Monday, September 17, 2007

Weekend update: Saturday

Monday 9/17/2007
3:46 p.m.

Thank you God, another glorious day. I awoke to some bow chica wow wow. Always a good way to start the day. Not to confuse anyone, but my alarm clock is a bass guitar playing notes that sound like "bow chica wow wow." Why do you always have to be so perverted? We got out of bed, got dressed, went to Kroger, got coffee at the Kroger Starbucks, got real dog food and grub to cook for breakfast (not together). When we got home, I did what any good girlfriend would do and cooked breakfast for my guy - bacon and waffles. Mmmm... I made him get sugar free syrup and whole grain waffles. Just because he's going to eat a fatty's breakfast doesn't mean he has to be a fatty. After getting less fat than he would have had he eaten sugar syrup and regular waffles, he left and I cleaned house. Cleaning house is usually an all day event for me, but since we had a special evening planned, I couldn't lolly-gag.

We planned on leaving town to go to Cincinnati at noon. We left town to go to Cincinnati at 1:30. Why Cincinnati you ask? Duh, because "In Too Deep," my all time favorite movie, was filmed there.

No, we really went to Cincinnati to see one of my favorite bands, Umphrey's McGee play at the Taft Theater. We got to town around 3:00, just in time to check in, make it to the room and catch the last 5 minutes of the MSU v. Auburn game. Oh my god! Talk about a nerve racking. If you are a MSU fan, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Never get comfortable just because you have the lead. I just want to say that I have never been so happy about an MSU victory. As soon as Auburn missed their final attempt at a TD, we started screaming, jumping and dancing around the hotel room. I'm surprised we didn't get kicked out for being too rowdy. Well, you know what we had to do next... No perverts, we went out for a drink to celebrate.

Wearing our maroon and white shirts, we strolled into the Rock Bottom Brewery, ordered a beer and sangria, and toasted to the now 2-1 Mississippi State Bulldogs. There are several Rock Bottom's in the country, so if you ever pass by one, you should definitely stop in. The beer was excellent, as was the food. P had some mac and cheese with chicken mixed in. And on top - baked bread crumbs. I had a seared ahi sandwich with avocado, sprouts, tomato, and wasabi aoli on toasted pita bread. Mmm mmm good. Then he had more beer and I had more vodka. Go Dawgs.

After filling our bellies we went back to the hotel, where we planned to continue cocktailing. If you like to drink sodas, never stay at the Westin on 5th St. There is not one vending machine in the entire hotel. Seriously. So, since we couldn't have cocktails in our rooms without breaking the mini-fridge and paying $9.00 for a Bud Light, we went to the bar instead. Bourbon and Vodka please. The hotel restaurant was all fancy schmancy. Luckily we sat at the bar and had a cool bartender. She saw P's UM shirt and got all heady on us. She said she used to kick it with the band back in the day, but she hadn't seen them in years. Then she said she was friends with John. Uh, unless she's talking about one of their road crew, she was just making stuff up. Maybe she was confusing Joel or Jake for John. I will give her that. But I think she was making it up. Maybe she confused UM for WSP and she really knows John Bell. Or maybe she was a huge Credence fan and she and John Fogerty are tight. Anyway, we had more booze and left to get ready for the show.

We got there at 7:15. They were supposed to come on at 7:30, but that never happens. They played in a really small venue and there was hardly anyone there. The show however, was on and poppin'. These guys are some of the most talented musicians that I have ever seen. Now I'm a huge Panic fan, and I would never say anything negative about JB and the boys - other than Schools if fat, Sunny looks gains or I hate JB's wife - but UM can do things that WSP could never even come close to doing. Pure and simple, these boys are rock and roll. With flawless transitions and guitar licks that challenge the fingers of Eddie Van Halen, the boys from Indiana rocked the roof of the the already facade challenged Taft Theater.

Here's the setlist:

Taft Theatre
Cincinnati, Ohio

Set One:
Professor Wormbog, Plunger > Passing > Plunger, JaJunk > Wife Soup > JaJunk, Great American@ > "Jimmy Stewart"@* > Great American@, Black Water@

Set Two:
Der Bluten Kat > Ocean Billy > Der Bluten Kat, Easy**, Miss Tinkle's Overture, Hangover, Got Your Milk (Right Here)

Encore: The Bottom Half > Last Train Home > The Bottom Half

Notes @ with Brendan and Jake on acoustics
* with lyrics
** first time played, Lionel Richie; with Nick Blasky (Ray's Music Exchange) on vocals

After the show we headed back to our hotel to catch the ESPN wrap up and a rerun of SNL. P was a hungry boy and ordered pizza once we got back. After about 1 1/2 hours, his pineapple/ ham pie arrived. Since I had already passed out, the scent of the Hawaiian goodness aroused me from my slumber. This was temporary, however. I was up long enough to pick some ham off the pizza, eat a couple of slices, brush my teeth (you totally thought I was going to go back to sleep without brushing my teeth after eating pizza), and go back to sleep. And sleep came easy like Sunday morning in our Super Duper King Kong size bed, or what the Westin calls, "Heavenly Bed." And heavenly it was, because I thought I saw God... iva chocolate. That's what I wanted for dessert. I really am sick of all your perverse thoughts. You're the reader and all, but it's really starting to effect my every day life.

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