold over 8,000 copies without being advertised. That's just how we roll in Yazoo City. People don't even have to know about us. Just say Yazoo and it's gold. In time, WSM radio in Nashville got a copy of the record, and when Turner played it on the air, Clower said "that thing busted loose". MCA was soon knocking on Clower's door offering him a contract. Once MCA began distribution in 1971, Jerry Clower from Yazoo City, Mississippi Talkin’ retailed more than a million dollars over ten months and stayed in the Top 20 on the country charts for 30 weeks. Again, that's how we roll.

In 1973, Clower became a member of the Grand Ole Opry, and remained with that organization until his death. He also co-hosted a radio show called Country Crossroads with Bill Mack and Leroy Van Dyke for a number of years. This show was produced and distributed by the Southern Baptist Convention. Clower's last album was Peaches and Possums, released posthumously in October 1998. Mmmm... There is nothing tastier on a hot summer day than peaches and possums. Top it off with some homemade vanilla ice cream and you've got yourself a real treat. Whoo boy.

Clower has written several books. Let the Hammer Down is a collection of humorous events and funny anecdotes. Other books he has written include: Ain't God Good!, which became the basis for an inspirational documentary that won an award from the NY International In dependant Film and Video Festival; Life Everlaughter, and Stories from Home.

Clower died following heart bypass surgery, aged 71. He had been married to Homerline Wells Clower since August 1947. He is also survived by a son, Ray, three daughters, Amy, Sue, and Katy, and seven grandchildren.

FYI - I went to church with Jerry when I was a little girl. Jealous? I know you are.

Source: Wikipedia

One more thing

Friday 9/28/2007
1:16 p.m

In case I don't get a chance to write about this later, today is Native American Day.

A note to readers

Friday 9/28/2007
1:12 p.m.

Hello readers. I have not forgotten about you. I have been/ am swamped at work and haven't had a moment's time to devote to my blog. I promise, Monday and Tuesday I will post so much that you will wish you never stumbled upon my musings. But that's pretty impossible. If I get a break today I will try to put up a few posts. I want to wish a native Yazooan a happy birthday as well as wish the Dawgs good luck. Stay tuned...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Daily Rudd

Wednesday 9/26/2007
2:37 p.m.

Oh to be young again

Wednesday 9/26/2007
2:32 p.m.

Happy birthday Allie! Life only starts to get interesting once you've lived a quarter of a century.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Go shorty, it's your birthday

Tuesday 9/25/2007
3:40 p.m.

Today we celebrate what would have been the 110th birthday of who is in my opinion, and I'm sure the opinion of several others, one of the greatest Southern writers in history. And what makes him even more kick-ass, he was from good ole Mississippi. That's pretty much where all brilliant writers hail from (clearing of the throat). And not only was he a great Southern writer, he is considered one of the most influential writers of the 20th century. He even won the the 1949 Nobel Prize for Literature.

However, while many people consider him a brilliant writer, others often criticized Faulkner's writing as being underdeveloped, and hard to follow due to his strong use symbolism, allegory, multiple narrators and points of view, non-linear narrative, and especially stream of consciousness. Faulkner is sometimes acclaimed as the inventor of the "stream-of-consciousness." What is stream of consciousness you ask Well it's basically like the flow of your thoughts put on paper I remember when I first got my computer it was a Christmas gift from my mother Anyway Faith was sitting at the computer and typing in everything that I said or anything she thought It really didn't make very much sense but after she read it back it was really funny sort of like The Office oh my gosh Dwight is so freaking hilarious he is definitely one of my favorite television characters and the romance that is blossoming between Jim and Pam is going to be such great watching Whatever happened to Mayim Bialik I mean Joey went on to dance on Broadway even though Blossom was the obvious dancer in the show's opening credits and Six was on that show with Countess Vaughan who is now on that celebrity rapping show on MTV She was also on Celebrity Fit Club I guess she did lose a little weight Oh and Tina Yothers was on that season too and she just had a baby today It seems like a lot of people are having babies Salma Hayek just had one so did that host of Dancing With The Stars Halle Berry is knocked up So is Christina Aguilerra and Nicole Richie I bet some other women are too Wait I was totally posting about something else What was it Flowers Dancing Babies Computers Oh yeah William Faulker was born on this day

Faulkner was raised in that awful place called Oxford, MS. However, if he were alive today, I'm sure he would be a Bulldog fan. By the way, the Bulldogs are 3-1 so far.

He wrote a lot of books. Here they are:
* Soldiers' Pay (1926)
* Mosquitoes (1927)
* Sartoris (Flags in the Dust) (1929)
* The Sound and the Fury (1929)
* As I Lay Dying (1930)
* Sanctuary (1931)
* Light in August (1932)
* Pylon (1935)
* Absalom, Absalom! (1936)
* The Unvanquished (1938)
* If I Forget Thee Jerusalem (The Wild Palms/Old Man) (1939)
* The Hamlet (1940)
* Go Down, Moses (1942)
* Intruder in the Dust (1948)
* Requiem for a Nun (1951)
* A Fable (1954)
* The Town (1957)
* The Mansion (1959)
* The Reivers (1962)
* Flags in the Dust (1973)

He also wrote a lot of short stories. I won't list them all, but here are a few of my favorites:
* Country Mice
* A Rose For Emily
* That Evening Sun
* Mule in the Yard
* Barn Burning
* Shingles for the Lord
* A Portrait of Elmer

Facts you may or may not have known:
* He won two Pulitzer Prizes
* He had a serious drinking problem, however, he did not drink while writing
* He moved to Hollywood to become a screenwriter
* He was the Writer-in-Residence at the University of VA from 1957 until his death at Wright's Sanitorium in Byhalia, Mississippi

"Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself."

"Facts and truth really don't have much to do with each other."

"It's a shame that the only thing a man can do for eight hours a day is work. He can't eat for eight hours; he can't drink for eight hours; he can't make love for eight hours. The only thing a man can do for eight hours is work."

Source: Wikipedia

Daily Rudd

Tuesday 9/25/2007
3:29 p.m.

Weekend Update: Yardsale

Tuesday 9/25/2007
1:26 p.m.

My favorite thing to do on a Saturday morning is wake up at 6:30. Seriously. So many people stay in bed until 10:00 or 11:00, practically wasting the day. Not me. I'm up before the sun. Well, maybe only on this Saturday.

