Monday, September 17, 2007

Weekend update: Sunday

Monday 9/17/2007
4:45 p.m.

We rose with the sun. Well, not really. We rose when I couldn't sleep any more and decided that P couldn't either. I made coffee to get our day started right and turned on the tv to see what sports action we had to look forward to for the day. Bengals v. Browns at 1:00. What better place to be for an OH showdown than OH. We showered (okay pervs, I'll let you have this one), got dressed, checked out and hit the streets. It wasn't quite game time, so we stopped off at the Contemporary Arts Center first. If you are an art lover and are even in Cincinnati, I highly suggest you stop by. This place had some incredible art. And none of that boring crap with ballerinas and trees and dots and stuff. Cool art. Like the kind I would make if I were an artist. I was really looking forward to seeing Charley Harper's exhibit. He had a few things on display, but the paintings I was hoping to see, won't be showing until Dec. Guess I'll just have to come back. After an hour or so in the gallery, our growling stomachs told us it was time to get some lunch.

We follow the people in orange and black to a place called the Cadillac Ranch. If you are a vegetarian or like tap beer other than Bud Light, you probably want to go somewhere else. Luckily they were able to substitute one of their meaty delights for something I could eat. Oh yeah, and don't get a Bloody Mary either. I detected a hint of ginger ale in mine. Not what a BM should taste like. Oh god. That sounds sick. Of course I don't know what a bm tastes like. Yuck.
Anyway, we got our food just at kick off. P and I had on brown, but I don't think it was obvious that we were cheering for the Browns. No one threatened us and we tried to keep quiet. GO BROWNS. (I don't have to be quiet now. I'm in Louisville.) We finished up our meal (I give it 2.5 stars) and headed back to Louisville. After taking a detour through the ghetto, we were on our way and made it back around 3:30.

I was totally going to take a nap, but the weather was so beautiful, I felt like I would be committing a sin by staying indoors. So, I got my puppy and 4 bags for poo, changed clothes and headed to the park. I took her to her favorite spot in the park. I have to say, it's probably my favorite spot too. It's an area right below the bridge that divides the two parks - Cherokee and Seneca. In some places the water is deep enough to immerse Sidney's fat belly. But in other spots, I can easily scamper across the rocks to the other bank. The stream runs down to a swimming area, where the kids jump off huge boulders into the water surrounded by trees. Above the boulders is a nice hiking/ biking trail, where occasionally I smell the remains of a doo-doo stick doobie lingering in the air. After letting Sidney fetch sticks but never return them to me for a half hour or so, I took her up to the trail. It gets a little narrow at times and she is a big wussy, so when she got a little nervous trying to hop onto a boulder, we both nearly fell to our watery grave. (Not really - it's only about 10 feet off the ground. More like a watery concussion or sprain.) After regaining our composure, we hiked for about 20 more minutes or so and headed back home.

When I got back, Laura and I decided to go look for houses. This has become a daily ritual for us. While we don't really have any problems with our current living situation. However, it would be nice to have a house with a backyard and no idiots living next door who won't take out their trash, leave McDonald's bags in the parking lot, leave dog poop in the basement or have the cops looking for them. We found a lot for rent - some good, some not, some affordable, some not. But, as of now, we are still living in the apartment. The search shall go on.

After our arduous search, we decided to reward ourselves with a little sushi from Sakura Blue. Mmmmmmm... Hawaiian roll, Kiss of Eel roll, Dynamite roll, white tuna and salmon nigiri, fried rice... Yum. After dinner we rolled our fat bellies home and called it an evening. After enjoying my favorite Sunday night programming, Rock of Love, I hit the sack for a night of sound sleeping. Sweet dreams.

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