Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Half full or half empty

Wednesday 9/18/2007
11:52 a.m.

Have you ever seen that commercial where this guy is walking down the street and there's a lady pushing her little kid in a stroller? The kid drops his stuffed animal and they guy picks it up and give it back to the kid. Someone else on the street sees this and then does a similar good deed for someone else. And this continues on and on - like Pay It Forward. Everyone does something selfless and effortless and then they feel good about it.

Well, yesterday I was running a little late for work. I didn't leave the house until 8:00. Of course I get stuck behind the recycling truck that stops at every driveway on the street. This is a busy road and I cannot pass. Of course, being the road rager that I am, I start cussing and getting my panties in a wad about it. I made it to work at 8:15. As I am walking to the building, this guy drops a bag of candy and peppermints and jolly ranchers go everywhere in the parking lot. I couldn't just walk by and not help him, so I got down on the ground and started picking up the candy. He was very grateful and thanked me. As I walked away, I said, "I hope this isn't any indication of how your day is going to be." "Well, a stranger stopped to help me pick up candy, so I think that's a pretty good start," he responded. Wow. What a pessimist I was. He was right. What a positive attitude. It definitely changed how I went about my day. And yes, I sort of strayed away from generosity to optimism, but I can do that. It's my blog.

What did I learn? I need to relax and stop yelling at people who are only trying to help the environment by picking up the recycling. I need to wake up 10 minutes earlier so I won't be late for work. When possible, always take the time to help someone in need. Just because you're drunk and half of your glass is empty, doesn't mean there isn't a few more drops to go down. Opt for optimism.

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