Being the genius that I am, I decided it would be a good idea to have a yard sale. The weather will be nice, people would be out and about and I was sure to have huge success. Wrong. After about an hour and a half, we had our first customers of the day. 1st thing they do, bitch about our false advertising. I mistakingly wrote "$2.00 Set" on some towels that matched. I wrote "set" because they matched. Well, if you are confused, a set means washcloths, hand towels and big towels. We "shouldn't mark things a set if they ain't a set." Uh, excuse me granbitch. They were dishtowels. Do you really have multiple sizes of matching dishtowels? Chill out. It's game day. Moving on.

We had a roll of duct tape on the table that we had used to put prices on. The lady was all like, "How much for the tape?" And I was like, "Huh?" "The tape. How much for the tape?" "Oh, the tape's not for sale." "What's tape cost? A quarter?" "Well, it's not for sale. We were using it." "Well, why you got it up here on the table then if you ain't selling it? You don't need to have things out that you ain't gonna sell." "I'm sorry. We were using that. We were also using the scissors and that permanent marker..."

(this is why she wanted it)

Okay, seriously? You want to buy a roll of tape, used nonetheless, at a yard sale? The boycotter had a half eaten waffle and after they left he asked if they wanted to buy that too. That was pretty funny. Oh, and this reminds me of something I said that trumped him in funny.

My mother has this habit of buying clothes when they are on sale for less than $5.00. It doesn't matter what the clothes look like, if they are the right size, anything. And it doesn't matter that every time she does this I never like what she buys and always tell her DO NOT buy anything else. It's a compulsion and she will never stop. Anyway, one time when I was in high school, she comes home from a day of shopping and says, "Oh, I got you a shirt that was on sale. It only cost a quarter." A quarter? You got a shirt that only costs a quarter? Awesome. She reaches into her bag and pulls out the most heinous floral creation I have ever seen. It was a tan shirt with with purple and orange flowers on it.

Heinous. However, she was so proud that she found such a bargain. A shirt for only $.25. Wow. Needless to say, I never wore the shirt. And she wasted a quarter. I think the money would have been better spent on a gum ball - the kind that the flavor only lasts for like 5 minutes, then it expands and gets really hard in your mouth (Ooh, that kind of sounds like something else. I should watch my phrasing a little more.) So, now to the funny thing I said. In reference to the shirt (it could have been any item for $.25 and she would have bought it), I asked, "If I take a sh** and mark it for $.25, would she buy that?" That's funny right? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Anyway, the yard sale brought out several interesting characters. We had some knives for sale, which we were a little wary of.

Some lady was saying how she really needed knives, but just couldn't buy them. Her ex husband apparently did something really bad with knives, which has created this phobia in her about having them around the house. She said her son liked to cook a lot, but he was always complaining that there were no knives to cut the food with. Weird.

And then (and it is just now that I am making any sort of connection between these two people) a lady and her two daughters stopped by and bought every fork we had - probably 12 or 15. She said that she always buys forks, but then they end up disappearing. She said she has tons of knives, but no forks. Then she let us know that she was moving her family to Vegas.

So, here's what I get out of all of this: Woman number 1 was married to some psycho who probably threw knives at her, cut her and threatened to kill her.

She finally had enough and filed for divorce, as well as pressing charges on her husband for spousal abuse. The husband, now ex-husband, spent a few years in jail. This is where he met woman number 2. Her ex-husband and baby daddy was in jail with Mr. Knife. While visiting her ex, who was in for many more years than Mr. K, she established a relationship with Mr.K.

She started visiting him more than her ex. She wrote him letters and baked him goodies, brought him cigarettes, made him mixed tapes, etc. Mr. K is getting out of jail soon and woman #2 decides that he should come live with her and her girls. Things are going great... for a while. Then she notices that all of her forks are missing. Well, it isn't that her forks are missing. It just seems that way because Mr.K is putting more knives in the drawer. He's obsessed. Well, after a few months of bliss, Mr.K starts treating woman #2 like he treated woman #1. Woman #1 has already dealt with enough bs from her first husband and decided she better get out while she can. She files with the witness relocation program, which is soon moving her to Las Vegas. I'm a genius.

Other than the knife ladies, and the woman who wanted to buy tape, we only had a few other customers. The sale was not what I hoped it would be and we each walked away with about $30.00.

After the sale, we took about 8 bags of crap to the Goodwill. We decided to go in to look around. You know, we just got rid of all of our crap, now we had to go look at other people's crap. While we were there, some they put out some of the items we brought in - wine rack, basket, bread box. As soon as they put them out, this lady made a v-line for the cart and picked up everything. Are you serious? Where was she when we were having our sale? And Goodwill was even charging more. It's funny how people get their panties in a wad if you price something for a buck or two more than they want to pay. But put the same crap in a thrift store and jack up the price, gone in 60 seconds. Ain't that a bitch. At least it was for a good cause - tax deduction.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Weekend Update: Friday

Monday 9/24/2007
11:07 a.m.

I just know you're dying to know what wild and crazy things I did this weekend. Well, I will not keep you in suspense any longer.

Worked. Worked out. Went to boycotter's house. Took a shower. Got dressed. Went out for sushi.
Oh my god. It was so good. I was full. Sato is the best. He is very funny. Maybe the funniest Asian I know. Then again I don't know that many Asian people. I'll just say he's the funniest sushi chef I know. Wait. I don't know that many sushi chefs either. He's a funny guy. Went back to boycotter's house. Put all of the items for the garage sale into my car. Wait. I don't have a garage. Yard sale. Drove home. Was too lazy to unload all of the yard sale items. Left them in the car. Went in. Watched tv while I priced items for yard sale and made signs to put on the street. Went to bed around 12:30.

Daily Rudd

Monday 9/24/2007
10:09 a.m.

Friday, September 21, 2007

So, he's got that going for him

Friday 9/21/2007
9:39 a.m.

As my faithful readers know, I often times pay tribute to those actors, musicians, and those famous for no reason who are celebrating a birthday. Well, today I am ecstatic to devote a post to (and I actually mean this for once) one of the greatest comedic actors, and my second favorite actor of all time(I think you know who my favorite is), the phenomenally talented, irrepressibly hilarious, enchanting, William James Murray.


Billy boy celebrates turning a very sexy 57 years old today. And what a 57 years it has been. Bill Murray, this is your life:

As a teenager, Bill worked alongside his brothers as a caddy to pay for school ("Oh Mrs. Crane, you're a little monkey woman. Yeah, you're lean, mean, and I bet you're not too far in between are ya. How'd you like to wrap your spikes around my..."). After graduation, he attended Regis University in Denver, Colorado where he took pre-med courses. He later dropped out after being arrested for possession of marijuana at Chicago's O'Hare Airport. It was medicinal though. He was taking pre-med classes.

