Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Weekend update

Tuesday 9/4/2007
11:28 a.m.

I know everyone is sitting on the edge of their seats waiting to hear what I did this weekend. Well, sit back, relax and I'll tell you a tale.

As most of you know, Thursday night wasn't all that great for me. My beloved bulldogs lost their season opener at home to the #2 team in the nation, LSU. The score was, as I stated before, 45-0. I didn't think it was possible for a QB to throw 6 interceptions in the first game (let alone any game), but I was proven wrong. I will now turn my support to the team of the city that I now call home, the #10 Louisville Cardinals. Go Cards.

Friday was pretty great. I was very busy at work, implementing a new billing system, which saves a great deal of time. My boss said I deserve an ice cream and since I did such a great job, I got to go home at 3:30. Yee haw. It's so nice to finally be appreciated for a job well done. After work I went home and did a little cleaning (I suffer from OCD and this is something I do on a daily basis). Then I walked my chocolate manatee and got ready for my date with my fellow.

We hit Frankfort for the gallery hop. This was the first time we'd been to the Fat Friday (not to be confused with the First Friday) hop. I have to say, I think I enjoyed this one more. Positives: fewer people, a lot more wine. Negatives: not as many cool galleries. In fact, some of them were pretty horrific. I guess as long as you have a space to show your art, any fool with a paintbrush can have an exhibit. My favorite would have to be the Native American charcoal piece of a woman and a wolf. This was an exact replica of a shirt I sold when I worked in Shirtworks of Telluride. Tourists sure do like to buy some tacky shit.

After the gallery hop, and after catching a slight buzz, we decided it would be in our best interest to get some dinner. We went to Sakura, formerly Sakura Blue, and inhaled some sushi and sake. Mmmmm good. Then we went home and chilled and did other stuff and went to sleep.

The weather was absolutely gorgeous. We awakened to the sound of birds merrily chirping. No, scratch that. We awakened to the sound of my fat ass dog tapping around begging for food. Since our friend Aaron works at the local coffee shop, we decided to hit him up for our daily dose of caffeine. It pays to know people in the service industry. I got a venti iced Americano for free. Patrick got an iced macchiato. And it wasn't free. Hahahahahahah. Oh wait. I paid for it. Take back the hahas. We sat outside, chatting with Aaron about life and his need for a drummer for his band, Saraband (calling all drummers). After about an hour we left for a morning drive around town. Our goal was to look for houses to rent. Our goal was not met. So, we did that for a while, then we went back home and took a shower and did some other stuff. Then P had to leave to prepare to go see Rush in Cincinnati.

That's Rush, but I don't think they're in Cincinnati.

I then went trail running at the Nature Preserve. Then I went shopping. I only bought a shirt that was on sale, so chill out. I know I need to save money. But a girl has to look her best when she's hitting the town on a Saturday night, right.

Fast-forward. My friend Craig came down from Indy and he, Laura and I went out to dinner. Afterwards, we met up with another out of town friend and hit the Irish Bar. Well, we didn't hit it. We more or less walked in. This is by far our favorite (our meaning Laura and myself) bar to frequent on Lady's night. Why? Not to check out guys. To make fun of people. If you didn't know, making fun of people is my favorite pass time next to playing Scrabble. There is just such great material there, we are occupied for most of the evening. We now even have our same favorite people that are there every time. It's really great. Anyway, we did that until about 3:00. P and I had a misunderstanding as to where we were going to be and when he rolled into town at 1:30, still reeling from Rush, he was a little peeved that he didn't meet up with us. Pozo del Oh. La mierda sucede (look it up).

Other than the miscommunication, we had a great night. Oh yeah. Great.

We will return to your weekend update after this quick lunch break.

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