Monday, September 17, 2007

Weekend update

Monday 9/17/2007
2:51 p.m.

Is it just me or is everyone else having an extremely difficult time going to work lately? It's as if God found the format I wrote for the perfect day and said to himself, "You know, Jennifer sure is a great girl. She deserves something really nice. What should it be? Hmmm (scratches his beard). Think, think, think. Wait a minute. What do we have here? Oh yes. It's the format for a perfect day. Yes, that's what I'll give her - the perfect day. That's perfect." (Cue the Velvet Underground's "Perfect Day").

So, since we are having great weather, it was only fitting that I had a great weekend as well. Let's go back in time..........

I'll fast forward through my day at work. I was busy and I worked overtime, but I got paid my first full adult paycheck and I couldn't have been happier. For the first time in my life I got to experience what it feels like to NOT be broke. And let me tell you, it was a great feeling. I took my new money and put it in the bank. Then I do what most women do on payday, I went shopping. Relax, I only went to Target and only bought dog food (2 cans. I was going to by my normal big bag of food, but Target thinks they're like the Gap vs. Old Navy and charges $7.50 more than Kroger. Nice try, but I don't think so.), Sandalwood scented (my favorite - take note) candles, cereal, organic fat-free milk (I'm so granola) and a get well treat (2 cans of soup, a bag of chocolate and regular marshmallows) for my ill neighbor.

I got home and fed my dog - oh wait. I forgot to tell you what I fed her for breakfast. I ran out of dog food and I didn't have time to go to the grocery store that morning. So, I went with the next best thing - pregnant ladies surprise. Sidney dined on a gourmet appetizer of Jewish rye bread, followed by creamy delicious homemade (Kroger made) potato salad. And for dessert, she tickled her taste buds with the island flavor of pineapple. (I didn't tell my boyfriend about the fruit. He was already miffed at me for feeding her what I did. And since he's boycotting my blog, he won't find out. And if he says something about it, then I know he couldn't resist my beautiful wits.)... So, when I got home from work, Sidney was freaking out. If a stranger walked in, they would think that I haven't fed my dog in 5 weeks and 4 days. I fed her, walked her, picked up after her (There was a plastic yellow toy in her poop. I'm not sure what it was or where she got it, but it was definitely there. I didn't investigate the situation any further.) and headed home to get ready for my dinner date.

The boycotter picked me up and whisked me away to Asiatique. We had a lovely dinner - bottle of wine, seared slices of walu, crispy tuna roll, grilled moonfish, tempura asparagus, grilled shrimp, rice and for dessert - a quartet of creme brulet - blueberry ginger (tasted like when you burn marshmallows on the fire), one that tasted like cheese grits, one that tasted like apple pie and one that was runny and not really edible. And I had autumn spiced cheesecake, graham cracker shortbread crust with cardamom creme and a little caramelized orange. It was all lovely and delicious. Afterwards we went home. I read the latest US Weekly and P played the guitar. I, as usual, fell asleep. There was wining and dining, but no...

God you people are sick.

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