In 1975 Bill landed his first tv role on some little show called Saturday Night Live. He landed his first starring role with the film Meatballs in 1979. Following that he starred in one of my favorite movies, Where the Buffalo Roam, portraying famed Louisville author, Hunter S. Thompson. Following the roaming buffalo, he had a string of box office hits with Caddyshack, Stripes and Tootsie.

Murray then began work on a film adaptation of the novel The Razor's Edge. The film, which Murray also co-wrote, was his first starring role in a dramatic film. He later agreed to star in Ghostbusters in a role originally written for John Belushi. This was a deal Murray made with Columbia Pictures in order to gain financing for his film. Ghostbusters became the highest-grossing film of 1984. But The Razor's Edge, which was filmed before Ghostbusters but not released until after, was a box-office flop. Upset over the failure, Murray took four years off from acting to study French at the Sorbonne and spend time with his family in their Hudson River Valley home. With the exception of a memorable cameo in the 1986 movie Little Shop of Horrors, he did not make any appearances in films.

Murray returned to acting in 1988 and starred in several hits: Scrooged, Ghostbusters II, Quick Change, What About Bob? and Groundhog Day.

After a string of films that didn't quite please the haters out there, he received much critical acclaim for Wes Anderson's Rushmore for which he won several awards. Murray then experienced a resurgence in his career as a dramatic actor. After dramatic roles in Wild Things, Cradle Will Rock, Hamlet (as Polonius), and The Royal Tenenbaums (one of the greatest movies ever), and he garnered considerable acclaim for the 2003 film Lost in Translation. He received a Golden Globe Award and a BAFTA award. He was also nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor. In an interview included on the Lost in Translation DVD, Murray states that this is his favorite movie in which he has appeared.

During this time, Murray still appeared in comedic roles such as Charlie's Angels and Osmosis Jones. In 2004, he provided the voice of Garfield in Garfield: The Movie, which also starred the best actress of all time (this time I'm not serious), Jennifer Love Hugetits. He also collaborated with Wes Anderson for the third time in The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. Murray also garnered acclaim for his dramatic role in Jim Jarmusch's Broken Flowers (This is an incredible film. If you haven't seen it, you're a loser.)

In 2005, he announced that he would take a break from acting, as he had not had the time since his new breakthrough in the late-1990s. Following this announcement, I locked myself in the basement for three weeks and only ate snowballs and vegemite sandwiches.

Here are a few facts about this stud:
- Has been adopted as an unofficial mascot by the Online Forum Football365.
- He was named #1 Smart ass on Comedy Central's "List of the 51 Greatest Smart asses. I was named #2.
- Murray was once asked by Harry Carey during a Cubs game (and shortly after Murray's mother had died) "How's your mother doing?" Murray responded, "Well, she's dead, Harry...and don't ask about my father because he's dead too."


* Tarzoon: Shame of the Jungle (1975) (voice in 1979 English dub)
* Next Stop, Greenwich Village (1976)
* All You Need is Cash (1978) (aka, "The Rutles"cameo)
* Meatballs (1979)
* Mr. Mike's Mondo Video (1979)
* Where the Buffalo Roam (1980)
* The Missing Link (1980) (voice in English dub)
* Caddyshack (1980)
* Loose Shoes (1980)
* Stripes (1981)
* Tootsie (1982)
* Ghostbusters (1984)
* Nothing Lasts Forever (1984)
* The Razor's Edge (1984)
* Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
* She's Having a Baby (1988) (Cameo)
* Scrooged (1988)
* Ghostbusters II (1989)
* Quick Change (1990)
* What About Bob? (1991)
* Groundhog Day (1993)
* Mad Dog and Glory (1993)
* Ed Wood (1994)
* Kingpin (1996)
* Larger than Life (1996)
* Space Jam (1996) (Cameo)
* The Man Who Knew Too Little (1997)
* Wild Things (1998)
* Rushmore (1998)
* Cradle Will Rock (1999)
* Scout's Honor (1999) (short subject)
* Hamlet (2000)
* Michael Jordan to the Max (2000) (documentary)
* Charlie's Angels (2000)
* Speaking of Sex (2001)
* Osmosis Jones (2001)
* The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)
* Lost in Translation (2003)
* Coffee and Cigarettes (2003)
* This Old Cub (2004) (documentary)
* Garfield (2004) (voice)
* The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004)
* Broken Flowers (2005)
* The Lost City (2005)
* Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties (2006) (voice)
* Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride: Hunter S. Thompson on Film (2006) (documentary)
* FCU with Bill Murray (2007) (Youtube Feature)


* 1906 (2007)
* The Darjeeling Limited (2007)
* Ghostbusters III TBA (voice)
* Get Smart (film)
* City of Ember


"Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm a schizophrenic and so am I." - What About Bob?

"I always want to say to people who want to be rich and famous: 'try being rich first'. "See if that doesn't cover most of it. There's not much downside to being rich, other than paying taxes and having your relatives ask you for money. But when you become famous, you end up with a 24-hour job."

"This is a hybrid. This is a cross, ah, of Bluegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Featherbed Bent, and Northern California Sensemilia. The amazing stuff about this is, that you can play 36 holes on it in the afternoon, take it home and just get stoned to the bejeezus-belt that night on this stuff." - Caddyshack

"I think that the online world has actually brought books back. People are reading because they're reading the damn screen. That's more reading than people used to do."

"Now that I'm mature ... yet still somehow childlike, I can't really let it roll like that any more, but I've certainly met different women who have attracted me and you could make a case that even if you're married to your high-school sweetheart, every day should be like falling in love again."

Source: Wikipedia

Daily Rudd

Friday 9/21/2007
9:35 a.m.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Daily Rudd

Thursday 9/20/2007
3:32 p.m.

I can't live without their love and affection

Thursday 9/20/2007
10:15 a.m.

Today we celebrate the 40th birthday of two of the most influential twins in music history - the Nelson brothers.

What's to know about the Brothers Douche:

- They look alike.
- Their dad is Ricky Nelson, one of Ozzie and Harriet's brats. (Some of you kiddies may be too young to remember this show. That's really sad. I watched it every night on Nick at Night, right after Dobie Gillis and Donna Reed. It was awesome.)
- They were once listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the only family to reach number one record status in three successive generations.
- They had a number one hit for one week. Then the rest of their music sucked. After the Rain was okay, but nowhere near as sweet as "Love and Affection"
- Apparently, they are really popular in Japan. But they are easily entertained, so that's not saying much.

- They also inspired a cartoon - "Nelson: Rock & Roll Detectives".

These hos are still touring:

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Part of his cultural upbringing?

Wednesday 9/19/2007
2:48 p.m.

