Tuesday, September 4, 2007

More weekend update

Tuesday 9/4/2007
1:43 p.m.

And we're back. Thanks for tuning in.
Where was I? Oh yeah, Sunday.

What better way to start a day than by fighting. Yes, that's right. Two people who will remain nameless got into a little spat. I'll spare the details, but all was resolved by noon. Craig, P and I made a picnic lunch - sandwiches, chips, grapes and oatmeal cookies made by the talented Chef Hardesty - and went to Cherokee Park. Sunday is my absolute favorite day to go to the park. Why? Sunday is Dungeons and Dragons day at parks nationwide. Well, I assume it's nationwide. At least I know they do it in Nashville. Anyway, if you want to discover the true definition of the word "dork" go to a D&D meeting on Sunday. People ages 15 to 65 get decked out in their hottest druid gear, grab their shields (baby mattresses) and weapons (foam bats) and literally beat the crap out of each other, all while spewing the D&D terminology. It's quite a sight to see.

So, we watched the goobers play around for awhile, then we took a little stroll to the soccer field. No dummies, I didn't learn how to play soccer. I bought an awesome frisbe that had a gold BMX biker doing stunts painted on it for $.99 as well as a sweet Nerf football. We threw those for about 30 minutes. After the sweat dripping from our heads started to blind us, we decided it was probably time to take a break.

We went back to the house and rested. Well, I took a nap while those other dudes just talked really loud the whole time. I'm not really sure what else they did and I really didn't care. After I came out of my coma, we got cleaned up and went out for sushi once again. This time we went to our absolute favorite joint in town, Fuji. We're tight with the chef, so he hooks us up every time we go. He told us that if we ever get married, he would make sushi for free at our reception. We ordered a butt-load of rolls (Butt-load = a lot, probably more than would fit up someone's butt. Unless they're into, well...) and drank a wine-bottle sized apple sake. It was applicious (that's like Fergalicious, but with apples).

After eating until we were at maximum capacity, we went home and played our new favorite game, Mexican dominoes. Now, this is a really fun game. And I'm am a very, very competitive person when it comes to games. Scrabble, Scattegories, Risk, Boggle, Gin, Gin Rummy... you won't beat me. Try. You won't. But Mexican dominoes, that is a different story. Of the 3 times I have played, I have only won once. This is a disgrace. I cannot lose.

So, we played that until I couldn't hold my precious orbs open any more. Then I went to bed and those two nameless people got into another quarrel. The end (of that day).

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