I was reading Time magazine on my lunch break, as I often do, and came across a very disturbing comment made by the newest big mouth on The View. That woman who seems to be a lesbian, but really has a thing for white dudes said that convicted felon, Michael Vick's dogfighting is "part of his cultural upbringing" in the South. WTF is she talking about? First of all, she was born in NY. What does she know about Southern upbringing? And Vick was born in Virginia. When did Virginia become Southern. The South, in my opinion as a Southerner, includes the following states: MS, AL, AK, TN, GA, FL, LA. I mean, I guess VA was a Confederate state or whatever, but please. It ain't the South. And Secondly, dogfighting is not part of a Southern upbringing. I have never seen a dog fight, never heard about a dog fight, never known anyone who was involved in dog fighting. Whoopi needs to keep her big mouth shut. If she wants to see a Southern dogfight, tell her to come over to my house and I will beat the dog s*** out of her. What? What? Bring it Whoopi. Bring it.

Reason number 47 why I don't eat meat

Wednesday 9/19/2007
2:11 p.m.

Today we celebrate the life of Ellen Naomi Campbell, I mean Cohen, also known as Mama Cass Elliot.

Mama started her singing career when she was still in school. After leaving school, she went to New York City, where she appeared in The Music Man but lost the part of Miss Marmelstein in I Can Get It for You Wholesale to Barbra Streisand in 1962. Big mama lost to big schnoz.

After belting it out on the dramatic tip, she turned her interests towards a singing career. Here is a list of the bands that Mama performed with:

The Triumvirate
The Big Three
The Mugwumps
The New Journeymen

Word on the street was that Mama's vocal range was improved by three notes after she was nailed in the head by some copper tubing shortly before joining The New Journeymen, while they were in the Virgin Islands. Mama confirmed the story; in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine in 1968 she said,
“It’s true, I did get hit on the head by a pipe that fell down and my range was increased by three notes. They were tearing this club apart in the islands, revamping it, putting in a dance floor. Workmen dropped a thin metal plumbing pipe and it hit me on the head and knocked me to the ground. I had a concussion and went to the hospital. I had a bad headache for about two weeks and all of a sudden I was singing higher. It’s true. Honest to God."

Dayum. Somebody hit me in the head so I can sing more notes. Not that I don't already have an awesome singing voice. I've often been compared to Cat Stephens. Oh wait, now that I think about it, I think they were comparing me to a cat. Either way, I got mad vocal skills.

Since the Journeymen now had two hos in the lineup, they decided it was time for a new name. According to one of the Papas:

"We're all just lying around vegging out watching TV and discussing names for the group. The New Journeymen was not a handle that was going to hang on this outfit. John was pushing for The Magic Cyrcle. Eech, but none of us could come up with anything better, then we switch the channel and, hey, it's the Hell's Angels on this talk show... And the first thing we hear is: "Now hold on there, Hoss. Some people call our women cheap, but we just call them our Mamas." Cass jumped up: "Yeah! I want to be a Mama." And Michelle is going: "We're the Mamas! We're the Mamas!" OK. I look at John. He's looking at me going: "The Papas?" Problem solved. A toast! To The Mamas and the Papas. Well, after many, many toasts, Cass and John are passed out."

He went on to say that the occasion marked the beginning of his affair with Michelle, a.k.a. Kelly Taylor's mommy.

This really sucked for Mama, because she was in love with Doherty. However, Mama Jama was married platonically to Jim Hendricks (not to be confused with Jimi Hendrix, or Jimmy Dale Hendricks, whom I dated in high school) at the time. Doherty has said that Cass once proposed to him, but that he was so stoned at the time, he couldn't even respond.

The hos and pimps continued to record to meet the terms of their record contract until their final album was released in 1971. Big Mama's voice is noticeably weak on that album, as she herself was physically weak from crash dieting. Hmmm... as I look into my crystal ball, I see the image of a blond pop star who has two kids and just had an awesome performance on the VMAs...

The band broke up and Big Mama went on to have a solo career. Dream a Little Dream of Me was her biggest hit. It was also the inspiration for one of the greatest movies of all time starring two of the greatest actors of my generation.

At the height of her solo career in 1974, Elliot performed two sold-out concerts at the London Palladium. She telephoned Michelle Phillips after the final concert, utterly elated that she had received standing ovations each night. She then retired for the evening, and died in her sleep of a heart attack.

Legend has it that Big Mama died choking on a ham sandwich. Speaking to the press shortly after her body was discovered, the police noted that a partly eaten sandwich had been found in her room and speculated that she may have choked while eating it. When the coroner's autopsy was performed, no food was found in her trachea and the cause of death was determined to have been heart failure and that she had died in her sleep. But by then, the specious Fatal Ham Sandwich story was already making the rounds and the real cause of death was rarely discussed. The New York Times did report on August 6, 1974, that "Dr. Keith Simpson, a British pathologist, and Gavin Thurston, a London coroner, issued a report yesterday that ruled out the theory that "Mama" Cass Elliot choked to death on a ham sandwich." In an odd coincidence, Elliot died in the same flat, No.12 at 9 Curzon Place, that legendary drummer Keith Moon died in, a little over four years later. I wonder what he was eating?

Source: Wikipedia

Half full or half empty

Wednesday 9/18/2007
11:52 a.m.

Have you ever seen that commercial where this guy is walking down the street and there's a lady pushing her little kid in a stroller? The kid drops his stuffed animal and they guy picks it up and give it back to the kid. Someone else on the street sees this and then does a similar good deed for someone else. And this continues on and on - like Pay It Forward. Everyone does something selfless and effortless and then they feel good about it.

Well, yesterday I was running a little late for work. I didn't leave the house until 8:00. Of course I get stuck behind the recycling truck that stops at every driveway on the street. This is a busy road and I cannot pass. Of course, being the road rager that I am, I start cussing and getting my panties in a wad about it. I made it to work at 8:15. As I am walking to the building, this guy drops a bag of candy and peppermints and jolly ranchers go everywhere in the parking lot. I couldn't just walk by and not help him, so I got down on the ground and started picking up the candy. He was very grateful and thanked me. As I walked away, I said, "I hope this isn't any indication of how your day is going to be." "Well, a stranger stopped to help me pick up candy, so I think that's a pretty good start," he responded. Wow. What a pessimist I was. He was right. What a positive attitude. It definitely changed how I went about my day. And yes, I sort of strayed away from generosity to optimism, but I can do that. It's my blog.

What did I learn? I need to relax and stop yelling at people who are only trying to help the environment by picking up the recycling. I need to wake up 10 minutes earlier so I won't be late for work. When possible, always take the time to help someone in need. Just because you're drunk and half of your glass is empty, doesn't mean there isn't a few more drops to go down. Opt for optimism.

Daily Rudd

Wednesday 9/19/2007
11:49 a.m.

This is just weird.

While you're humping, don't forget to talk like a pirate.

Wedensday 9/19/2007
11:29 a.m.

Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Two dudes, Mark Summers (I'll take the physical challenge. Unfortunately, not the same guy) and John Baur decided that September 19 would be the day when everyone in the world would talk like a pirate. Awesome. I normally talk like a pirate and everyone looks at me like I'm crazy. Well, in your face haters. Today I'm normal.

So, for all of you novices who don't know how to talk like a pirate, here are some tips:
1) Double up on all your adjectives. Pirates never speak of "a big ship", they call it a "great, grand ship!" They never say never, they say "No nay ne'er!"

2) Drop all your "g"'s when you speak and you'll get words like "rowin'", "sailin'" and "fightin'". Dropping all of your "v"'s will get you words like "ne'er", "e'er" and "o'er".

3) Instead of saying "I am", sailors say, "I be". Instead of saying "You are", sailors say, "You be". Instead of saying, "They are", sailors say, "They be". Ne'er speak in anythin' but the present tense!

4)If it be helpin', start yer sentence wi' a "Arr, me hearty," in a deep, throaty voice — ye'll find that the rest be comin' much easier.

* Ahoy: Hey!
* Avast: Stop!
* Aye: Yes
* Booty: treasure
* Buccanneer: a pirate who be answerin' to no man or blasted government.
* Davy Jones' Locker: the bottom o' the sea, where the souls of dead men lie
* Gentlemen o' fortune: a slightly more positive term fer pirates!
* Go on the account: to embark on a piratical cruise
* Grog: A pirate's favorite drink.
* Jack: a flag or a sailor
* Landlubber: "Land-lover," someone not used to life onboard a ship.
* Lass: A woman.
* Lily-livered: faint o' heart
* Loaded to the Gunwales (pron. gunnels): drunk
* Matey: A shipmate or a friend.
* Me hearty: a friend or shipmate.
* Me: My.
* Scallywag: A bad person. A scoundrel.
* Scurvy dog!: a fine insult!
* Shiver me timbers!: an exclamation of surprise, to be shouted most loud.
* Son of a Biscuit Eater: a derogatory term indicating a bastard son of a sailor
* Squiffy: a buffoon
* Swaggy: a scurvy cur's ship what ye be intendin' to loot!
* Swashbucklin': fightin' and carousin' on the high seas!
* Sweet trade: the career of piracy
* Thar: The opposite of "here."
* Walk the plank: this one be bloody obvious.
* Wi' a wannion: wi' a curse, or wi' a vengeance. Boldly, loudly!
* Yo-ho-ho: Pirate laughter

Arr ye landlubbers. Don't ne'er be a squiffy. Best be grabbin' you a grog and tell all yer mateys that you be goin' on the account of speakin' in the Pirate tounge.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Weekend update: Sunday

Monday 9/17/2007
4:45 p.m.

We rose with the sun. Well, not really. We rose when I couldn't sleep any more and decided that P couldn't either. I made coffee to get our day started right and turned on the tv to see what sports action we had to look forward to for the day. Bengals v. Browns at 1:00. What better place to be for an OH showdown than OH. We showered (okay pervs, I'll let you have this one), got dressed, checked out and hit the streets. It wasn't quite game time, so we stopped off at the Contemporary Arts Center first. If you are an art lover and are even in Cincinnati, I highly suggest you stop by. This place had some incredible art. And none of that boring crap with ballerinas and trees and dots and stuff. Cool art. Like the kind I would make if I were an artist. I was really looking forward to seeing Charley Harper's exhibit. He had a few things on display, but the paintings I was hoping to see, won't be showing until Dec. Guess I'll just have to come back. After an hour or so in the gallery, our growling stomachs told us it was time to get some lunch.

We follow the people in orange and black to a place called the Cadillac Ranch. If you are a vegetarian or like tap beer other than Bud Light, you probably want to go somewhere else. Luckily they were able to substitute one of their meaty delights for something I could eat. Oh yeah, and don't get a Bloody Mary either. I detected a hint of ginger ale in mine. Not what a BM should taste like. Oh god. That sounds sick. Of course I don't know what a bm tastes like. Yuck.
Anyway, we got our food just at kick off. P and I had on brown, but I don't think it was obvious that we were cheering for the Browns. No one threatened us and we tried to keep quiet. GO BROWNS. (I don't have to be quiet now. I'm in Louisville.) We finished up our meal (I give it 2.5 stars) and headed back to Louisville. After taking a detour through the ghetto, we were on our way and made it back around 3:30.

I was totally going to take a nap, but the weather was so beautiful, I felt like I would be committing a sin by staying indoors. So, I got my puppy and 4 bags for poo, changed clothes and headed to the park. I took her to her favorite spot in the park. I have to say, it's probably my favorite spot too. It's an area right below the bridge that divides the two parks - Cherokee and Seneca. In some places the water is deep enough to immerse Sidney's fat belly. But in other spots, I can easily scamper across the rocks to the other bank. The stream runs down to a swimming area, where the kids jump off huge boulders into the water surrounded by trees. Above the boulders is a nice hiking/ biking trail, where occasionally I smell the remains of a doo-doo stick doobie lingering in the air. After letting Sidney fetch sticks but never return them to me for a half hour or so, I took her up to the trail. It gets a little narrow at times and she is a big wussy, so when she got a little nervous trying to hop onto a boulder, we both nearly fell to our watery grave. (Not really - it's only about 10 feet off the ground. More like a watery concussion or sprain.) After regaining our composure, we hiked for about 20 more minutes or so and headed back home.

When I got back, Laura and I decided to go look for houses. This has become a daily ritual for us. While we don't really have any problems with our current living situation. However, it would be nice to have a house with a backyard and no idiots living next door who won't take out their trash, leave McDonald's bags in the parking lot, leave dog poop in the basement or have the cops looking for them. We found a lot for rent - some good, some not, some affordable, some not. But, as of now, we are still living in the apartment. The search shall go on.

After our arduous search, we decided to reward ourselves with a little sushi from Sakura Blue. Mmmmmmm... Hawaiian roll, Kiss of Eel roll, Dynamite roll, white tuna and salmon nigiri, fried rice... Yum. After dinner we rolled our fat bellies home and called it an evening. After enjoying my favorite Sunday night programming, Rock of Love, I hit the sack for a night of sound sleeping. Sweet dreams.

Weekend update: Saturday

Monday 9/17/2007
3:46 p.m.

Thank you God, another glorious day. I awoke to some bow chica wow wow. Always a good way to start the day. Not to confuse anyone, but my alarm clock is a bass guitar playing notes that sound like "bow chica wow wow." Why do you always have to be so perverted? We got out of bed, got dressed, went to Kroger, got coffee at the Kroger Starbucks, got real dog food and grub to cook for breakfast (not together). When we got home, I did what any good girlfriend would do and cooked breakfast for my guy - bacon and waffles. Mmmm... I made him get sugar free syrup and whole grain waffles. Just because he's going to eat a fatty's breakfast doesn't mean he has to be a fatty. After getting less fat than he would have had he eaten sugar syrup and regular waffles, he left and I cleaned house. Cleaning house is usually an all day event for me, but since we had a special evening planned, I couldn't lolly-gag.

We planned on leaving town to go to Cincinnati at noon. We left town to go to Cincinnati at 1:30. Why Cincinnati you ask? Duh, because "In Too Deep," my all time favorite movie, was filmed there.

No, we really went to Cincinnati to see one of my favorite bands, Umphrey's McGee play at the Taft Theater. We got to town around 3:00, just in time to check in, make it to the room and catch the last 5 minutes of the MSU v. Auburn game. Oh my god! Talk about a nerve racking. If you are a MSU fan, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Never get comfortable just because you have the lead. I just want to say that I have never been so happy about an MSU victory. As soon as Auburn missed their final attempt at a TD, we started screaming, jumping and dancing around the hotel room. I'm surprised we didn't get kicked out for being too rowdy. Well, you know what we had to do next... No perverts, we went out for a drink to celebrate.

Wearing our maroon and white shirts, we strolled into the Rock Bottom Brewery, ordered a beer and sangria, and toasted to the now 2-1 Mississippi State Bulldogs. There are several Rock Bottom's in the country, so if you ever pass by one, you should definitely stop in. The beer was excellent, as was the food. P had some mac and cheese with chicken mixed in. And on top - baked bread crumbs. I had a seared ahi sandwich with avocado, sprouts, tomato, and wasabi aoli on toasted pita bread. Mmm mmm good. Then he had more beer and I had more vodka. Go Dawgs.

After filling our bellies we went back to the hotel, where we planned to continue cocktailing. If you like to drink sodas, never stay at the Westin on 5th St. There is not one vending machine in the entire hotel. Seriously. So, since we couldn't have cocktails in our rooms without breaking the mini-fridge and paying $9.00 for a Bud Light, we went to the bar instead. Bourbon and Vodka please. The hotel restaurant was all fancy schmancy. Luckily we sat at the bar and had a cool bartender. She saw P's UM shirt and got all heady on us. She said she used to kick it with the band back in the day, but she hadn't seen them in years. Then she said she was friends with John. Uh, unless she's talking about one of their road crew, she was just making stuff up. Maybe she was confusing Joel or Jake for John. I will give her that. But I think she was making it up. Maybe she confused UM for WSP and she really knows John Bell. Or maybe she was a huge Credence fan and she and John Fogerty are tight. Anyway, we had more booze and left to get ready for the show.

We got there at 7:15. They were supposed to come on at 7:30, but that never happens. They played in a really small venue and there was hardly anyone there. The show however, was on and poppin'. These guys are some of the most talented musicians that I have ever seen. Now I'm a huge Panic fan, and I would never say anything negative about JB and the boys - other than Schools if fat, Sunny looks gains or I hate JB's wife - but UM can do things that WSP could never even come close to doing. Pure and simple, these boys are rock and roll. With flawless transitions and guitar licks that challenge the fingers of Eddie Van Halen, the boys from Indiana rocked the roof of the the already facade challenged Taft Theater.

Here's the setlist:

Taft Theatre
Cincinnati, Ohio

Set One:
Professor Wormbog, Plunger > Passing > Plunger, JaJunk > Wife Soup > JaJunk, Great American@ > "Jimmy Stewart"@* > Great American@, Black Water@

Set Two:
Der Bluten Kat > Ocean Billy > Der Bluten Kat, Easy**, Miss Tinkle's Overture, Hangover, Got Your Milk (Right Here)

Encore: The Bottom Half > Last Train Home > The Bottom Half

Notes @ with Brendan and Jake on acoustics
* with lyrics
** first time played, Lionel Richie; with Nick Blasky (Ray's Music Exchange) on vocals

After the show we headed back to our hotel to catch the ESPN wrap up and a rerun of SNL. P was a hungry boy and ordered pizza once we got back. After about 1 1/2 hours, his pineapple/ ham pie arrived. Since I had already passed out, the scent of the Hawaiian goodness aroused me from my slumber. This was temporary, however. I was up long enough to pick some ham off the pizza, eat a couple of slices, brush my teeth (you totally thought I was going to go back to sleep without brushing my teeth after eating pizza), and go back to sleep. And sleep came easy like Sunday morning in our Super Duper King Kong size bed, or what the Westin calls, "Heavenly Bed." And heavenly it was, because I thought I saw God... iva chocolate. That's what I wanted for dessert. I really am sick of all your perverse thoughts. You're the reader and all, but it's really starting to effect my every day life.

Oh, p.s.

Monday 9/17/2007
3:44 p.m.

I'm totally a Steelers fan now. Sorry B'cos.

Daily Rudd

Monday 9/17/2007
3:42 p.m.

"I used to go to Pittsburgh a lot when I was a kid. I was a die hard Steelers fan...Huge. More than comedies or movies or anything like that, it was the main thing in my life that I cared about the most...I would take trips to go to see games at Three Rivers Stadium...[it] was the most exciting thing I ever got to do...To be a kid and to be a Steelers fan during those years when they were just unbeatable, that was probably more of an inspiration than anything else. It kind of made you see -- no, you can win, anything is possible. The Steelers win everything."

Weekend update

Monday 9/17/2007
2:51 p.m.

Is it just me or is everyone else having an extremely difficult time going to work lately? It's as if God found the format I wrote for the perfect day and said to himself, "You know, Jennifer sure is a great girl. She deserves something really nice. What should it be? Hmmm (scratches his beard). Think, think, think. Wait a minute. What do we have here? Oh yes. It's the format for a perfect day. Yes, that's what I'll give her - the perfect day. That's perfect." (Cue the Velvet Underground's "Perfect Day").

So, since we are having great weather, it was only fitting that I had a great weekend as well. Let's go back in time..........

I'll fast forward through my day at work. I was busy and I worked overtime, but I got paid my first full adult paycheck and I couldn't have been happier. For the first time in my life I got to experience what it feels like to NOT be broke. And let me tell you, it was a great feeling. I took my new money and put it in the bank. Then I do what most women do on payday, I went shopping. Relax, I only went to Target and only bought dog food (2 cans. I was going to by my normal big bag of food, but Target thinks they're like the Gap vs. Old Navy and charges $7.50 more than Kroger. Nice try, but I don't think so.), Sandalwood scented (my favorite - take note) candles, cereal, organic fat-free milk (I'm so granola) and a get well treat (2 cans of soup, a bag of chocolate and regular marshmallows) for my ill neighbor.

I got home and fed my dog - oh wait. I forgot to tell you what I fed her for breakfast. I ran out of dog food and I didn't have time to go to the grocery store that morning. So, I went with the next best thing - pregnant ladies surprise. Sidney dined on a gourmet appetizer of Jewish rye bread, followed by creamy delicious homemade (Kroger made) potato salad. And for dessert, she tickled her taste buds with the island flavor of pineapple. (I didn't tell my boyfriend about the fruit. He was already miffed at me for feeding her what I did. And since he's boycotting my blog, he won't find out. And if he says something about it, then I know he couldn't resist my beautiful wits.)... So, when I got home from work, Sidney was freaking out. If a stranger walked in, they would think that I haven't fed my dog in 5 weeks and 4 days. I fed her, walked her, picked up after her (There was a plastic yellow toy in her poop. I'm not sure what it was or where she got it, but it was definitely there. I didn't investigate the situation any further.) and headed home to get ready for my dinner date.

The boycotter picked me up and whisked me away to Asiatique. We had a lovely dinner - bottle of wine, seared slices of walu, crispy tuna roll, grilled moonfish, tempura asparagus, grilled shrimp, rice and for dessert - a quartet of creme brulet - blueberry ginger (tasted like when you burn marshmallows on the fire), one that tasted like cheese grits, one that tasted like apple pie and one that was runny and not really edible. And I had autumn spiced cheesecake, graham cracker shortbread crust with cardamom creme and a little caramelized orange. It was all lovely and delicious. Afterwards we went home. I read the latest US Weekly and P played the guitar. I, as usual, fell asleep. There was wining and dining, but no...

God you people are sick.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

He's not a porn star

Thursday 9/13/2007
4:00 p.m.

Robert Downey, Sr. is an actor, writer and director. This old fart has played minor league baseball, become a Golden Gloves champion and an Off-Off-Broadway playwright.

I checked him out on and he's been in quite a few movies. Most notable (to me) are: Magnolia, Boogie Nights, Naughty Nurse, Balls Bluff and Matlock.

After all the stops and starts

Thursday 9/13/2007
3:43 p.m.

Guess what singer, bass player, producer and former member of Chicago turns 63 today...

Peter Cetera!

His trademark singing style would develop as a result of having to sing for a period of time with a wired-shut jaw after getting into a brawl at a Los Angeles Dodgers game in 1970. Dang. He must have been wearing an Angels hat or something.

His biggest singing and songwriting accomplishment with Chicago came in 1976 with their first worldwide No. 1 single, the ballad "If You Leave Me Now." I wonder if she left.

He wrote the best theme song to a movie in cinematic history: "Glory of Love" from Karate Kid, Part II. It was also nominated for both an Academy Award and a Golden Globe in the category of Best Original Song, as well as a Grammy Award for Best Pop Vocal Performance by a Male Artist. I bet when he found out that he got all those nominations, he waxed on and waxed off.

He recorded one of my favorite songs to play on piano from one a movie I used to watch once a week growing up: "After All" from Chances Are with the delightful handsome, Robert Downy, Jr. On a side note, who is Robert Downy? I don't know anything about him.

More like manicotti

Thursday 9/13/2007
3:15 p.m.

This just in: My boyfriend is boycotting my blog. I'm assuming it's because he doesn't like me talking about him on here or something. Well, since he's now boycotting it, I guess I can finally tell all of the dirty secrets I've been hiding without fearing that he may read it. Ahhh... I feel like a giant tanker has been just rolled off my back.

Freedom of Speech is the concept of being able to speak freely without censorship. It is often regarded as an integral concept in modern liberal democracies. The right to freedom of speech is guaranteed under international law through numerous human rights instruments, notably under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Source: Wikipedia

Daily Rudd

Thursday 9/13/2007
11:39 a.m.

Taken from an interview with Donal Logue and Mr. Rudd:

DL: ...I'd prefer that you tell me a joke. Remember that one time you were driving down to Santa Monica and you did this weird thing where you push your seat all the way back?

PR: So that anyone who drives by just sees a head barely popping out of the back seat. It doesn't look like anybody is really driving. It looks like there is a child riding in the back seat.

DL: That may be one of the most dangerous yet effective pieces of humor I've ever witnessed.

PR: Just don't do it when there are turns coming up. On second thought, maybe don't do it, period.

Bust out the Crystal

Thursday 9/13/2007
11:25 a.m.

Drop the balloons, throw your confetti, blow those things that make annoying noises. It's my 100th post!

What a journey it's been. You've been there with me through the good times and the bad. When I ran out of gas... you were there. When my bitch ate the toilet paper rolls... you were there. When I got a new job... you were there. When the Bulldogs got creamed by the Tigers on opening night of college football... you were... Wait. Where the hell where you? You sure weren't cheering for the Dawgs. I didn't hear one ring of a cowbell. One "Maroon... White." Where were you? Were you at home watching Big Brother? Where you with your church friends playing Bunko? You weren't there. We lost and it was all your fault. I guess you've only been there for the good times and a couple of bad times but not the really bad times. Some faithful reader you are.

I am going to celebrate my 100th blog alone... in my room... with a box of graham crackers and some pomegranate juice. Yay 100. You're the best blog ever.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

So basically I feel like a jerk

Wednesday 9/12/2007
4:37 p.m.

A friend of mine sent me a text message on Sunday, saying that it was Grandparent's day. Well, my honey went to check the calendar and it said that Monday was. I said, "That's weird. Grandparent's day is always on Sunday." He disagreed, saying that it could be on any day. I disagreed and said it was just like Mother's Day and Father's Day, always on Sunday. Well, I guess I gave in to what he said (I should know better by now not to give in to what a man says) and went on with my day. Well, I just went to and guess what I learned? Grandparent's Day was on Sunday. Did I call my Papaw? No. Did I send my Papaw a card? No. Did I get my Papaw a box of those disgusting chocolate covered cherries that he so loves. No. I did nothing. Now I feel like a total jerk. Papaw if you're out there and you all of a sudden learned what the internet was and how to use a computer and find my blog, I'm so so sorry. I will try to make it up to you. You are the best grandfather a grandkid could ever hope for. I am the worst grandkid a grandfather could ever hope he wouldn't have. I love you Papaw and I'm sorry.

Oh, and to all those haters out there who are saying, "Oh my gosh. Why isn't she wishing her grandmother happy Grandparent's day?" Or "Why isn't she wishing her other grandfather happy Grandparent's Day?" Well, they're dead. That's why. Now who's the jerk?

Daily Rudd

Wednesday 9/12/2007
4:32 p.m.

Weekend Update: Sunday

Wednesday 9/12/2007
4:20 p.m.

It's Wednesday and I still haven't updated everyone on Sunday's events. Well, that was a few days away and my memory isn't top-notch so, here's what I remember.

Slept until 11:30. Awoke and ate a bowl of maple-brown sugar frosted mini wheats. Cooked two breakfast sandwiches - toast, fake sausage, eggs and cheese - for Patrick. Laid on the couch watching football. Fell asleep for another hour or so. Got up and put on my workout clothes. Took Sidney on a long walk to Cherokee Park. Hiked some trails. Sidney collapsed on the trail because she is a big fat ass. Moved her to the field where we could watch the Dungeons and Dragons meeting. Laughed at the dorks. Walked back home. Took a shower. Rode with Laura to look for houses for rent. Went with P to Saporro to get take-out sushi. Got a LOT of sushi - aloha roll, tempura roll, godzilla roll, tuna roll, sea clam and halibut nigiri. Yes, we are fat pigs. Got full. Watched Brittney Spears' awesome, high-energy performance on the VMAs. Went to bed. The end.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Weekend update: Saturday

Monday 9/10/2007
2:01 p.m.

We were going to have a yard sale on Saturday, but the brilliant weather man predicted storms. Did it storm. No. We awoke to sunshine, blue skies, birds singing... the works. It would have been a great day to make money. But no, we didn't make money. We went to the grocery and got eggs and fake sausage and made breakfast instead.

After chowing down on some delicious soy patties, it was time for the second best thing to do on Saturday besides making money - watch college football. Yay! I don't remember who played, who won, who lost. The only game that even counts in my book is the MSU v. Tulane game, which we won. MSU 1-1 for the season. It's so much better to have a record of 1-1 than 0-2.

I spent the rest of my day cleaning house and dealing with b/s. I also took a nap. Then I took a shower. Then I took my dog out. Then I picked up number two.

After all of that excitement, we headed to Baxter Ave. for the Highlands Art and Music Festival. Basically, they block off a huge part of Baxter Ave - the part that has all of the bars - and set up stages and booths. There were two stages on which the bands played. Highlight of the night - Cabin, duh. Wax Fang was also very good. My friend hooked up with the bassist in college, so it was sort of funny to see her reaction to seeing him. There were lots of vendors selling art, jewelry, food, beverages, lotion, crap, etc. A local salon also put on a hair fashion show. At first I thought it was about to be some sort of strip show, as they all looked like hookers, but it turned out to be nothing more than a lame showing of the latest freak-o looking hairstyles. You could walk into the bars and get real drinks and then stroll the streets with them. That's my idea of a good time. It rained a bit, but that didn't dampen anyone's spirits.

The music ended at 11:00, but the party kept rolling into the morning. Since we had been there for over 4 hours, the vodka tonics had started making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Do we stay and hit the bars, or do we go home and hit the couch? Hmmm... bars sounds good. We opted to stay out of the Irish Bars for once and hit up the local pizza joint, Wick's. We were lucky enough to get a booth and sat in to watch the last game of the night, my favorite team, LSU. Those cats know where they can geaux. (Yeah, you like how I totally used one of their stupid words to tell them where to go. I really kill me. Where they can geaux. Ha!) Anyway, I nursed a vt for about an hour or so while everyone else got dirty with some hot wings. At times I miss chicken, beef, pork, etc. Being drunk and watching a bunch of other drunkards get buffalo drool all over their fingers and faces as they chow down like Sidney in a dumpster was not one of them. I had a couple of bread sticks and tried not to go to sleep.

Finally at about 1:30, we decided it was time to go home. You know what I did when I got home? You guessed it, perverts. I passed out.

Daily Rudd

Monday 9/10/2007
1:58 p.m.

Weekend update:

Monday 9/10/2007
11:20 a.m.

Friday night was quite an enjoyable evening. My friend Laura invited me to accompany her to a going away party for two of her friends. Since I haven't met any of her friends, I thought this would be something fun to do. And it was. She was already at the party, so I met her there. And although no one had any idea who this stranger was who was crashing their party, everyone was very warm and inviting.

The party was catered by a Mexican restaurant, so the grub was quite delish. I only had a little rice, very little beans (you know the saying) and a few chips. I didn't want to make a pig of myself in front of total strangers. At least not until I've known them for at least an hour.

The party was pretty chill. We were getting our drink on and Laura held me down and forced me to take a tequila shot. I hate her. Anyway, after fighting back the vomit, we headed to Walgreen's (No we were not drinking and driving) to get some ice for the party. While we were there, we decided it would be a good idea to get a going away present for her friends. Well, you know what kind of high quality items they sell at drugstores, so of course this was a classy classy gift. Here's what we bought: Pop-rocks, Fun dip, candy that resembled French fries, hamburger and baked beans, an ink pen that is about a foot long, men's diapers... that's all I can remember, but I think there were a few more items. All in all we made excellent choices. We sneaked the gift back in the house and added it with the others. Oh how happy the recipients will be.

After about another half hour at the party, I decided to part ways and head over to our friend Nick's house, where my boyfriend and other friends were hanging out. Let me begin by saying this, it should never be colder outside of a house than inside the house in the summer months. I understand that people want to conserve energy and not run their a/c, but OH MY GOSH. I walk in the house and everyone is pouring sweat. I thought maybe they had just had a mean round of Dance Dance Revolution or something.

Despite the heat, we had a great time at Nick's. We listened to some good music, ate some good food and played foosball. P and I kicked ass on the first game. But then when Nick and his girlfriend, Lauren, challenged us, we were defeated. Not because we weren't playing skillfully. Lauren ignored our no-spin rule and was windmilling the hell out of the men. CHEATER. I heard somewhere that they never win, but ho definitely took us out.

After being me and my bottle of vodka had been defeated, it seemed like a good time to go home. I passed the wheel to P and played dj on the ride home. You can imagine what I did when we got home. No you perverts. I passed out.